Chapter 286

When Yuanbo swung his sword up, he found that the Longquan sword seemed to be a little heavier than before.

For some reason, he only thought it was what kind of Cultivation Technique Lu Chen used, so his own state was not good.

After all, Sect Leader has encountered this kind of thing before.

But everyone knows that this is not the reason for this.

“Make a move!” Lu Chen said lightly.

The profound sword shadow drew a full moon in the air.

Two swishes followed.

Countless afterimages appeared around Lu Chen.

The profound afterimage is waving at the same time on all sides of Lu Chen~ Sword Qi.

All of the Sword Qi was concentrated in this position of Lu Chen for a time, and the Sword Technique, which was like a broken bamboo, was like breaking Lu Chen’s body into pieces.

“Tiangang Ten Thousand Sword Formations!”

After a profound shout of anger, there were traces of being hit by Sword Qi everywhere, and the dusty night sky cast a haze on the sight that could not be seen clearly.

Yuanbo thought that his move was enough to control the enemy, which was also the explanation given by Sect Leader before.

The battle against Lu Chen must be made quickly.

Otherwise Yuanbo would not resort to own Secret Technique so quickly.

The dust hasn’t dispersed yet, but there doesn’t seem to be any movement inside, and the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, believing that he has a hand.

“What? But so.”

But at this moment, coughing sounds came from the dust.

“Cough cough, are you a tens of thousands of swords formation, or are you flying sand and stone?” Lu Chen said, clutching his nose.

“What? He’s not dead yet?”

At this time, Lu Chen felt a very obvious message from his sword move just now.

Longquan sword, it deliberately missed it!

Just as Yuanbo was about to make another killer move, one of Lu Chen’s stance wielded his sword and confronted Yuanbo.

“I ask you, this Longquan sword is your new treasure.”

Yuanbo is a little puzzled, how did he know this news?

Twenty years ago, I asked for two swords with Sect Leader from Daoist in Nanhai.

A Wanbao Sealing Demon Sword, and the Longquan Sword, one of the ten ancient god-tier swords.

The profound irony at this time said: “What? You want it too? Are you worthy? I am the sword god, what are you!”

“It’s just an old guy with Elder!”

When the sword beckoned the truth, Yuanbo was shocked to realize what Sect Leader had said before.

Because Lu Chen’s sword swing is very domineering, every time he strikes, he feels his own hand is shaken.

The tingling sensation made his hands tremble.

“Where did you get this sword? I am afraid that the original owner of this sword is not you.”

“Did you snatch it?”

Yuanbo did not directly answer this question.

“Fuck you!”

The profound Longquan sword flashed crimson’s light in his hand.

“This is not what Longquan Jian should look like!” Lu Chen said.

“Don’t be long-winded! If you have the ability, take this trick from me!”

“Wu Ji Yin, Destroy the Mountain Technique! Ultimate Dragon Slash!”

When the light of Longquan Sword Shangde’s forehead began to shine abnormally, Lu Chen seemed to hear the scream of Longquan Sword.

As if asking for help, as if wailing.

Lu Chen couldn’t help but took out his own Qianyuan Magic Order.

The golden light and the red light complement each other. They are not in a mutually exclusive state, but are attracted to each other and redeem each other.

This is the connection between the ancient artifacts. Lu Chen looked at own Qian Yuan Huan Ling and looked at the Longquan Sword on the opposite side.

“Is this something that should belong to me?” Lu Chen asked in surprise.

·· ····Find flowers······

The huge spirit body in Qian Yuan Huan Ling once again appeared in front of Lu Chen.

When the spirit body entered the Longquan Sword, Yuanbo was shocked to realize that he could not wield the Longquan Sword.

“You! What did you do to my sword! Do you know demon skills? Or do you know demon skills! You must be a member of the demon sect with this kind of manipulation of others.”

Lu Chen did not answer this man’s stupid question.

At this moment, he seemed to be summoned by Longquan Sword, and he injected all of his own Spiritual Qi into Qianyuan’s magic order.

The strength of the spirit body drives all the seals in the Longquan Sword.

…. 0

It turns out that this is the reason why the power of Longquan Sword cannot be used to its extreme?

But when these invisible seals burned the spirit body, Lu Chen hurriedly closed his hands.

When he knew that the spirit body could not regain the Longquan Sword, he decided to go on his own!

Lu Chen launched a crazy attack with profound sword fingers.

Being bound by the Longquan Sword, he was profoundly unable to use his own sword to its fullest, and he was defeated steadily.

There was a sound of “噌”.

Lu Chen flew the Longquan Sword in Yuanbo’s hand.

His hands were so numb that he could no longer move.

Lu Chen jumped up and caught the Longquan sword.

The moment when the hilt of Longquan Sword was held in Lu Chen’s hand.

All the seals on the sword were disintegrated, and the Longquan sword at this time finally revealed his true appearance.

The sword hilt of the dragon head stood majesticly in the hands of Lu Chen.

The transparent light blue of the sword made Lu Chen feel the femininity in the Longquan sword.

This coincides with the alternation of offense and defense in the Sword Technique of Heavenly Mystery, which coincides with the ever-changing truth of mystery.

“My sword! Why is it in your hand!” Yuanbo exclaimed.

“Because of this sword, it doesn’t belong to you!” Yu.

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