Chapter 272

The powerful air luck in this made Lu Chen so familiar with it. When he stepped into the Arctic Ice Palace, everything seemed to prevent Lu Chen from absorbing the air luck in the Arctic Ice Palace.

Lu Chen didn’t panic, after all, if he broke the rules as soon as he had a meeting, I was afraid he would be buried here.

He resisted the idea of ​​absorbing all the luck here, and saw Queen Ye in the ice coffin, seeming to slowly open his eyes to look at him.

Lu Chen knows that it is likely to be an illusion, but facing such a beautiful face, Lu Chen will inevitably not be moved.

Lu Chen began to look obsessively at Queen Ye’s eyes. He had never seen such a beautiful woman.

That pair of stares that were so deep that they could perceive the depths of his soul made Lu Chen want to stop.

Just as Lu Chen became obsessed with this pair of eyes, Qian Yuan Huan Ling burst into a dazzling light that made people unable to open their eyes at this critical time.

For a time, all the magic barriers were found and dispersed by the light of Qian Yuan Huan Ling.

And Lu Chen was also illuminated by the light of Qian Yuan Huan Ling, and there should have been only the eyes of Queen Ye’s in front of him.

But under the golden light, he suddenly regained his senses.

Lu Chen took a breath and looked at everything in front of him in surprise.

“This…what is this?”

Just when he was at a loss, the Qian Yuan Huan Ling in his hand pointed out the direction for him.

A tiny spiritual body slowly passed through a layer of ice wall directly to the inner chamber.

It’s like showing the way.

Lu Chen looked around. The ice coffin was dark everywhere, and the ice wall built into this ice palace did not reflect the light from the outside. On the contrary, all the light passing through the ice wall was weakened.

Lu Chen watched as the spirit body was continuously pointing the way for him, and he simply followed up to see what happened.

When Lu Chen came to the focus of the spirit body’s directions, a huge blue diamond stood on a pedestal.

But just when Lu Chen wanted to pick up the blue ice diamond, the entire ice palace began to shake violently, as if to beckon him not to take the frost core in the ice palace.

But when Lu Chen started to spin the blue ice diamond, a magical scene happened.

A faint light shot from a small hole above the ice wall hit the blue ice diamond.

Immediately, the blue ice diamond refracted countless rays of light and directly illuminated the entire Arctic Ice Palace.

The whole landscape of the illuminated ice palace is unobstructed.

Looking at such a magnificent palace, even Lu Chen couldn’t help but sigh, this tomb is simply unique in terms of its secrets and treasures.

Lu Chen walked to the ice coffin and looked at the face of the formerly beautiful Empress Ye’s. From the beginning, the peerless beauty has now become a corpse, and she wears blue stars on her neck. Ye Mingzhu, and this is the purpose of Lu Chen’s visit to the Ice Palace this time.

When Lu Chen cautiously wanted to take it out with his bare hands, he suddenly thought that he might not be so easy to get this blue night pearl.

So he took out his Eight Treasure Glazed Pagoda, and wanted to absorb this blue night pearl by suppressing it.

With the shining of the Eight Treasure Glazed Glass Pagoda, when the blue night pearl was about to be sucked into the tower, an accident still happened.

Queen Ye’s mummy seemed to have set off some coping mechanism, and countless small insects and black sputum were spit out from her mouth.

Fortunately, this is suppressed by the Eight Treasure Glaze Pagoda, which can completely absorb and purify these evil and turbid qi…

But for Lu Chen, it is impossible to use perfect methods to solve this problem.

“If this is the case, then don’t blame me for violently demolishing the house!”

Lu Chen took a deep breath, playing with his son of luck talent.

The luck in the entire Ice Palace began to be absorbed by Lu Chen.

For a while, the entire ice palace began to tremble, and there was a crackling sound of ice bricks falling everywhere.

At this time, the queen’s mummy was howling in anger.

That kind of cry from a dead person is so blasting.

But for Lu Chen, who will soon be able to gain at least tens of millions of fortunes, these are not difficult things.

As Lu Chen drained the last trace of luck in the Ice Palace, the mummy of Queen Ye’s also lost all his movements and fell to the side.

Lu Chen grabbed the blue night pearl on her neck.

Lu Chen held Ye Mingzhu in his own palm, and he watched excitedly.

“At this night, the Pearl Phase can become a magical existence of the Zhenzong.”

The night pearl is not a rare treasure, but the blue night pearl in the extremely cold ice palace is a special case. The 2.4 side here has tens of thousands of years of cold. If anyone with a cold ice physique has acquired this treasure, That can be described as gaining ten thousand years of skill in an instant.

But for a fairy gate, the blue night pearl is an artifact to guard the peace of the fairy gate at night.

At this time, the empty Arctic Ice Palace began to fall apart.

Under the leadership of the Eight Treasure Glaze Pagoda, Lu Chen left the boundary of the Extreme Frost Palace.

At this time, Lu Chen didn’t want to stay in the secret realm anymore.

Under the gaze of the Tianshan Sect disciples, he left the secret realm.

“Too great! Elder!”


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