But I didn't expect this guy to be quite cunning!

But that's okay, Xia Jiuxuan of the province is in trouble, since they are no longer in this cave, it will be better, anyway, Xia Jiuxuan will not give up, even if he chases to the ends of the earth, he must find out Mo Jiulan, otherwise, Xia Jiuxuan will really be unwilling.

In the depths of the cave, Mo Yelan's face was solemn, she knew that the depth of this cave was not shallow, and ordinary people could not climb to a depth of more than three hundred zhang, and she and a group of black-clothed people also took a quarter of an hour to climb into this cave.

However, they didn't dare to stay for a while, if they continued to stay, they were afraid that Xia Jiuxuan would really catch up, and when the time came, their situation would be dangerous.

"Let's go!" Mo Yelan gritted her teeth and shouted, and then led the people around her to rush directly towards the other end of the cave, and the speed was extremely fast.

Xia Jiuxuan also stared at him on tiptoe, and rushed directly towards the depths of the cave, the speed was terrifying, and his divine sense continued to permeate all around, but he still didn't find anything.

But at this moment, Xia Jiuxuan suddenly heard a rumbling sound in front of him, and then a giant python came out of the cave directly.

Looking at the huge snake beast in front of him, Xia Jiuxuan was suddenly stunned, what the hell did this Nima do, there was such a giant python again, and it was still such a big size.

"Damn, no, we have to escape, or it's really dangerous." Mo Yelan gritted her teeth, this is a fierce beast at the level of the God Emperor, although I don't know who raised it, but the strength must be very strong!

Xia Jiuxuan nodded, this giant python is extremely large, if they are against each other alone, it is really not an opponent, after all, this is a real existence at the peak of the late stage of the God Emperor.

But if there are many of them, it will be different, after all, they are numerous, and their strength is also very strong, if they are united, it will be terrifying.

"Hurry up, leave this guy to me!" Xia Jiuxuan suddenly turned around and roared, his eyes were red, he didn't care, anyway, no matter what, this guy, he had to get this giant python today, otherwise, the aggrieved energy in his heart would be difficult to let go.

Hearing Xia Jiuxuan's roar, Mo Yelan's face also changed suddenly, of course he knew that this guy in front of him must be crazy, if it was normal, he was not willing to provoke a fierce beast of the God Emperor level.

This is a real god emperor-level super master, this terrifying beast, that can kill ordinary god emperor-level powerhouses.

Moreover, Mo Yelan knew very well that the reason why Xia Jiuxuan wanted to keep them was definitely to use this god-emperor-level big snake to deal with them.

"Damn bastard, I'm telling you, don't try to use this big snake against us!" Mo Yelan gritted her teeth and glared at Xia Jiuxuan viciously and shouted.

Xia Jiuxuan smiled, he didn't care about this Mo Yelan, now he only knew that he must take this huge black python in his hand, otherwise he would be really unhappy in his heart.

"I'm sorry, I've already decided, even if you die in the hands of this God Emperor Giant Snake, it's none of my business!" Xia Jiuxuan shook his head and said, but his eyes narrowed.

"Damn it, you dare to be so arrogant, looking for death!" Mo Yelan roared angrily, then turned around abruptly and rushed directly at the giant python.

Mo Yelan's body suddenly emitted a faint black mist.

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