"Well, I'd like to see if you're fast or I'm fast, and if I'm faster than you, then you'll have to die.

And if you are faster than me, then you will die at my hands. After finishing speaking, Big Bird rushed directly to Xia Yu and the others.

Seeing the big bird rushing over, Xia Yu and the others snorted coldly, and at the same time, they all waved the weapons in their hands and attacked the big bird.

After the two sides clashed together, the big bird also directly released his own origin fire, and then burst violently, and then a huge coercion was instantly released.

After feeling the coercion released by the big bird, Xia Yu and the others also changed their faces slightly, because the coercion released by the big bird was really terrifying, and such a momentum was like a devastating attack.

However, Xia Yu and the others would not just be restrained, and then they launched an attack on the big bird at the same time, but unfortunately, the coercion released by the big bird was too powerful.

They couldn't resist at all, and they couldn't even touch the big bird, so they were forced to retreat again and again, and they didn't dare to fight the big bird at all.

At this time, Xia Jiuxuan also looked at Xia Yu and the others, and then said lightly: "Don't you evacuate quickly, do you have to wait for death, if you don't want to die, then leave here quickly."

Otherwise, you will all die here, and even if you are not afraid of death, then your family will die because of your recklessness. "

"Hmph, Xia Jiuxuan, don't talk as if you are great, is a person like you worthy of being called a disciple of the Holy Ancestor? I'm telling you, you're nothing more than a vile and shameless villain.

Your master is not a good thing, and a person like you is destined to never become a Holy Ancestor in his life. Xia Yu said with a sneer.

"Okay, very good, it seems that you really want to die, since you want to die so much, then it will be fulfilled for you, I will let you taste what is called the means of the Holy Ancestor disciple." Xia Jiuxuan's eyes were filled with anger, and then he directly took out a weapon, and then rushed towards Xia Yu.

Then, he slapped Xia Yu's chest with a palm, and suddenly, Xia Yu directly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then his body flew upside down and hit the wall.

Xia Yu's body fell to the ground again, and Xia Yu also kept spitting blood, obviously, his injuries were very serious.

And at this time, Lu Feng and the people of the Dragon Soul had already entered the dark abyss, and the battle they had just now had also attracted the attention of many people, and they also saw the big bird.

Seeing the big bird, everyone was also stunned, but soon realized that they had been trapped here.

Although these people don't know Lu Feng, they know the people of the Dragon Soul, because the name of the Dragon Soul is also very loud in the entire Netherworld, and they also know that the Netherworld Palace is a hidden force, but they didn't expect them to be trapped here, which made them very surprised.

Xia Jiuxuan's face was also a little gloomy, he knew that if he continued like this, he would definitely be more and less auspicious this time.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a lightness on his body, and then he looked down to see that a corner of his clothes had been torn, and at the same time, several bloody wounds appeared on his body.

And these bloody mouths are not ordinary blood, but blood-red, as if they were stained red with blood.

At this time, Xia Jiuxuan immediately looked at the big bird, and said at the same time: "It turns out that you are also a strange beast, it seems that you should be a foreign beast with pure blood, you are a fire attribute foreign beast, or a very rare ice type foreign beast, hehe, this time you really made a lot of money."

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