Chapter 168

In the next few days, Ye Lianxing didn’t step too far into the cave.

But Linglong would come quietly every three or four days.

At the same time, all the Elder disciples who left Sect before have also returned one after another.

The Elder and the disciples in the Tianji Sect were all possessed of great fortune, so they returned from setting foot in the red dust, and they naturally gained a lot one by one.

Ye Lianxing was the first Elder to return to the Tianji Sect. His strength was as good as Shen Qingxian and Lu Qianrou, and he belonged to the middle stage of Hedao realm.

After that, Xiang Yu and Bai Qi returned, and they also found a suitable way for their own way, and achieved the early stage Cultivation Base.

The others also have their own gains.

Especially the elite disciples of Tai Shangfeng, one or two of them are already on par with the domineering.

Fortunately, the Xiongba stepped out of the Forbidden Land yesterday and achieved a half-step Harmony Realm.

Only Nanhua Lao Xian and Yang Jian never returned.

Even Lu Chen sent several messages without receiving the slightest response.

Early this morning, Lu Chen walked out of Taishang Cave and looked beyond the mountain gate.

He looked forward to the return of Yang Jian and Taishang Elder, and also expected them to bring back good news.

It is a pity that one morning passed in a hurry, and the old fairy Nanhua and Yang Jian still disappeared.

In the afternoon, Lu Chen went to the Forbidden Area of ​​You 24 Luo as usual.

But at this moment, Shen Qingxian rushed to report.

“Master, a secret letter from Old Immortal Nanhua came from outside the mountain.”

After Shen Qingxian said, he took out a secret letter and handed it to Lu Chen.

After Lu Chen read it word by word, his hanging heart finally fell.

He immediately retracted the secret letter into the storage ring, and turned back to Shen Qingxian and said, “Inform Elder, the disciple of each peak, to prepare for discussion.”

“Follow the master’s order,” Shen Qingxian replied.

After saying this, he turned and left without stopping.

Lu Chen watched Shen Qingxian come cleanly and went there, knowing that Nizi was still angry with him.

“Alright, stop this thought as soon as possible.” Lu Chen muttered to himself.

Soon after, Lu Chen met Elder and his elite disciples.

He sat right in the middle of the Great Hall, and slowly said: “You all remember my Heavenly Secret Sect, I was broken through by the Lingyun Immortal Sect not long ago?”

Many disciples nodded one after another, obviously already knowing the meaning of Lu Chen’s words.

“Too Elder, you call everyone to come, you are going to counter Lingyun Xianzong, right?”

“Too Elder, as long as you give us an order, we can step down on the gate of Lingyun Immortal Sect.”

“Too great Elder, we have prepared for such a long time, but we just wait for a word from you!”

When Lu Chen heard everyone’s discussion, he knew that Elder and his disciples who participated in the defense of the Tianji Sect that day were all suffocating in their hearts.

“Since everyone has guessed my thoughts, I will respond to everyone.” Lu Chen said.

“Tomorrow, we will leave the Great Yan Nation, and our sect will fight back against Lingyun Xianzong. Anyone here, do you have any objections?”

Many disciples and Elder have their eyes on Lu Chen.

But no matter who it was, he didn’t say a word.

Lu Chen glanced across everyone’s faces and said with a smile: “You guys will go back and prepare. When the sun rises tomorrow, I hope to see you in front of the mountain gate.”

After everyone left, Lu Qianrou and Shen Qingxian were left in front of Lu Chen.

He looked in the direction of Shen Qingxian and said: “Qingxian, I will give you a list. You can use the fastest speed to pass the news of our counterattack Lingyun Xianzong to those Sects.”

“The disciple takes the order.” Shen Qingxian answered.

When Ye Lianxing saw Lu Chen’s gaze, he had already said first: “I have already greeted the Taishangfeng disciples, and no one will be absent by then.”

Lu Chen nodded, then looked at the dominion.

Xiongba replied: “Too great Elder, I have prepared the immortal boat and materials needed for this trip three days ago.”

“Okay!” Lu Chen said, and finally raised his hand to Linglong.

“I think this person’s identity can be revealed now.”

After these words fell, Lu Chen told everyone about the facts about going to participate in the Zhongzhou game.

“…I didn’t make it clear before. Firstly, I was worried about the number of people and talked about it, and secondly, because of Linglong’s special status, I worried that everyone had concerns.”

“Deep-sea dragon?” Ye Lianxing and Shen Qingxian both looked at Linglong after Lu Chen finished speaking.

Obviously, they can’t completely believe Lu Chen’s words.

At least in this matter, they are skeptical.

However, when they looked at Lu Qianrou with doubts, they knew that what Lu Chen said was true.

Lu Chen may deceive people, but Lu Qianrou will not.

“Too Elder, how can you hide this matter from me?” Ye Lianxing stared at Lu Chen groaningly.

Although Shen Qingxian did not speak, Lu Chen felt that her eyes had a different taste.

He quickly got up, said goodbye to everyone, and walked towards the sky.

“Don’t tell me, I always feel uncomfortable in my heart. Now that I say it, I’m worried…”

“Hey!” Lu Chen sighed, and could only put this matter aside.

The top priority is to fight back against Lingyun Xianzong.

On the other side, the hinterland of Di Guo.

Yang Jian and Old Immortal Nanhua hide in a forest.

In the mountains and forests, you can see one or two Lingyun Immortal Sect disciples walking by from time to time.

“Old Immortal, stimulation is not exciting, Sect Leader has not moved yet, we are already within the gate of Lingyun Immortal Sect!” Yang Jian said with a smile.

Old Immortal Nanhua hurriedly made a silent gesture, and after Lingyun Xianzong’s disciple had left, he turned his head and looked at Yang Jian.

“Yang Elder, be rash.”

Yang Jiancai 247 would hear the words of Nanhua Old Immortal: “Old Immortal, have you heard from the news you sent a few days ago?”

Old Nanhua shook his head and said, “Mostly, I can’t wait. No one knows that we are in Lingyun now.”

Only then did Yang Jian wake up and replied: “That’s right, it can’t be a disciple of the Lingyun Immortal Sect. You passed the news to our hands, right?”

After these words fell, Yang Jian looked at the towering Sect Leader Great Hall in Lingyun Immortal Sect.

“We only need to wait for Taishang Elder and his party to come, we can join them inside and outside, and break this shit, Lingyun Immortal Sect in one fell swoop!”

“At that time, my Tianji Sect was probably known as the epicenter prefecture.”

Old Immortal Nanhua also tweeted when he heard this.

But he responded: “Famous epicenter prefecture? My Tianjizong, don’t know the Sect in Zhongzhou now?”

“It’s just that once the news goes out, those people will be shocked again.”

“Oh?” Yang Jian didn’t know what Nanhua Old Immortal was referring to.

Before Nanhua Old Immortal, Lu Chen went to the Spirit Sword Sect to participate in the Fairy Gate Competition and won the championship in one fell swoop, and talked to Yang Jian.

Among them, there is also how the Tianji Sect was promoted to the fairy gate, and how to step into the sixth rank fairy gate.

After listening to Yang Jian, he said, “You can’t treat me as an outsider. This matter should have been told to me long ago.”.

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