Chapter 372


Just when Feng Chen and his group were planning to go to the realm of space, a bell suddenly rang in the entire sky.

The bells swept across the heavens and ten thousand realms in an instant, reverberating in the nine heavens and ten earths, ripples surging out, and instantly enveloping the heavens and the chaotic battlefield.

When sentient beings heard the sound of the bell, they all stopped their movements, no matter what they were doing.

It is not that they want to stop actively, but there is a power to block time in this bell.

At this moment, the leaves falling between the sky and the earth were imprisoned in the air, and the flowing waterfall stopped flowing.

The vision of time imprisoned directly enveloped the entire heaven.

Even Feng Chen and his party in the sky above Yan Luo Daoyu felt the power of this prohibition.

Feng Chen was originally suspended in mid-air and flew towards Yan Luo Daoyu, but suddenly felt that the speed of his whole body had slowed down a lot, and the burst shot became extremely slow.

The Chaos Demon gods on the side, even though they are the origin realm of the Seventh Stage, are still affected to a certain extent.

“Innate treasure of Time Avenue!” Chaos Sword Sovereign exclaimed.

As his exclamation fell, everyone looked at one place.

It was exactly where everyone saw a bright light rising.

The light flickered, flaming to the extreme, under the endless bright light, there was a huge clock, and the light radiating from the whole body made people unable to open their eyes.

When he saw this huge clock, Feng Chen, as the Avenue of Time, felt most clearly.

This is definitely the treasure of Innate, and it is also the treasure of Innate at the top level, so I feel a little excited.


Just as everyone was watching, a figure torn space appeared in front of everyone, it was the Lord of Samsara.

At this time, the Lord of Samsara also looked at the huge clock, with a trace of dignity on his face.

“Such a rich time treasure, has it appeared for no reason? It’s a bit unusual.”

The Lord of Reincarnation naturally knows that Feng Chen has two avenues of time and space. Now that he sees such a powerful time treasure come out, he will definitely do something, so he came to the realm of Yan Luo as soon as possible to discuss with Feng Chen.

Listening to the words of the Lord of Reincarnation, Feng Chen nodded slightly: “It is true. The appearance of this Innate treasure is too unwarranted. It appeared completely out of thin air.”

“Somewhat similar to artificial.”

When the words fell, the solemn color on the face of the Lord of Samsara became more and more intense.

“But, I have never heard of anyone with such a tyrannical Innate treasure.”

“In God, I have never seen it either.”

When the words fell, Ba Dao suddenly said, “Could it be from a strange family?”

Sword Sovereign Chaos shook his head: “It shouldn’t be, if it’s a weird clan, the opponent would have used it a long time ago.”

“After all, this Innate treasure of Time Avenue is too tyrannical. If used by top powerhouses, it can definitely change the situation of the battle.”

The words of the two rang out, and Feng Chen looked at the Lord of Samsara.

The Lord of Reincarnation also looked at Feng Chen.

At this moment, the two seemed to think of something in a tacit understanding.

“Could it be other chaos?” The Lord of Samsara fell.

Feng Chen nodded: “We thought of going together.”

“If it is another chaos, then it is very likely that it is the previous half-step Origin Realm, the Harmony World where the Divine Meng is located. After all, this Divine Meng is a monk in the Half-Time Origin Realm, and the Harmony World behind him is the background. Strong, it’s normal to have such an Innate treasure.”

Listening to Feng Chen’s words, the Lord of Reincarnation said in a deep voice: “If it is really the Hongmeng world, the other party’s meaning will be obvious.”

“They obviously came for you.”

Feng Chen didn’t answer. The Lord of Reincarnation was right. With the anger that was beyond the realm when they were on the battlefield of Chaos, they are likely to use an Innate treasure to attract themselves, and then kill them.

Otherwise, I really can’t think of anyone who can use such a powerful Innate treasure.

And if it’s Hongmeng time, their purpose is nothing more than revenge.

In other words, the emergence of this treasure of Innate, Hongmeng World must be fully prepared.

As Feng Chen was thinking, the Lord of Reincarnation spoke.

“It’s better not to go this time. After all, Hongmeng World is obviously prepared, and this time it must also ambush a lot of strong people.”

“Plus the Lord of Destruction, this kind of combat power is too terrifying.”

“Although other chaotic powerhouses came across the border and suppressed their cultivation base to a certain extent, now that the other party dares to do this, he must have thought of this too.”

“A strong man in the chaos is definitely not what we can imagine.”

As the words of the Lord of Samsara fell, the world became quiet.

Chaos Demon gods looked at Feng Chen, and they didn’t say anything.

But the meaning is very clear, as long as Feng Chen goes, they will definitely follow up as soon as possible.

Under the gaze of everyone, Feng Chen showed a smile on his face: “The other party has prepared an Innate treasure for us, so there is no reason not to go.”

“If you don’t go, don’t you let them prepare for so long in vain?”

As soon as the words came out, the Lord of Reincarnation hurriedly reminded: “Feng Chen, you have to think clearly, the other party is a chaotic powerhouse, and also has the existence of a transcended powerhouse.”

“Although after the last shot in the Chaos Battlefield, that transcendence is very difficult to make, but I can guarantee that there must be many strong people in the world of Hongmeng, and even this time, in order to deal with you, they have sent a half step transcendence level. The strong.”

It’s no wonder that the Lord of Samsara will remind one after another, mainly because the opponent’s Hongmeng world has a solid foundation and a powerhouse of transcendence level, which is far from what God can compare.

And the strongest of them is the cultivation base of the Ninth Stage of the Lord of Reincarnation.

The Lord of Reincarnation also knows that when the war begins, his goal will inevitably be the Lord of Destruction, who has no time to manage the people of the Hongmeng World.

How can Feng Chen not know about the worries of the Lord of Samsara.

Similarly, what the Lord of Samsara does not know is what his own background is.

This time, Feng Chen chose to compete for the treasure of Innate on the avenue of time. Naturally, he was sure of it.

“Let’s go, let me see how many strong people the other party has prepared this time.”

Feng Chen fell down, and the Lord of Reincarnation wanted to say something, but seeing the faint smile on Feng Chen’s face, the worry in his heart weakened a lot for some reason.

And now Feng Chen has said so, and he also said: “If this is the case, then I will die with the gentleman.”

After a word fell, Feng Chen and his group tore through the void directly, and shot towards the distant clock emitting a bright light.

At this moment, the heavenly vision, the treasure of Innate that contains the power of infinite time, has long attracted the attention of countless people.

Their eyes also looked at the huge time clock together.

“It seems that a great war is about to unfold again.”

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