Fantasy: Unlimited Blind Box Draws, I Am Invincible In The World

Chapter 62 Xiao Xuan Is Misunderstood For Life At First Sight! The Master's Kneeling And Li

"There are three Rank Nine elixirs in total, namely Kuangjuan Powder, Tianyan Pill and Nine Turns Mysterious Pill.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Xuan said again.

"The Violent Powder can instantly improve the cultivation level of those who take it by several small realms, and there will be no backlash after taking it."

"Tianyan Pill can kill people's bones, which is equivalent to giving the person who takes it an extra life."

"The Nine Revolutions Mysterious Pill can improve bloodline and foundation, and break through the realm."

"But it takes at least eight or nine days to refine, and the user's cultivation level can be improved by three small realms.

"These three pills are really the necessary medicine to kill people and silence them. Everyone who wants to buy them should hurry up.

Yu Yezi, Zheng Yushi and Zheng Qianque stepped out from the crowd.

All eyes fell on Xiao Xuan.

Yu Yezi said solemnly: "Xiao Divine Child, our Xuanyu Chamber of Commerce wants all these three Rank Nine elixirs."

Xiao Xuan smiled and said: "It's okay to ask for everything, but I don't know if the Xuanyu Chamber of Commerce can come up with something that will tempt me."

Yu Yezi said with pride on his face: "If nothing our Tianhuangxuanyu Chamber of Commerce can offer can seduce Xiao Divine Child, then what can everyone present offer?"

This statement is just one word: crazy.

Yu Yezi's implication is that Tianhuangxuanyu Chamber of Commerce includes all the treasures of Tianhuangxuanyu.

Xiao Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became thicker: "In that case, please ask the Tianhuang Xuanyu Chamber of Commerce to talk about it."

Yu Yezi smiled and said: "Our fourth lady gave us part of the Sword Pavilion before, but I still have two pieces here. I wonder if Xiao Divine Child is interested.

In fact, Xiao Xuan really had no interest at all.

The Mingjing Sword was actually very ordinary in his eyes.

He has the Hongmeng Sword, the Four Immortal Killing Swords, and the Ancient God-Slaying Sword. He has no shortage of them at all!

But he didn't forget the system's hidden mission.

Xiao Xuan looked at Yu Yezi and said: "Of course Divine Child is interested in the two pieces of the Tribulation Ming Sword, but it only exempts one Rank Nine elixir.

Yu Yezi's expression changed and he said coldly: "What does Xiao Divine Child mean? Is he trying to raise the price?"

Xiao Xuan said: "Why is it that Master Yu doesn't have any points in mind when exchanging two pieces of Mingjing Sword for one Rank Nine elixir?"

"If you want to change, then change. If not, then leave!"

Yu Yezi's face was extremely ugly. Zheng Yushi who was about to speak said angrily: "Xiao Divine Child is too arrogant. It is the Xiao family's honor that our Tianhuangxuanyu Chamber of Commerce can come to the Xiao family.

Xiao Xuan said: "Yungang, go up and talk to this woman.

Xiao Yungang gradually walked forward, pointing the wild dragon sword in his hand directly at Zheng Yushi: "If you dare to say one more thing, I will beat the shit out of you!"

Zheng Yushi said angrily: "How dare you point your sword at me, Uncle Qianque, kill him quickly."

Zheng Qianque was slightly startled and looked sideways at Yu Yezi.

The latter nodded slightly, obviously signaling Zheng Qianque to take action.

But at this moment, an astonishing Xia Ran appeared.


Zheng Yushi's beautiful figure flew out directly, like a kite with its string broken.


Zheng Yushi's body fell hard to the ground, blood surged from his mouth, and his whole body suddenly softened.

Yu Yezi and Zheng Qianque hurriedly stepped forward and helped the rain master up.

And put a pill into her mouth.

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on the martial arts training ground.

The scene just now happened so quickly that no one could see clearly who was behind it?

On the martial arts training ground, Xiao Xiaotian stepped forward and came to Xiao Xuan's side.

He lowered his voice and said: "Xuan'er, you're going to take action now, your temper is a little explosive!"

Xiao Xuan said calmly: "Grandpa... I have been quite restrained, otherwise she would have been a corpse."

Xiao Xiaotian: "Uh... Okay, pretend I didn't say anything."

"Xuan'er, after all, the Tianhuang Xuanyu Chamber of Commerce is here to congratulate you, and we still have to give you the face you deserve.

Xiao Xuan said: "What happened to the Tianhuangxuanyu Chamber of Commerce? This is the Xiao family of Sword Pavilion. How can we allow them to be arrogant?"

At this moment, Zhizi and Zheng Que helped the rain master step forward.

The latter had been beaten to the point of being completely disfigured.

The cheeks were extremely red, swollen and twisted, and looked a little oozing.

Zheng Yushi said angrily: "Xiao Xuan, you dare to hit me, your Xiao family is very good, I will record this grudge."

After a pause, she immediately said: "Lao Yu, Uncle Qianque, let's go."

The three of them turned around and prepared to leave the training ground.

Xiao Xuan's domineering voice came from behind: "Wait a minute, this Divine Child asked you to leave?"

"This is the Xiao family, a place where you can come and leave as you please?"

"Do you really think this is the back garden of your Tianhuangxuanyu Chamber of Commerce?"

Yu Yezi suddenly turned around and glared at Xiao Xuan: "Xiao Divine Child has gone too far to deceive others. Do you think that if you destroy the Canglong Divine Dynasty, your Xiao family will be invincible?"

Xiao Xuan said: "Master Yu, you should know very well why I don't let you leave."

Weakly, he said coldly: "What does Xiao Divine Child mean by this? Qing made it clear, I really don't understand."

Pretending to be crazy and acting it so shameless?

Since you are shameless, don't blame me for slapping you in the face.

Xiao Xuan said in a deep voice: "Master Yu, did you do something shameful here yesterday..."

"Secretly changed the Rank Eight elixir in Ning Yun's hand."

When Yu Yezi heard this, he was extremely horrified.

Yesterday he secretly changed the elixir without anyone noticing. How could Xiao Xuan know?

"Xiao Divine Child is so slanderous, is it a little too much..."

"How could I, a dignified Rank Nine elixir master, covet a Rank Eight elixir?"

"Rank Nine Alchemist, just a small role"

"Master Yu stole the Rank Eight elixir from Ning Yun's hands. Does this really undermine the master's demeanor?"

"Also...I am very angry at the moment, and the consequences will be serious."

Xiao Xuan glanced at Yu Yezi and said with a half-smile.

Yu Yezi said angrily: "Xiao Divine Child insists that the elixir is in my possession, do you have any evidence?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and prepared to leave: "Miss, let's go."

Xiao Xuan looked at the backs of the three of them, Yun Danfeng said lightly: "Ancestor, you don't care if someone bullies a disciple of the Xiao family?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a coercion floated down from the sky.

The terrifying Emperor Realm's pressure is like a towering giant mountain, crushing everyone.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and their eyes all fell on Xiao Qingfan.

The ancestor of the Xiao family is here. "The powerful Emperor Realm has he going to start a fight with the Tianhuang Xuancheng Chamber of Commerce?"

Xiao Qingfan glanced at Yu Yezi and said solemnly: "You are an Emperor Realm expert and a Rank Nine alchemist."

"But you shamelessly went to steal a junior's elixir. How about you let me tell you what to order..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he paused and said with a cold face: "Leave the elixir and the Mingjing Sword behind, and get out immediately."

"Are Ancestor Xiao trying to bully others?"

Yu Yezi looked at Xiao Qingfan fearfully, confirming that the look in his eyes could kill him.

"Since Xiao Divine Child insists that the elixir belongs to Lao Fudao, what do you think of this?"

"I will take out all the elixirs on my body. If Xiao Divine Child is found, all the elixirs will belong to you."

"But if I don't find it, Xiao Divine Child will give me the Rank Nine elixir in your hand as compensation for my loss of reputation."

Xiao Xuan said calmly: "I don't want the elixir you have. If I really find the elixir you secretly exchanged, please ask the master to shout in public that I am shameless. I am shameless."

Yu Yezi's expression was gloomy and terrifying, and he said coldly: "But... I promise you."

He agreed because he expected that Xiao Xuan would be impossible to find.

There are so many elixirs on his body, trying to find one is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Yu Yezi raised his hand and thousands of brocade boxes appeared in front of him.

Suddenly, the rich and majestic scent of medicine enveloped the entire martial arts training ground.

"Xiao Divine Child, follow."

Xiao Xuan's eyes flashed across the jade bottle in the void.

He raised his arm slightly, and a jade bottle floated down and appeared in his palm.


A roaring sound came, and the jade bottle in his palm was directly crushed.

His palm gradually opened, leaving only one pill emitting a dazzling light.

The jade bottle and the rest of the elixirs turned into powder and disappeared.

"Master Yu, please explain... what is this elixir about...?"

Yu Yezi looked at Xiao Xuan in disbelief, could he find the elixir so quickly?

"Xiao Divine Child, there are at least thousands of elixirs in these jade bottles. Why do you say that I secretly exchanged this elixir? I obviously made this elixir myself.

Xiao Xuan sneered.

Does this old guy really want to slap himself in the face without crying when he sees the coffin?


"Since this elixir was refined by Master Yu, would you please Master Yu tell everyone the name of this elixir."

Yu Yezi was speechless for a moment, and after pondering for a moment, he said: "This kind of pill is extremely common, it's just a spiritual pill."

Ling Qi Pill?

Xiao Xuan is embarrassed to say, your family spirit Qi Pill looks like this?

"This elixir is called Black Tortoise elixir, Rank Eight elixir..."

“It is a Supreme Grade elixir with an ancient Pill Pattern, and its efficacy is hundreds of times that of the Qi Pill you take in your mouth.

"Since Master Yu said it is a spiritual Qi Pill, then please refine a Supreme Grade spiritual Qi Pill for everyone on the spot."

"Black Tortoise Dan?"

Yu Yezi looked dismissively, and then said: "Who do you think can prove it?"

How can people be so shameless?

The dignified Rank Nine alchemist has no lower limit?

I really want to push Yu Yezi to the ground and give him a good beating.

Xiao Xuan sneered and said: "The Black Tortoise elixir is guaranteed to be fake. This elixir was refined by this Divine Child myself, so it cannot be fake.

"Did you refine it...? Xiao Divine Child, are you going to laugh me to death?"

"Old Ancestor Xiao, you don't care if he brags like this?"

Yu Yezi laughed wildly, his eyes fell on Xiao Qingfan and said.

Xiao Qingfan looked at Yu Yezi as if he were an idiot and said, "Bragging...? This elixir was refined by Xuan'er!"

Yu Yezi added: "This elixir has the Rank Eight elixir of the ancient Pill Pattern, and can only be refined by at least the Fifth Grade elixir."

"You don't even have the qualifications to be an alchemist. Just brag to me here. Young people can't brag all day long."

Xiao Xuan was extremely angry and laughed back: "Haha...Master Yu, look here."

Swish swish ․ ..!

He raised his hand and waved, and a total of ten types of spiritual fruits, spiritual flowers, and spiritual herbs were suspended in the air.

The next moment, he used learning as a furnace and seven-colored flames appeared.

Ten kinds of spiritual materials appeared in his palm like beating elves.

" alchemist, the spirit is the guide and the fire is the seal, the palm is the furnace and the sky is the cover. What kind of alchemist is this...?"


A mouthful of old blood spurted out from Yu Yezi's mouth, and his figure trembled slightly before unconsciously taking two steps back.


"He is actually an alchemist..."

"Such a young alchemist is unprecedented!"

Zheng Yushi's expression changed drastically, and he felt very regretful.

She was not worried at all about offending the Xiao family.

Because in the eyes of the Tianhuang Xuanyu Chamber of Commerce, even though the Xiao family defeated the Canglong Divine Dynasty, they were still insignificant.

But offending an alchemist is different, especially one

Such a young alchemist.

This will bring disaster to the Tianhuang Xuanyu Chamber of Commerce.

At this moment, Zheng Yushi was in a state of confusion.

If Xiao Xuan and the Xuanyu Chamber of Commerce are opposed because of her mistakes.

The Chamber of Commerce will definitely give up on itself at all costs.

Putting the interests of the Chamber of Commerce first has always been the principle of the Tianhuangxuanyu Chamber of Commerce.

Zheng Qianque suppressed the shock in his heart and said with a slightly trembling voice: "Miss, what should we do now.

After pondering for a moment, Zheng Yushi looked sideways at Yu Yezi, his face turned cold and he said:

"Master Yu, you have done such a disgraceful thing, and you have completely disgraced our Xuanyu Chamber of Commerce.

"From this moment on, you are no longer the chief alchemist of the Tianhuang Xuanyu Chamber of Commerce."

Yu Yezi: "..."

He never thought that the first person to scold him would be Zheng Yushi.

It could be heard from her tone that she was planning to abandon herself.

Over the years, he has been loyal to the Tianhuangxuanyu Chamber of Commerce and brought infinite value to the chamber of commerce.

At this moment, just because Xiao Xuan is an alchemist, he will be ruthlessly abandoned?

How ugly is human nature?

Wasn't it for the benefit of the Chamber of Commerce that he changed the elixir?

Yu Yezi looked extremely ugly, knowing that he had underestimated Zheng Yushi.

She was so good at abandoning the car to protect the handsome man.

He could all guess what Zheng Yushi would do in the future, which would be to recruit Xiao Xuan at all costs.

If the recruitment fails, return to the Tianhuangxuanyu Chamber of Commerce.

He would also say that it was because he offended Xiao Xuan that the Chamber of Commerce lost such a young alchemist.

Damn, I have been playing with sparrows all my life, and finally my eggs were pecked by sparrows.

On the martial arts training ground, Xiao Xuan was slightly startled.

I never thought that Zheng 307 Yushi and Yu Yezi would actually have a dog-eat-dog fight, which is a bit interesting.

"Xiao Divine Child, it was indeed Rain Master who offended me first, please Divine Child please don't be angry..."

"As long as Xiao Divine Child agrees to join the Tianhuang Xuanyu Chamber of Commerce, he will be the guest elder of the chamber of commerce from now on. The chamber of commerce will be able to satisfy you with any resources you need."

Zheng Yushi's eyes fell on Xiao Xuan and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the expressions of everyone present changed.

I really want to know how Xiao Xuan will choose the olive branch offered by the Tianhuang Xuanyu Chamber of Commerce.

"If the Xiao family can rely on the Tianhuangxuanyu Chamber of Commerce, it will definitely not be limited in the future.

"No, the Xiao family has taken off completely with a young alchemist like Xiao Divine Child."

"What do you know? The Tianhuang Xuanyu Chamber of Commerce has the secret support of the Territory Lord. If it can rely on this big tree, the Xiao family will remain standing.

While everyone was talking about it, Xiao Xuan looked at Zheng Yushi and said, "I'm not interested."

The appearance of the Tianhuang Xuanyu Chamber of Commerce is so ugly.

Yu Yezi, who was able to abandon his loyalty to them for many years in public, wanted to recruit himself again.

This method is extremely despicable.

In addition, Xiao Xuan didn't think the Tianhuang Xuanyu Chamber of Commerce was very powerful.

Without Yu Yezi, it is not up to him to decide whether the Tianhuangxuanyu Chamber of Commerce can do the elixir business in the future.

If Xiao Xuan wishes, the Xiao family can establish a new chamber of commerce at any time.

Zheng Yushi was unwilling to give in and immediately said: "Xiao Divine Child, as long as you agree to join our Xuanyu Chamber of Commerce, Jiujiang will serve Divine Child from now on.

What does this mean?

When inducement fails, you immediately switch to seduction?

Xiao Xuan was too embarrassed to say anything to her.

If Zheng Yushi stayed by his side, he would have to be careful while eating.

"This woman really started to kneel down and lick her!"

Yu Yezi looked at Zheng Yushi disdainfully, and his eyes fell on Xiao Xuan.

"I never thought that Xiao Divine Child would be so accomplished at refining medicine at such a young age. I dare to ask where Xiao Divine Child studied under.

Yu Yezi said politely.


Xiao Xuan said calmly.

Yu Yezi smiled awkwardly and said: "Xiao Divine Child is joking. It is impossible for such a young person to become a Ninth Grade alchemist without the guidance of a famous teacher!"

Xiao Xuan said with a solemn face: "Just because you can't do it doesn't mean that others can't do it."

"Also... refining medicine is very simple!"

Yu Yezi was slightly startled and said: "Simple...?"

At this moment, he almost shed tears of envy. This was so shocking.

It took him a lifetime to reach Rank Nine Alchemist.

Even the upper level of the King's level is beyond the threshold.

All eyes on the field fell on Xiao Xuan, which obviously meant,

"Xiao Divine Child, so awesome!"

“Xiao Divine Child, so amazing.

"Xiao Divine Child, too strong."

Especially those talented female disciples who came with the strong men of the family, they seemed to be sick.

Ever since I met Xiao Xuan, his unparalleled grace has been lingering in my heart.

It seems that everything has been completely destroyed.

As soon as Xiao Xuan speaks, their whole bodies become numb.

It was as if his soul had been taken away.

It’s true that a small mistake at first sight leads to a lifelong mistake!

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