However, in Mo Yelan's sight, around her, a huge formation suddenly appeared, and that formation shrouded Mo Yelan, and a layer of defensive light appeared around Mo Yelan, and she couldn't break through at all.

At this moment, she only felt that she was in a desperate situation.

"Hahaha, you are now my prisoner, don't try to resist, otherwise, I don't guarantee what kind of things I will do, I am still quite interested in you." Xia Jiuxuan's voice came.

Hearing Xia Jiuxuan's words, Mo Yelan suddenly became panicked.

"You, don't mess around, although I am a descendant disciple of the demon clan, but I haven't reached the cultivation level of immortals, don't take it lightly against me, otherwise, my master will not let you go, and my parents, they will not let you go." Mo Yelan exclaimed, she was really worried that Xia Jiuxuan would do something inferior to her.

"Hmph, do you think your master and your parents can help me?" Xia Jiuxuan sneered.

Although Xia Jiuxuan is a powerhouse in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, he is not afraid of those top masters, after all, he has the existence of the rules of time, here, he is the Supreme, even if he is a super powerhouse in the Saint King Realm, he can't defeat him.

"Xia Jiuxuan, I beg you, spare me, I'm not your opponent." Mo Yelan cried with a sad face, she didn't expect that her first time would be ruined like this, and besides, her father and the elders of the sect would not let her go.

"Hmph, you beg me? You beg me, is it useful? I'm going to kill you now, and whoever stops me will be my enemy. Xia Jiuxuan snorted coldly, and immediately, above his right fist, a huge force emanated, and this power blasted directly towards Mo Jiulan.

"No!" Mo Yelan let out a miserable scream, and her body teleported again, but she found that while she was teleporting, her body was also uncontrollable, as if something had fixed her body.

This is the rule of time, Xia Jiuxuan has cultivated to the realm of Da Luo Jin Immortal, so he has already comprehended a trace of the mystery of the rule of time, this trace of mystery, like a shackle, firmly trapped Mo Yelan.


Xia Jiuxuan's fist directly hit Mo Yelan's body, instantly blasting Mo Yelan's body into powder.

All this happened too fast, just when Xia Jiuxuan just threw a punch, Mo Jiulan's body exploded directly, and the flame also disappeared.

"Hmph, I expected you to teleport, my teleportation secret technique can make me disappear in place in an instant, but using this secret technique in front of me is simply a hatchet."

Xia Jiuxuan snorted coldly, then turned around and continued to fly towards the depths of the cave, his current goal was to bring Mo Yelan's corpse back and study it carefully, Mo Yelan had many mysterious treasures on his body, which was a great tonic for him.

A moment later, Xia Jiuxuan came to the cave, at this moment, the black-robed man was sitting on the stone platform, sitting cross-legged on his knees, his arms clasped in front of his chest, looking very comfortable, it seemed that he was not sad because of Mo Yelan's death.

"Mo Yelan's waste wood, it's just right to die, she has a lot of mysterious treasures on her body, as long as I collect all her treasures, I will definitely be able to cultivate to the realm of heavenly immortals.

Even higher, when the time comes, the entire Southern Wasteland will be in my pocket! The black-robed man muttered to himself, and he looked at Xia Jiuxuan's eyes with a hint of greed.

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