Chapter 261

Linglong looked at Lu Chen who was sweating profusely with concern.

Lu Chen looked outside the cave, it was still dark.

Lu Chen quickly got up and looked around the cave.

“Here! There is a Qianyuan magic order hidden here~!”

Linglong expressed doubts that Qian Yuan Huan Ling was considered an ancient artifact. It had been lost in the Cangxuan Continent for thousands of years. How could it appear in this kind of cave.

“Qianyuan Phantom, who can control all Phantoms, will be in this cave? Too Elder,-this is impossible.”

Lu Chen’s determined expression made Linglong realize that he didn’t seem to be joking.

“Too much Elder, are you serious?”

No matter how dangerous Lu Chen was in the previous Taixu illusion, now he is ready to explore again!

“Linglong, guard my physical body! This Qianyuan magic order can really be obtained, then our Tianji Sect will soon be able to cross the fourth rank fairy gate and become the third rank.”

Linglong rounded her eyes and went to the third rank fairy gate? This is something Linglong can’t even think of.

“Too high Elder, go to the third rank fairy gate?”

Linglong turned on the full defense mode without saying a word, and defended the cave.

And Lu Chen sat cross-legged in the depths of the cave, releasing his own Spiritual Sense as if he were in the Great Cave.

At this time, at the feet of Lu Chen, a huge Yin & Yang Eight Trigrams slowly unfolded, and the illusion in his body began to expand and expand slowly.

Until he felt the familiar force before.

“Do you dare to come back?” The mysterious woman stood still wearing a veil as she always did.

“Why not dare? In front of my Eight Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, your nightmare is not worth mentioning!”

The mysterious woman sneered.

“Haha, my nightmare is not worth mentioning, so why are you here? Want to kill me?”

Lu Chen paused and said something that caused the mysterious woman to run away suddenly.

“For Qian Yuan’s magic order!”


The mysterious woman was suddenly furious, and the power of the dark nightmare constantly eroded Lu Chen’s illusion.

“Why do you know Qian Yuan’s magic order!”

“Anyone who knows this must die! All must die!”

Lu Chen watched as the own Taixu illusion was being corroded by her a little bit, and simply entered her environment directly.

Only this time when Lu Chen displayed his Eight Treasure Glazed Glass Pagoda again, the darkness that struck him did not recommend it.

No matter how shining in the Eight Treasure Glazed Glass Pagoda, the brilliance of expelling all nightmares could not stop the invasion of darkness.

The mysterious woman watched Lu Chen being swallowed little by little, and laughed proudly and arrogantly.

And Lu Chen sighed helplessly.

“How do you hate, that’s why you accumulate so much resentment?”

“You are just a dead soul trapped here, why not let go of the obsession in own heart, this is destined to be something you can’t get.”

Lu Chen explained the plight of the mysterious woman.

“You! What nonsense are you talking about! How can I have any obsessions!”

Lu Chen recalled that when he first entered the illusion of Taixu, he did not enter the environment of a woman at that time, but in the illusion of Qian Yuan Huan Ling.

I don’t know why, when Lu Chen came to this cave, Qian Yuan Huanling seemed to recognize the owner, and wanted Lu Chen to pass the own test to obtain himself.

And at this moment, the mysterious woman broke in.

I want to try to take away Lu Chen’s chance, because Qian Yuan Huan made it only for her!

But when Lu Chen released the Eight Treasure Glass Pagoda, the trial of Qian Yuan Huan Ling came to an abrupt end, and the mysterious woman returned to own Divine Sense.

·· ····Find flowers······

Only this time, when the two met again, the mysterious woman seemed to be well prepared.

“Revenant? Open your eyes and look at Ben Miss!”

Ben Miss?

“Under Lu Chen, haven’t you consulted yet?”

“I’m the Miss from the Northern Dipper Temple! How dare you say that I am a dead soul?”

Only then did Lu Chen realize that he really blamed her at the beginning. The group of True Qi shining black and white in the dark was not a grievance or a nightmare, but the power of the Star of the Northern Dipper Temple.

.. ……… …….

“Are you Cheng Fangyu, a descendant of the Star Palace? No wonder you will attack at night.”

At this time, Cheng Fangyu realized that his identity had been exposed, and he immediately made a quick battle with Lu Chen.

But Lu Chen didn’t want to bully the younger generation, and said straightforwardly: “You can’t beat me, go quickly, it’s going to dawn.”

“Your Star power in Taixu illusion is about to run out. I’m afraid you know this too well.”

Cheng Fangyu felt the humiliation he had never had before.

“You…you want to control it!”

Let’s say Cheng Fangyu mixes the power of Star and Nightmare together.

“Qian Yuan’s magic order is mine!”

But just in front of Lu Chen’s powerful luck and the huge Eight Treasure Glazed Pagoda, Cheng Fangyu had no room to fight back.

The Star’s power like the night sky plus the strong slamming of the nightmare hit the huge eight-treasure glazed tower with the effect of being splashed with ink.

To no avail! !

“Are you going to fight? If you don’t go back, Divine Sense will be trapped here!” Lu Chen kindly reminded.

“Your name is Lu Chen, right, you wait for this Miss!”

“Our Northern Dipper temple will not let you go!” Yu.

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