Chapter 394

boom! boom!

Between the heaven and the earth in the chaotic battlefield, the sonic boom caused by the collision continued to sound.

The battle between the great gods and old Chen, as well as the fighting between Tianzun Tianzun and Wang Lao unfolded in this world.

On the battlefield where the Primordial God Venerable is located, although every attack by the Primordial God Venerable is just a simple and unpretentious fist, even this is what Old Chen cannot resist.

On the other hand, even though the cultivation base of the elders is higher than that of Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign, they can’t get the upper hand in the fight against each other, and they are evenly matched.

When everyone’s eyes are on these two battlefields.



In the depths of the chaotic battlefield, there was constant sound of breaking through the air, and at the same time, the billowing blood cloud above the sky was directly shrouded in rich darkness.

A stream of ominous breath ran through the void, turning into a majestic coercion and shrouded the battlefield.

Such a scene instantly changed the complexion of countless people.

“It’s the powerhouse of the weird race.”

“What do you mean, are they going to make a move?”

“Obviously, they intend to help the people in the sky world.”

“If you think about it, there is nothing wrong. After all, there are many strong people in Yan Luodian, and now it happens that the people in the world of the sky have pinned the two. For Yan Luodian, the strength is greatly reduced, and it happens to be their opportunity.”

“It seems that this battle has gradually become uncontrollable.”

“The weird race must be fully prepared to join the battlefield at this time.”

“This time, the opponent that Yan Luodian has to face is not only the Sky World, but also a strange family.”


When people were talking about it, Feng Chen’s Chaos Demon God, Chaos Sword Sovereign, and Lord of Samsara beside Feng Chen simultaneously spurred the power of the avenue, suspended in mid-air with each other, their eyes locked on the weird powerhouse. The direction to come.


The space was distorted, and the rich and ignorant breath was flooded, and the violent winds turned, and the powerhouses of the weird race appeared between the heaven and the earth.

The leader among them is the strong man in the original state of Ninth Stage.

In addition to him, there are two Eighth Stage origins and two Seventh Stage origins.

A total of five strong men appeared, and their eyes locked on Feng Chen below.

What surprised them was that Feng Chen was so calm at the moment, and he didn’t panic at all because of the appearance of the five powerful opponents.

“Yan Luodian, everything will be over today.”

The strong man in the Ninth Stage Origin Realm stared at Feng Chen’s icy voice.

Without waiting for Feng Chen to speak, the prehistoric god who fought against Chen Lao in the distance cast a simple smile on his face during the battle.

“There are quite a few people here.”

“It seems that we can finally have a good fight.”

As the Primordial God Venerable remembered, everyone saw that the Primordial God Venerable was full of bright golden blooms.

When Kanazawa was blooming, there was also an extremely terrifying force that rose rapidly.

The fluctuating aura emanating from the body of the primordial god is rapidly increasing.

“what happened?”

“Why did his cultivation base suddenly increase?”

“In the end what happened?”

Facing the wild gods whose cultivation base has soared, the faces of all the strangers changed.

However, the person in the original Ninth Stage is more calm: “In any case, it is bound to be annihilated today.”

When his words fell, when everyone thought that this war was about to unfold, suddenly.


A deafening sound suddenly came from the distance of the Chaos Battlefield.

Under this roar, the entire chaotic battlefield was in violent shaking.

The heavens and the earth are turbulent, and the heavens and the realms are caught in a boundless vision at this moment.

High above the sky, purple mist was steaming, Immortal cranes mingled, thousands of strange images shrouded the sky.

A majestic breath quickly diffused from the source of the sound, and this breath fell on the common people, all of which made the common people feel relaxed and happy, and even some people with low cultivation base broke through directly after absorbing the breath.

“Hiss! Such a rich and vast aura, what a treasure is this world.”

“It actually made me break directly from King Immortal to the decision of King Immortal. What kind of treasure is this?”

“Heaven descending from the sky, Immortal cranes are mingled, it is definitely the top treasure.”

“It is rumored that there is a source hall in the battlefield of chaos, and the source hall stores this long river weapon. This time long river weapon is above all treasures. It has the power against the sky and can even change the time. ”

“Could it be that this is a sign that the weapon of time is about to emerge?”


The descent from the sky, and such a terrifying vision, instantly attracted everyone’s attention, so that the two battlefields where the two were fighting stopped one after another at this time, looking at the source of the vision. …

Not only the sentient beings of God, but the strangers of the clan also looked towards the place where the aura was the most flaming and rich.

Feng Chen is not the case, it can cause such a vision, except for the long river of time, it is impossible to be other treasures.

Although Feng Chen thought that the time when the Long River Weapon came into existence might be advanced, but he never expected that it would come into existence so much earlier, and it was so coincidental that it appeared at this time.

Under everyone’s eyes, the purple mist shrouded, and the light transpired.


Another huge sound came, and then everyone saw a huge palace slowly rising from below.

The palace was shrouded in endless light, with wisps of immortal breath rising, and the majestic and vast aura contained in it was so rich.

The hall covered by radiant light slowly rose in mid-air, and the dazzling light shone down, lingering in everyone’s eyes.

The huge palace appeared in front of everyone, and the pure breath that radiated from it, even if the two people in the sky world, Chen Lao and Wang Lao, felt so rich, let alone other people.

“It’s Yuandian!”

“It seems that the rumors are true. The Chaos Battlefield really has a palace.”

“The legendary source hall has countless Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, and they are all top-level treasures.”

“In addition to the subsistence allowance for geniuses, there is also a long-term weapon that can go against the sky.”

“This is too coincidental, the artifact of the long river has actually appeared today.”

“I’m afraid the next battle will never be so easy.”

“In the face of the long river of time, whether it is Yan Luodian or the strange family, it is estimated that they are determined to win.”

“These are really lively.”

Looking at the huge Yuandian, countless people kept exclaiming.

Seeing the appearance of the Yuan Palace, the Lord of Samsara’s complexion also condensed, and he also knew that a great battle was bound to begin today.

The Lord of Reincarnation looks at Feng Chen.

Feng Chen also happened to look at the Lord of Reincarnation.

His eyes met and nodded at the same time.

At this moment, Feng Chen chose to inform Yan Yanluo the strong of Daoyu.

Because the next battle is the real battle! .

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