Chapter 367

The coercion, the infinite coercion scattered across the heavens and the realms, oscillating in the hearts of hundreds of millions of beings.

With this majestic coercion, even the strong of the Origin Realm felt extremely short of breath.

Above the sky, endless visions are soaring crazily. At this moment, the sun and the moon are dark, the world is dim, like a catastrophe.

The whole God seemed to be shattered by this sudden horror aura in general horror.

“Beyond the state!”

“Hi! A transcendence is coming!”

“The other party is beyond the border, and now he has crossed the border, which means that he will lose at least a thousand years of cultivation base with this shot.”

“There is no doubt that this is the person behind the half-step Origin Realm of Time Avenue.”

“Otherwise, it is impossible to cross the border even at the expense of the cultivation base for thousands of years.”

“Transcendence, that is the supreme existence, who can resist?”

When they felt this breath, countless creatures were pale as paper, and their fear was extreme.

At this time the depths of the chaotic battlefield.

Feeling the pressure that belongs to the transcendence, the strong men of the weird race showed thick smiles on each other’s faces.

“Haha, it seems that Yama Temple doesn’t need us to act.”

“To blame, I blame Yan Luodian for making too many enemies.”

“A transcendent level powerhouse made an effort, and the Temple of Yama will no longer exist today.”

“That’s fine, without the Temple of Yan Luo, God is not worth mentioning.”

“It’s over, the god son of Yama Temple should also have fallen.”

“Although it’s a pity that we didn’t destroy the Yan Luo Temple before and after, but now someone destroys the Yan Luo Temple, we are left with a lot of trouble.”

“Everything will end.”



The space was distorted and shattered, and here was a blocked space domain.

Even though the Lord of Space blocked the space domain, when this terrifying transcendence coercion turned and fell, it also attracted his attention.

At the moment, directly open the space domain and look towards the chaotic battlefield.

When the Lord of Space saw that Feng Chen was about to kill God Meng, he felt the pressure of the sky, and the Lord of Space instantly showed a thick smile.

“Deserve it.”

“Too many enemies, this will be your end sooner or later.”

“Yan Luodian, from now on, it will no longer exist.”

The Lord of Space was so happy that he immediately ordered that the space domain will no longer be blocked.

In his view, facing the pressure of transcendence, Feng Chen is absolutely impossible to resist.


At this moment, the coercion of transcendence prevailed over the nine heavens and ten earths, the heavens and the ten thousand realms, causing countless creatures to breathe shortly, and they did not even dare to raise their heads to look at what happened in the sky.

At the same time, in the center of the battlefield, I felt the exudation of this breath.

Excitement suddenly appeared on the old face, “God.”

At the same time, he also gave up his plan to stop Feng Chen, because the next Feng Chen will be wiped out under the pressure of this extreme terror.

The Lord of Destruction felt this breath, and his face was also startled, the worry on his face instantly disappeared, and he turned into a smile.

Different from their smiles, the faces of people like Demon God, Lord of Reincarnation, were solemn at this time.

The existence of transcendence, overriding and chaos, although their original realms are tyrannical, they don’t even have the opportunity to fight back in the face of transcendence.


In the thousands of visions, above the firmament, the sky was directly torn apart, and the pressure that belonged to transcendence rose wildly.

The bright light bloomed, and the flaming made people unable to open their eyes.

In the torn firmament, a huge phantom could be seen faintly, and the phantom surpassed the firmament, gazing at the people.

The endless light enveloped, making this figure look so tyrannical, floating on the sky like a divine residence.

A pair of eyes were filled with anger, and his majestic face was filled with intense anger at this moment.

This detached strong man passed through the clouds and locked Feng Chen below.

“Ant, stop!”

The four-character ring sounded like a bell, constantly resounding above the minds of all creatures.

As these four characters fell, the Lord of Samsara looked at each other.

“Fortunately, it is just a phantom. If it were the real body, the whole God might no longer exist.”

“This also proves that the restrictions from crossing the border are so big for him that even the strong who transcend the border can’t compete.”

The Lord of Samsara’s words fell, and he paused and continued: “We must resist his attack. If I guess right, he can only perform one attack now.”

The Lord of Destruction heard a sneer: “Even if it’s an attack, who of you can withstand a transcendental attack?”

The voice fell, and the Lord of Samsara was silent.

Yes, even though the opponent can only launch an attack, it is a transcendent attack.

Under their discussion, from the heights, the four characters that fell from the transcendental mouth directly turned into a terrifying coercion and rolled towards Feng Chen.

At this time, Feng Chen has been blocked by this force. Although the gunshot in his hand is no more than a step away from God Meng, Feng Chen can’t drop this shot at all.


Chaos Sword Sovereign, the sound of Domineering Swords burst out at the same time, and each other came to the sky above Feng Chen, urging the power of the whole body, hanging horizontally in the air.


A dull sound erupted, and the four-character voice of transcendence violently collided with the great power of Chaos Sword Sovereign and Tyrant Sword. The powerful force shook the two directly, but this also resisted the attack of the transcendence strong.

Seeing that the voice attack was resisted, the anger on the face of the transcendent powerhouse instantly intensified, and his angry eyes stared down at Feng Chen and others.

“You are looking for death.”

The voice fell.


A deafening roar rang from the heavens and the earth, and dark clouds came from above the billowing sky. At the same time, it was mixed with a terrifying pressure.

A force that destroys the world and collapses the world is falling from above.

The detached strong man slowly stuck out a palm.

It was the protruding of this palm that caused countless creatures’ complexions to change drastically, and their faces were full of horror.

At this moment, before the opponent’s attack fell, they did not hesitate to shoot around.

This is a transcendence level powerhouse, they can’t imagine what a terrifying shock wave will be generated later, how dare they stay in the slightest.

Don’t say it’s them. At the moment when this palm came out, even the Lord of Destruction and Old Old Man had a touch of jealousy in their eyes and fled away.

If they stay within the range of palm attacks, they are completely waiting for death.

Their departure also means that there is only the chaos Demon God, Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign, Lord of Reincarnation, and others in this heaven and earth.

Although they felt the palm of the sky slowly protruding out, the few people still did not hesitate at all, but instead urged each other’s power.

“What are they going to do?”.

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