Chapter 377

What happened outside. ”

Ripples and fluctuations in space continue, and here is a blocked space domain.

Because of the blockade of the space domain, the owner of the space can barely perceive some sensation in the outside world, so he uses secret methods to contact outsiders.

He is the master of space, even if the space is blocked, it is very easy to contact the outside world.

As the words of the Lord of Space fell, the space in front of him was rippling, and a voice came instead.

“My dear, there is a big battle in the battlefield of chaos.”

“The world of Hongmeng has come to several top-level source realm powerhouses, as well as the Lord of Destroy. Now the Yan Luo Temple is almost unable to support it.”

The voice came, and the Lord of Space smiled all over his face, and hurriedly asked, “What about Feng Chen.”

“Honor, Feng Chen, the god son of the Hall of Yama, has now been spotted by a powerful Ninth Stage origin realm, and will soon be killed.”


The voice just came, the Lord of Space didn’t hesitate at all, and he came out of the realm of space.

He will never give up witnessing the scene of Feng Chen being killed.

However, after the previous changes, the Lord of Space was a little more cautious this time. Instead of going to the periphery of the Chaos Battlefield, he used his divine mind to perceive the battle in the Chaos Battlefield over the space domain.

When he saw that the powerhouse of Destruction Avenue was performing a killer move on Feng Chen, and the killer move was about to fall, the smile on the face of the Lord of Space became more and more intense.

“Haha, you also have today!”

“I want to see who can save you today!”

The extremely happy voice of the Lord of Space echoed in all the universes.


“It’s over! It’s too late.”

“There is no way, the other party is a real Ninth Stage original level powerhouse, and now they have a killing heart for Feng Chen, they can’t stop it.”

“It seems that Feng Chen is really going to fall on the battlefield of chaos today.”

“Even if Feng Chen falls today, his deeds will surely spread throughout God.”

“Yes, a new power that has not existed in just a thousand years, but under his leadership has moved to the top of the whole God.”

“Even though he is going to fall today, it was a Ninth Stage original realm powerhouse who killed him. Feng Chen died unjustly.”

“It’s just a pity that Feng Chen is so talented. If he grows up, he might really change the situation.”

“Now it’s too late to say anything.”

“Everything will be over.”


On the periphery of the Chaos Battlefield, the eyes of all the creatures watched the huge palm falling over the sky, and they were about to fall on Feng Chen.

When everyone thought Feng Chen was going to be killed by this palm full of death avenues, a huge sound suddenly came.


The sound of the morning bell and the evening drum erupted, the world shook, and everything sank. The moment this sound sounded, the entire chaotic battlefield shook in an instant.

And this violent voice instantly fell on the hearts of countless people, causing them to tremble fiercely.

Not only the creatures of God, at this moment, with the sound of the voice, the strong men of the strange family, it is not that their complexions have changed dramatically.

They felt a strong breath of danger enveloped.

The one who responded most strongly was the Lord of Space above the space domain.

The voice sounded, and the smile on the Lord of Space’s face instantly solidified.

“Is there anyone to help him?”

The Lord of Space stared at the direction of the chaotic battlefield, his expression so solemn.

He couldn’t think of anyone who could come out to rescue Feng Chen at this critical moment.

After all, the powerhouses of Yan Luodian, the Demon God of Chaos, they are all entangled by the powerhouses of Hongmeng World, and they can’t free up their hands to save Feng Chen.

And all the powerhouses of Yan Luodian are on the battlefield now, can they go to him?

At this time, the sound of the sound was not just the doubt on the face of the Lord of Space.

The faces of all the creatures were also filled with doubts, and their eyes turned to the source of the sound one after another.


Another explosion came, and the world shook sharply.

Everything fell, the sky shattered in an instant, the world collapsed, and an unprecedented force poured out endlessly.

At the same time, at the place where the sound sounded, there were wisps of bronze light diffused.

This wisp of bronze light immediately enveloped the entire chaotic battlefield.

The breath of power filled in the light is so rich.


There was a roar and everyone’s eyes were staring, and a figure appeared in front of Feng Chen.

A red fruit upper body, showing a solid muscular body.

The whole body of the figure was shrouded in light, and the whole body exuded a power that could open up the world, which seemed to be able to destroy the entire world.

Hong Huang Shenzun stood in front of Feng Chen, his eyes blinking like a copper bell, and he looked at the huge falling palm indifferently.

In turn, he also stuck out his palm.

The palms of the primordial gods were obviously much larger than those of ordinary people, and they were also covered with calluses and blue veins all over the palms.

Facing the blow of the death road, the gods of the wild slapped a palm directly.


A huge sound instantly resounded across the world, and an unparalleled catastrophe spread to the surroundings, sending countless creatures forcefully and flying away.

“Hi! So strong.”

“A palm, and a very ordinary palm, has it withstood the offensive of the strong Ninth Stage Origin Realm?”

“This strong man didn’t use any avenues at all, but used pure power to take this palm.”

“How terrifying is his power?”

“Half a step beyond the realm! He should be the Yama of Yama Temple.”

“No wonder the Yan Luo Temple can become the overlord of God in less than a thousand years, because behind people there is a strong man who is half-step beyond the realm.”

“He is terrified!”

“It seems that this battle is not over yet.”


Exclamations kept ringing, and the Lord of Samsara also glanced at the Primordial God Venerable, with a smile on his face.

Just now, he was extremely worried about Feng Chen, worried that Feng Chen would be killed by that palm.

But now, with the appearance of a half-step transcendence powerhouse, he didn’t worry instantly.

Similarly, when the powerhouses of the Hongmeng World discovered the appearance of the prehistoric gods, their expressions were a little uncomfortable.

They already looked up to the Yan Luo Temple very highly, so they sent so many strong men, but now, another half-step transcended power appeared in the Yan Luo Temple. This kind of background is not weak even compared to some chaos.

Different from the unsteadiness on everyone’s faces, when the powerhouse of Death Avenue appeared, his face also flashed an accident.

But it was just a flash, because he saw that this wild deity that suddenly appeared was so stupid as to use his flesh palm to take his attack, but it contained a palm of the Avenue of Death!

The powerhouse on the Avenue of Death locked the predecessor god from a distance, and a hoarse voice came from his mouth.


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