Chapter 151

At the rear of the enemy army formation, the two Titans guarding the Di Guojun god’s side, after hearing the command of the army god, personally went out to meet Xiang Yu and Baiqi.

Those two Titans were also in the Cultivation Base, the pinnacle of the Holy Realm. They shot like this, killing several Great Yan Nation soldiers in an instant.

In terms of combat strength, the single-player strength of the soldiers of the Great Yan Nation is not as good as that of the soldiers of the Di State.

Although the first charge broke through the Di Guo army formation, but because of this, the Great Yan State army was in chaos.

Coupled with the use of cavalry against infantry, the original Xiantian-advantage.

With just a few fingers, there are only two soldiers from the Great Yan Kingdom who rushed into the Di Guo cavalry army-Xiang Yu and Baiqi.

Bai Qi soon discovered what was wrong, and rushed to Xiang Yu’s side quickly.

Turning his back to Xiang Yu, he cut off the two cavalry and said: “Now we are surrounded by the army. If things go on like this, we will definitely lose. We will get out as soon as possible.”

“It’s just a few pawns, don’t need to worry too much.” Xiang Yu held the overlord spear dance in his hand.

A spear thrust out, assassinating several soldiers one after another, is the stop.

At this time, the enemy’s two-yuan Titans also slammed in front of the two.

After fighting with Xiang Yu, one of them was shot back.

Seeing Xiang Yu’s bravery, the other person gathered his heart: “With such force, he can only be a pawn in Dayan.”

“It’s better to submit to my country, relying on military merits to join the ranks, and with your force, you will be able to stand in my position today.”

“Stop talking nonsense, look at the gun.” Xiang Yu didn’t bother to pay attention to the nagging words of the general. He just broke the general’s defense when he spear thrust out.

The two Titans all suffered under Xiang Yu’s hands.

They shot together like this, and they approached Xiang Yu.


The spears fought, wiping out dazzling sparks.

Xiang Yu raised his spear high, and one person stopped two Titans.

Bai Qi, who was originally standing behind Xiang Yu, didn’t delay seeing what happened. He also stabbed with two spears one after another, directly slashing the two-yuan Titans under the horse.

The other Di Guo soldiers dared not come up close, and avoided the two evil gods one after another.

“Remove the head of the army god, and you can retreat these thieves!” Xiang Yu, now with enthusiasm, rushed out of the army formation after a few quick steps.

Bai Qi had no choice but to go with him.

In an instant, the two appeared behind the Di Guo army formation, which was also where the army god was.

“General, be careful!” Several guards reminded, while guarding the army god.

Xiang Yu flirted lightly, and two soldiers were immediately beheaded.

Bai Qi jumped up, pointing straight to the front of the army god.

Between the lightning and flint, seeing that the military god did not flinch, instead he took a gun to greet him.

Just a fight, Bai Qi was repelled.

After taking a few steps backwards, Bai Qi felt that a gentle force appeared behind Own.

“Why can’t even a military god be the enemy?” Xiang Yu asked with a smile.

Bai frowned, his face was not ashamed, and he said angrily, “Come on.”

“I’ll do it!” Xiang Yu responded, and went straight to the head of the military god.

It is a pity that his fate is no different from that of Bai Qi.

Xiang Yu didn’t wake up from his ignorance until he retreated to Bai Qi’s side.

Afterwards, he yelled: “Bai Elder, you are not kind, that army god is the Cultivation Base of the way of strength, why didn’t you say it earlier?”

“You may not be able to listen.” Bai Qi explained.

“That’s what I said.” Xiang Yu replied with a smile, “Let’s go together.”

After saying this, Xiang Yu and Bai Qi joined forces to approach the military god.

“Who on earth are you? How come there will be soldiers in the half-step combined Dao state in Dayan?” The god of war was also shocked and asked hurriedly.

He came here with all the elite soldiers under his command.

Naturally, it also carries the heavy responsibility of carrying half of Di Guo’s high hopes.

If it was because of these two soldiers who suddenly appeared, they were defeated and retreated, then when they returned to Daodi, what face would they have to meet the lord of the country?

“Your grandfather is eighty-two, this is my brother, Baisanqian.” Xiang Yu opened his mouth and said.

For a time, Xiang Yu and the other two had already fought together with that army.

That enemy was the power of the early stage of He Dao, and after being baptized on the battlefield, Xiang Yu Baiqi could only barely maintain a tie without losing.

After a fight, it was Xiang Yu’s body that was not seriously injured.

“I’m waiting for him to be invincible, so it’s better to retreat first and think of other ways.” Bai Qi saw the battle behind him, which had been basically suppressed by the soldiers of Di Guo, and quickly reminded him.

Continue to entangle, until the soldiers turned around, Xiang Yu and Bai Qi were afraid that it would be difficult to get out today.

After weighing it for a while, Xiang Yu shook his head and said, “Try again, if we still can’t beat it, we will retreat.”

·· ····Find flowers······

“Never mind.” Bai Qi responded and tried to fight again.

The two blocked the army god in the center, unable to attack for a long time.

Seeing that the battle is coming to an end, Bai Qi can only take a step back first.

But it was precisely because of this that the military god caught the neutral position and stab Xiang Yu with a shot.

“Fate!” the army god shouted.

Xiang Yu hurriedly picked up to block, barely saving himself.

But the army god seemed to treat Xiang Yu as the only enemy, and drove his horse forward to stab him.

Xiang Yu had no choice but to block again.

After three consecutive times, Xiang Yu’s arms were already sore.

After all, he didn’t set foot in the He Dao Realm. Facing the He Dao Realm Army God of the Way of Strength, he was naturally not an opponent when he competed with Strength Dao.

.. … …….

“Be careful!” At this moment, Bai Qi hurriedly reminded.

Xiang Yu looked back and saw that, at some point, behind Own, several elite pawns had appeared.

Now that Bai Qi wants to rush to help, it is too late.

“Kill!” There was a hint of joy on the military god’s face, and he was sure in his heart that he would surely be able to kill Xiang Yu with a shot.

When the gun fell to the spot, Xiang Yu’s body trembled suddenly.

Xiang Yu, who had stood halfway along the road earlier, actually broke the mirror at this critical juncture.

“Hey, I want to see who can kill who!” Xiang Yu’s momentum soared, a shot of the general god’s spear flew, and he took a step forward, weighing heavily on the military god’s belly.

On the other side of the white spirit, a spear thrust was directed towards the back of the military god.

When the two cooperated, the military god was actually pierced by a spear thrust by Bai Qi.

When several Di Guo soldiers rushed to see such a situation, where would they dare to move forward?

One by one, they turned around and fled towards the wilderness.

“The army god of Di Guo is dead, and those who know him surrender quickly!” Xiang Yu hung the head of the army god high above the gun and threw it into the army of Di Guo.

For a time, Di Guo’s army and soldiers were all confused.

The soldiers of the Great Yan Nation took the opportunity to counterattack, and within a moment, the war was put down.

After the war, Xiang Yu and Bai Qi were invited to the military account.

Xu Ding’an, the general guarding the Dayan border, sat in the middle of the big tent.

“Two people, don’t know what their identities are?” Xu Dingan asked when he got up and welcomed Xiang Yu and Bai Qi into the military account. At.

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