Chapter 249

Lu Chen sat on the chair behind Sect Leader and had no idea of ​​getting up. He looked at the unhealthy Tianshan Sect this time.

Their Tianji Sect and Tianshan Sect have always been well-watered and not offending the river. For example, today the Mountain Sect is arrogant and straight into the Tianji Sect. There must be a problem in it.

“Our Tianshan Sect is a fourth-rank celestial gate! And among many fourth-rank celestial gates, we are superior celestial gates. In this regard, you must be one of the few females on the Cangxuan Continent. As far as Sect Leader is concerned, it should be known.”

Lu Qianrou is a little impatient with this Tianshan Sect Leader.

As Xianmen disciples, cultivation of the heart is the first, which is what Lu Chen often teaches them to do.

But look at this Tianshan Sect Leader again, with a rich Miss-like face, with such a condescending attitude.

“Tianshan Sect Leader, if you have something, you might as well speak up.”

Tianshan Sect Leader saw that his own words were interrupted by Lu Qianrou, and immediately questioned, “Who asked you to interrupt me!”

“No rules!”

Lu Chen watched the conversation between the two from a distance. He seemed to be in a daze that he looked like a person, but he was not sure.

“Do you know who I am? No big or small!” Tianshan Sect Leader scolded Lu Qianrou angrily.

At this time, Lu Qianrou was on the verge of an explosion. Everyone was the Sect Leader of the Immortal Sect. What’s like high and low!

Besides, Tianji Sect will soon be promoted to the fourth rank fairy gate. She is a Sect Leader of Tianshan Sect.

Just as Lu Qianrou was about to issue a eviction order, Lu Chen said four words slowly.

“Tianshan child grandmother ¨~!”

Seeing that her name, which has been forgotten for many years, could be remembered, Tongma raised her mouth slightly and stared at Lu Chen in the distance with confidence.

“This must be the ceiling of the Heavenly Jizong, please go to Elder too.”

Just as Lu Chen nodded slightly, Tianshan Sect Leader took out a pair of plum blossom fans from his own cuffs, and the plum blossom fans were thrown out of the hands of Tianshan Sect Leader. A pair of ordinary paper fans turned into one in an instant. Pair of transparent crystal fans.

The Meihua Mountain, which exudes bursts of cold light, is frozen for thousands of miles wherever it goes.

Lu Chen unhurriedly released the Eight Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda.

Nowadays, the glazed pagoda, which has a jade-like jade color, has its own merits and differences with the plum blossom fan.

From the beginning of the Cultivation Technique duel between the two powerful forces, it gradually became the only consumption of Qi Luck.

Lv Qianrou couldn’t believe that the fight that the two had only seen broke out in these short five seconds. This Tianshan Sect Leader is really a stubborn and willful Miss!

With a “boom”, the two forces checked and balanced each other, and then disappeared into the air, evenly matched.

“Too Elder, it really deserves its reputation.” Tianshan Sect Leader praised as if his mood had begun to change.

“Tianshan Grandma, you are merciful.” Lu Chen said.

“Hahahaha, others say that Elder, the Supreme Master of the Heavenly Journey Sect, is simple and virtuous. Sure enough, hearing it is better than seeing it.”

“Very good, people who know the general, I like it.”

Lu Qianrou was a little surprised, why this woman who looked like a big Miss was old-fashioned when she spoke.

I saw Tianshan Sect Leader ignored Lu Qianrou who was on the side, but walked straight towards Lu Chen.

“I am here today, I am inviting you.”

“In the fourth rank fairy gate world, it’s not the easy and safe existence you have now.”

“So, you hope to be able to put the Tianji Sect into our Tianshan Sect’s sphere of influence.”

“Too great Elder, you know, our Tianshan Sect has this ability to cover you, and this ability to tame you!”

The Tianshan Tongmao is true. In recent years, the connection between Tianshan Sect and other fourth rank fairy gates is very close. There are indeed many Xiamen who have found peace under her protection, but Lu Chen does not need it.

Lu Qianrou rushed to argue with her as she listened to this anger.

“¨~What are you kidding? Assign the Tianji Sect to your Tianshan Sect? How can there be such a truth in the world!”

“Aren’t you bullying people outright?”

Tianshan Sect Leader’s body was full of chills, and she turned her head to question Lu Qianrou coldly.

“I’m talking, when is your turn to interrupt?”

At this moment, Lu Qianrou, standing in front of the Tianshan Sect Leader, is like a Realm facing the ice and snow. The feeling of cold penetrates the bone, so Lu Qianrou dare not say anything.

This is Lu Chen quickly picked up the plum fan on the ground.

“Thank you Tianshan Tongmao, no need.”

Tianshan Sect Leader did not expect Lu Chen to reject her!

“What did you say?”

“Your Sect Leader doesn’t understand this truth, don’t you also understand it yourself?”

“You offended that fairy gate before, you may not even know it!”

“I can help you when I’m here, and you don’t want to think about how people outside would evaluate your fairy gate. Is it possible that you still want to repeat the same mistakes?”

Lu Chen also bored with the lobbying of Tianshan Sect Leader.

“Tianshan Tongmao, I respect you as a senior, and I don’t want to do it again!”.

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