Chapter 153

“Let you know that if you do evil in this matter, you will inevitably be punished.” Ye Lianxing replied with a smile.

Under the high platform, the people in the small town are still arguing.

“This Moon God Sect is not here to help us settle down? What’s the identity of this woman?”

“The bullshit on the stable side, you have been hooked away by the moon god before, so you don’t know how many evil things you have done.”

“Half of the children in our town fell into the belly of the moon god, you say she cannibalize people, I believe it, you say she is stable, I bait!”

“I recognize this woman, she only entered the town today, and she asked me about the town.”

“This woman’s beauty is probably above that Moon God!”

“Dog man, there are some unpleasant deeds in his heart, why did you say that the moon god didn’t eat your heart altogether.”


When everyone was arguing, the veil of the Moon God had faded, revealing his face.

Before everyone could see his face clearly, he saw blood flowing out of the Moon God’s seven orifices.

Vaguely, as if someone had heard it, the Moon God was begging for mercy: “Leave me a way, I can tell you all my secrets 24.”

Ye Lianxing is not a bad person, but he is definitely not a good person.

At this time, he would definitely not pretend to pity the Moon God.

However, she was very interested in the jade pendant on the waist of the Moon God.

The Moon God can stay within the illusion of Ye Lian Xing for so long, that jade pendant accounts for at least eight successes.

Ye Lianxing took a few steps forward, raised his hand and pointed, and Moon God fell directly on the ground.

At the same time, Ye Lianxing grabbed the jade pendant in his hand.

“Tell me about the origin of this jade pendant, I can spare your life.” Ye Lianxing bowed and asked with a smile.

Although the Moon God is still within the illusion, he can hear Ye Lianxing’s question.

She didn’t dare to delay, and immediately said: “This jade pendant was obtained by accident. There is a secret realm hidden in it. I learned all my tricks from this secret realm.”

“Big sis, I was also bewitched by this jade pendant. You promised me that you must not kill me.”

Ye Lianxing nodded and stroked the woman’s head with a smile.

“I promised you, I will naturally do it, but you are now a side door to practice, I have to give up everything, lest you harm people again.”

“No!” The woman shook her head.

But it was obviously too late to say this.

Ye Lianxing removed the illusion and turned to the people below the platform and said: “Her Cultivation Base has been abolished by me. You decide how to deal with it.”

The Moon God knelt to the ground and grabbed Ye Lianxing’s clothes.

“Big sis, you can’t give me to them, you promised to spare my life.”

“Yeah, I have forgotten you, but whether they will forgive you or not depends on your good fortune.” Ye Lianxing turned around and explained.

After saying this, Ye Lian Xing has jumped up and disappeared into the coming night.

Under the high platform, everyone pressed hard.

The appearance of the Moon God is already extremely desolate.

But after all, she once played with the people in this town in applause.

He pretended to say: “If you take a step forward, I will kill you all.”

“Who are you scaring? Let me see if you can kill someone now.” A sturdy woman rushed forward and said.

The women in other towns also rushed out one by one, and immediately surrounded the moon god in the center.

Seeing this scene, Ye Lianxing chuckled and shook his head, then turned and left.

On the way, she looked at the weird jade pendant.

In the meantime, there seemed to be an evil and enchanting power, attracting Ye Lianxing to go all the time.

“I don’t know, can you compare to Heavenly Demon Soul, Heavenly Demon Soul has been swallowed by me, do you think you will also be eaten by me?”

After that, Ye Lianxing’s figure flickered, and he entered the secret realm in the jade pendant.

There is a big city called “Cool Autumn” on the border of Di State, which is the most prosperous big city within a hundred li.

On the streets of the city, two people came along, one old and one young.

If you don’t look closely, it’s really hard to see the weirdness.

These two people were the Nanhua Lao Xian and Yang Jian who were lobbying in Zhongzhou after leaving the Tianji Sect.

Before they entered Di State, they had done disguise.

Now in the eyes of outsiders, Nanhua Lao Xian looks like an old scholar, while Yang Jian is a book boy who reads with him.

“Old Immortal, have we convinced a few Sects?” Yang Jian asked casually.

Old Xian touched his chin and said, “No more, no less, just seven.”

Afterwards, Old Immortal Nanhua said again: “You are not by my side all the way, why do you suddenly ask like this?”

Yang Jian said nonchalantly, “Because, I want to see the old immortal, but I don’t remember these things.”

“It turns out that we have persuaded seven Sects. If we go back like this, we will actually be able to deal with Tai Elder.”

When Old Immortal Nanhua heard this, he was even more annoyed: “I said at the time that we should return to the clan as soon as possible.

Yang Jian said unexpectedly: “Really, old fairy, why don’t you persuade me?”

“I…” Old Immortal Nanhua waved his hand, not wanting to argue with Yang Jian anymore.

“Why doesn’t the old immortal speak, you don’t speak, how boring is this way?” Yang Jian chattered.

Lao Xian cursed in his heart: “The journey is not boring, but you are very boring. If you knew you were this temperament, you would never agree to get too much Elder.”

Afterwards, Old Immortal Nanhua made a look of heaven, and then muttered: “When I first saw you that day, you were obviously quite martial!”

“Does this Shenwu still conflict with boredom?”

The two went out for a while, and happened to see two wanted portraits hanging on the street facing each other.

The people in the portrait are Nanhua Lao Xian and Yang Jian.

They waited and watched for a while before finding a hidden place.

Yang Jian said 240: “Old Immortal, has anyone found us?”

“Not necessarily. We have gone through so many Sects. It is impossible for all Sects to be up and down. Now that we know our plan and make some precautions now, it is not surprising.”

“I didn’t find it, I thought, I can stop being so boring soon.” Yang Jian said in a disappointment.

Old Nanhua raised his head and asked, “Yang Elder, is it really boring to follow me?”

He swore that as long as Yang Jian dared to say a “yes”, or nod his head.

He immediately turned back and went back to the Heavenly Jizong to stay there.

“How come?” Yang Jian said unexpectedly, “Old Immortal, you are the most interesting old man I have ever seen.”

Nanhua’s face was a little better.

It’s a pity, but after a breath, Yang Jian shook his head and said: “In fact, it doesn’t count. The most interesting old man should be the old man too white.”

“Forget it, forget it, you don’t understand it.”

Afterwards, Yang Jian seemed to have noticed something. He quickly turned around and said to Nanhua Old Immortal: “Old Immortal, you must remember that after returning to Tianji Sect, you are not allowed to tell the secrets between us to others in Sect.”

“Secret?” Old Immortal Nanhua showed a puzzled expression.

Yang Jian nodded and said: “I am in front of them, now I am tall, except for being too Elder, they must all regard me as a great hero.”.

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