Xia Jiuxuan pointed to Xiaolong, crossed the cliff, and came to the hut where he had lived for more than twenty years. The furnishings in the house are still the same as they used to be, but they have been covered by dust and their original color, and the spiritual field outside the house has long been barren.

Before leaving, he didn't forget to cast a spell and clean the house, after all, it was the place where he had lived for half his life. He immediately cleared the weeds from the spiritual field and replanted the seeds, not for harvesting, but because he could not see the desolate scene.

Xia Jiuxuan lowered his head and sat in front of Wei Zigao's tomb. It's not that he wants to sit, it's just that he can't stand up. His legs and arms seemed to belong to someone else, and he couldn't control them, only his shoulders and buttocks would still have bursts of heart-piercing pain.

He thought about the clip of his first meeting with Wei Zigao, the first time he drank with him, and the scene of the three brothers chatting together, it was as if he had returned to that time. Until a gust of wind blew the weeds on the grave and cooled his heart.

Only then did he slowly raise his head, smiled bitterly, and then said: "I miss you and be lonely, maybe in a few years, I will come to accompany you." "

Immediately, he opened his mouth and spat out a ball of flame. In an instant, the weeds on the grave were burned clean.

"Come, you and I have a drink today!"

A vial flutters back and forth in the air. For a while, the spirit brew was lightly sprinkled on the grave, and then it was poured into Xia Jiuxuan's mouth. I don't know why, at this time, the spirit brew can't taste good, it's not spicy, and it's not sweet.

"Boss, why are you doing this!" Xiaolong sat curled up on the side, looking at Xia Jiuxuan, who was so decadent, and couldn't help but speak: "If you cultivate to the Xuan Immortal Realm, won't you be able to regenerate your limbs?" "

Or maybe he was drunk, Xia Jiuxuan shook his body, slowly turned his head, barely squeezed out a smile, and then said, "Xuan Xian... Xuan Xian..., I'm able-bodied... I can't even think about it... Ha ha...... Hahaha... What's more..."

"Wouldn't it be a pity to drink such a good wine!" A tactful voice that was both familiar and somewhat unfamiliar interrupted Xia Jiuxuan's words.

When Xia Jiuxuan heard this, he immediately woke up a little, looked for the sound, and saw the old woman standing not far away a few days ago.


He was about to get up to speak, but he forgot that his legs had long since stopped obeying, and he immediately fell to the ground.

Xia Jiuxuan was about to turn over, but he felt that his eyes were dark, and his body was stopped by an extremely powerful spiritual force, and he couldn't move at all. Then I heard Xiaolong's shout: "Stinky old woman, what do you want to do!" At the same time, he felt the explosion of Xiaolong's spiritual power, but he couldn't feel it anymore in the blink of an eye.

All this came too suddenly, and Xia Jiuxuan was not in a hurry to react, and when he completely woke up, there was only the sound of hunting and hunting in his ears.


"Stop talking nonsense, go back and talk about it!"

Xia Jiuxuan had just said half of his words when he was interrupted by the old woman!

But after an hour's effort, after two "dong dong" sounds, Xia Jiuxuan and Xiaolong were thrown to the ground together.

The little dragon rolled on the spot, shook his body, and immediately turned into a giant beast, got up and pounced on the old woman.

The old woman only waved her sleeves, and a strong wind suddenly blew, only to blow the little dragon a few more times.

As soon as Xiaolong stood firm, he turned around, bared his canine teeth, stared at the old woman with a pair of red and angry eyes, and paced left and right.

"Xiaolong, calm down." Xia Jiuxuan knew that Xiaolong was far from being the old woman's opponent, so he reminded him.

Hearing this, Xiaolong turned his head to look at Xia Jiuxuan, although he stopped, his abdomen was still rising and falling, and he still looked angry.

"You're a little thing, but it's funny!" The old woman straightened her waist, then moved her gaze to Xia Jiuxuan, and said, "A few days ago, you were still able to walk, but now you have become a cripple, didn't you fall into the Yuan Dao Sect's Ice Spirit Splitting Muscle Palm?" "

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