Moreover, after this weapon is taken out, the effect on the Terran monks is also very significant.

The demonic qi inside could greatly erode the cultivator's weapon, and at this time, Ning Shen naturally discovered this situation, and after smiling, he directly pulled out his long knife.

Everyone saw him slowly withdraw the power on the long knife, and at this time they realized that the knife that Ning Shen was holding turned out to be an ordinary magic weapon.

There was no divine brilliance on it, and there was no strong power, it turned out that the power on this sword had always been his own strength.

Seeing this situation, everyone was dumbfounded, you must know that the power that Ning Shen displayed when he was holding this knife before made many people think that this was already a holy weapon!

But they didn't expect this kind of thing to be as simple as they imagined, but a very ordinary weapon...

In this case, it would be impossible for the opponent's demonic qi to erode and obtain his magic weapon.

After seeing this situation, everyone was full of confidence.

At the same time, the demon clan in the distance also directly drew his bow and arrows and began to shoot at Ning Shen.

Feeling the violent power between heaven and earth, Ning Shen's breath was very stable.

He wasn't scared, he was very excited.

When this arrow flew over, Ning Shen didn't even dodge, but rushed straight forward!

This arrow carried an endless amount of rich demonic energy, tearing the entire sky apart.

Countless void vortices began to appear here, but fortunately, Ning Shen helped the area of this sect to strengthen some before, otherwise everyone in this sect would have to explain here.

The power of this arrow alone had already exceeded everyone's expectations, but Ning Shen did not dodge.

After rushing straight forward, he raised his long knife!

The long knife in his hand was like a dragon, directly piercing through this sword, and the momentum was unabated, and he rushed towards the other party stiffly!

His powerful power made this demon clan very surprised when he saw it.

Because he didn't expect that the enemy in front of him would be able to burst out with such a powerful force.

And the demonic qi didn't seem to have caused any intrusion on him, which was different from every cultivator of every race he had met.

In fact, this guy didn't know that it was because he had cultivated in Taixuan Sect for a long time, so Ning Shen was able to resist the demonic qi.

Because Taixuanzong is the place where the power of the human race is condensed, cultivating here can obtain the protection of many human races.

After experiencing such baptism for many years, their resistance is naturally much stronger, and it is precisely because of this that he has shown a very powerful means at this time.

The long knife slashed across the sky as if it had torn through a piece of paper, and a dazzling light fell from the entire sky, and the power attached to the knife became extremely violent.

Before anyone could understand what was going on, a transparent wave had already spread directly from the air.

It was the kind of power that Ning Shen showed to his apprentice Zhao Fei before, and this kind of power was difficult for anyone to resist after it was displayed.

Just like now he has shown this method, but he didn't expect to succeed in suppressing the other party directly.

And after this transparent fluctuation was revealed, this demon cultivator also discovered something extraordinary, and then quickly withdrew and dodged backwards.

But he didn't expect that even if he kept dodging, there were more and more wounds on his body.

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