Chapter 131

At sunrise in the east, many disciples of the Tianji Sect, and disciples of the Nanshan Sect, left the mountain gate of the Spirit Sword Sect together.

After leaving this time, they are no longer the two sides of the enemy, and they can finally sit down and talk with each other with a smile.

Lu Chen also walked to the back of the team with Hu Nanshan and Wang Chen.

After walking out for a few days, there was no sign of surprise.

But the more so, some Elders of the Tianji Sect, the more tight-tensioned their hearts.

Lu Chen had deliberately explained before that after leaving the Lingwu treasury, he would definitely be targeted by some Sects.

Now that it is getting closer and closer to the Tianji Sect, it proves that it is getting closer and closer to the danger.

As for the reasons why those people didn’t do anything, on the one hand, it must be because the Spirit Sword Sect and the Nanshan Sect went together.

Nanshan Sect will soon be able to rank among the sixth rank immortal gates, and among them are the strongest of the Saint Ruins realm.

Ordinary Sect must not dare to take it lightly.

On the other hand, it is also for safe planning.

In the Fairy Gate Competition, Tianji Sect was regarded as favored by the Spirit Sword Sect.

Almost all Sect knows that the Spirit Sword Sect is going to support the Heavenly Secret Sect.

Although he has already stepped out of the territory of the Spirit Sword Sect, there is still no guarantee that after hearing the news, the Spirit Sword Sect will not rush to support it immediately.

Only if they are far enough away from the boundary of the Spirit Sword Sect to ensure that the news cannot be transmitted to the Spirit Sword Sect in the first time, those Sects will choose to take action.

Two days later, Tianjizong bid farewell to Nanshanzong.

At the first time of the separation, Lu Chen found the core Elder of Lu Qianrou and Shen Qingxian.

“Our trip, the real danger has just begun, you have to be more prepared.” Lu Chen said.

The Elder nodded and hid among the disciples in accordance with Lu Chen’s earlier instructions.

And Lu Chen is hiding on the Tianjizong team.

If it came to Jiedao, it was an ordinary Seventh-Rank Immortal Sect, the people of the Tianji Sect would be enough to deal with it.

If not, Lu Chen is required to take action.

Now that he has arrived in the remote area of ​​Zhongzhou, he will be able to return to the Tianjizong after another two or three days of walking.

Except for the Five Poison Cult, the immortal gates around the seven ranks were left with Lingyun Immortal Sect.

The Lingyun Immortal Sect had a festival with the Heavenly Secret Sect, but he probably hadn’t had a chance to use any sneak attacks.

Just as Lu Chen had expected, the current Lingyun Immortal Sect was already in a mess.

Two Elder and Three Elder joined forces to control Sect before Jian Zun Qianyang returned.

The two forces standing behind them also appeared in the Lingyun Immortal Sect for the first time.

Now, in the entire Lingyun Immortal Sect, only Elder wears a pair of trousers with Jian Zun Yang.

However, two fists are hard to beat four hands. Big Elder has retreated behind the scenes over the years, where is the opponent of Second Elder and Third Elder.

After struggling for a while, Elder was imprisoned deep in the dungeon.

Elder, who was originally a loyal supporter of the Big Elder, suddenly showed his fangs after the fall of the Big Elder. Not only did he unite with the second Elder and the third Elder, he also played the cards of these years one by one.

What everyone had never thought of was that Elder, the housekeeper, could be connected with another ancestor of the fifth rank fairy gate.

Housekeeping Elder relied on his ancestor’s power to temporarily become the Sect Leader of Lingyun Immortal Sect.

When these news arrived one by one in the ears of Jian Zun Chang Yang who had rushed back, he remembered Lu Chen’s previous nonsense.

“Could it be that what he said before…” Jianzun Chang Yang shook his head in the middle of speaking.

There is no coincidence, and before Lingyun Xianzong, it was not always…

“Perhaps, this is not a bad thing!” Qian Yang Jianzun said slowly.

The two disciples behind him looked at each other, wondering what nonsense Qian Yang Jianzun was talking about.

Looking back to see the doubt in his disciple’s eyes, Jian Yang Jianzun smiled and said: “These old guys, who have tolerated so long by my side, are they coveting me as the Sect Leader?”

“Lingyun Immortal Sect has been passed down for thousands of years, how can they control it if they want to control it?”

“What does Jianzun mean?” The disciple still didn’t understand what Qianyang Jianzun was referring to.

Sword Sovereign Chang Yang sneered twice, and raised his finger in the direction of Lingyun Immortal Sect, “As long as I return to Sect and wave to those people, they will definitely continue to listen to my orders.”

“By then, we will be able to uproot the people who hinder the development of the Lingyun Immortal Sect!”

“Jian Zun Yingming Shenwu!” Several disciples bowed in flattery.

Sword Sovereign Chang Yang laughed several times, and he secretly said in his heart: “As long as the things in the Sect are stabilized, you can solve the small Sect in the barbarian land as soon as possible.”

“The treasure of the Lingwu treasure house is also my Lingyun Immortal Sect!”

Half a day later, Jian Zun Qianyang and a group of disciples rushed back to the gate of Lingyun Xianzong Mountain.

·· ····Find flowers······

Sword Sovereign Changyang took the lead and shouted: “Sword Sovereign Lingyun Immortal Sect is here, who is the one who has troubled me, Immortal Sect Lingyun!”

His voice spread through Lingyun Immortal Sect, and soon after, a group of elite disciples hurried over.

What surprised Zhang Yang Jianzun was that those disciples didn’t seem to come to surrender.

Not only were they glaring at each other, but they also put on a tense posture.

“Why, don’t you welcome me, the Sect Leader, to return?” Jian Zun Chang Yang asked coldly.

A group of disciples gave way. Elder, the previous housekeeper, came along with the second Elder and the third Elder.

“See on behalf of Sect Leader!” A group of disciples bowed.

Sword Sovereign Chang Yang frowned, and raised his finger in the direction of Elder, the internal affairs officer: “If you fail to succeed and fail, you dare to shake the foundation of my Lingyun Immortal Sect?”

.. .. …….

“Who am I supposed to be? It turns out that the Sword Master is back.” Housekeeping Elder smiled.

What makes Jian Zun Changyang puzzled is that the current housekeeping Elder, no matter its aura or strength, is not what the original housekeeping Elder can possess.

More like…

Sword Sovereign Chang Yang guessed the answer immediately, and asked: “Who are you? Why do you want to seize the body of Elder, Immortal Sect of Lingyun?”

Housekeeping Elder smiled sullenly, then the laughter grew louder and louder.

Then he stopped abruptly, and then he said: “Who am I? You drove me out of Sect back then, but I can imagine that there will be today!”

“It’s me, I’m back, Sword Sovereign Chang Yang, I want to come back and take everything I deserve!”

Jianzun Chang Yang frowned. Obviously, he already knew the identity of the person.

Afterwards, he just said indifferently: “I heard that you have joined the Supreme Emperor’s Sect. Unexpectedly, you learned some sneaky skills. It seems that what I did back then was not wrong.”

His gaze turned to Second Elder and Third Elder again: “You…no matter who is standing behind you, I want to shake my Lingyun Immortal Sect, kill me!”

On this day, within Lingyun Immortal Sect, blood was flowing into a river.

Sect Leader of Lingyun Xianzong Sect Leader Qianyang, in front of the gate where he was stabbed to death.

Others who dare to resist the disciples will be punishable together!

The next day, within the Lingyun Immortal Sect, a brand-new look had been changed.

The new Sect Leader stands in the Great Hall, looking deep at the Great Hall, and smiles: “I will help you complete your last wish.”

“Tianjizong, really is a coveted treasure!” Yu.

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