Chapter 365

“For today’s matter, forget it.”

Originally, an ordinary Great Dao dispute directly led out the Lord of Destruction in the ancient times.

The Lord of Destruction was condescending, glanced at Feng Chen and others with a stern look, and said.

The words sounded, and everyone was silent.

This is the Lord of Destruction, a powerful existence, and the true origin of Ninth Stage. If there is to be a war, they can’t imagine what will happen.

The silence of the sentient beings, the God of Chaos Demon, the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign, the Tyrant Sword, and the Chaos Sword Sovereign, they are full of aura, their eyes are fixed on the Lord of Destruction and withered, the meaning is self-evident.

Feng Chen finally met a cultivator of Space Avenue, how could he let him leave like this?

Feeling the rising aura of everyone, the Lord of Samsara’s complexion changed, and the power of the road of Samsara in the whole body was also swiftly urged, and his eyes locked on the Lord of Destruction.

The Lord of Destruction was taken aback and looked at the Lord of Samsara: “Retreat.”

“I and your master are good friends, I don’t want to fight with you.”

As soon as the words came out, the Lord of Samsara never retreated: “You are indeed my predecessor, but today I cannot retreat.”

“Because I reincarnation Daoyu, and Yan Luo Daoyu are allies, nowadays, I will definitely not ignore the dispute over the Great Dao.”

The Lord of Samsara naturally knows what an old monster the Lord of Destruction is. He was friends with the previous Lord of Samsara, that is, his master, which is enough to prove that he didn’t know how many chances he lived.

“It’s you, why do you want to prevent Feng Chen from devouring the origin.”

Hearing the words, the Lord of Destroy faintly said: “Because this way I can be detached.”

The sound fell, and the audience was silent.

All eyes were on the Lord of Destruction.

Transcendence, what a remote realm to them, is also an existence that looks up to.

A temptation to transcend the realm can indeed make the people of Ninth Stage’s original realm sell their lives for him.

After all, the Lord of Destruction didn’t know how many years he had been in the original state of Ninth Stage, how could he not want to step into the transcendence state.

The Lord of Destruction fell down, his eyes fixed on the Lord of Reincarnation.

“Since you insist on stopping, let me see how many true biography of your master you have gotten.”


When the words fell, the sound of morning bells and evening drums suddenly exploded in the chaotic battlefield, the world roared, and the terrifying breath of destruction spread endlessly toward the surroundings, turning into a billowing torrent and rolling toward the head of Samsara.

How rich is the breath of destruction in this flood of sky, the space is shattered in an instant along the way, and the trees, mountains and rivers below are withered and collapsed.

Seeing the torrents roaring in the sky, the Lord of Samsara looked solemn, and immediately urged the power of Samsara throughout his body.

Suddenly, the waves of reincarnation spread from the Lord of Samsara, rushed to the sea of ​​clouds, shook nine heavens and ten earth, and collided with the flood of destruction.


A deafening roar sounded in the world, leading to the sinking of all things and the destruction of the world.

One destruction, one reincarnation, these two avenues are the most terrifying avenues in the world.

The current collision of the power of the two people’s avenues can be said to be the horror of a fight between God Immortal.

Under this violent collision, the world rustled and turned into infinite visions, constantly flooding the world.


Another loud noise came, and the Lord of Samsara was directly shaken back in this violent collision.

Although the Lord of Reincarnation is also the top powerhouse of the Ninth Stage Origin Realm, the opponent is a powerhouse who has survived from ancient times.

The strength of the Lord of Destruction, the perception of the original state has long surpassed the Lord of Reincarnation.


At the moment when the Lord of Samsara was shaken back, a monstrous aura of killing instantly filled the sky.

The rolling blood turned into a wave, and a wave of killing force shrouded toward the Lord of Destruction.

Facing the power of the overwhelming avenue of killing, the Lord of Destruction waved.

The wind was everywhere, and under the vision of the sky, the force of the palm of the hand blew the sky away from the sky.

The figure of Slaughter Tianzun appeared beside the Lord of Reincarnation, staring at the Lord of Destruction with each other’s eyes.

The Lord of Destruction also stared at the two of them, the calmness on their faces turned into seriousness.

He had seen the strength of Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign before, after all, every battle in the Chaos Battlefield was so terrifying, how could he not be able to sense it as the Lord of Destruction.

Now facing the combination of the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign and the Lord of Reincarnation, he had to arouse his attention.

“In that case, let the old man see if you two can resist the old man.”

The Lord of Destruction yelled, and the power of his whole body burst out instantly.


With the eruption of the power of the Lord of Destruction, the continuous sonic boom in the whole world was crazy.

The heavens and the world, the nine heavens and ten earths, the creatures in the chaotic battlefield are all trembling at this moment.

This extremely terrifying destructive force flooded the world and made them feel a strong threat of death.

At the same time, the Lord of Reincarnation and the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign also mobilized the power of the Dao, focusing on the Lord of Destruction.

In a flash.

The three rushed towards each other at the same time.

A top-level battle began.

As their battle unfolded, the gaze of Chaos Demon God was also on the withered old body.

Suddenly, the hands of the God of Chaos Demon changed, spurring strands of immortal seal power to swept across, rippling, and then condensed into an attack, blasting towards the withered old man.

Seeing the attack coming from howling, the withered old swallowed the avenue spreading, swallowing the void, as if to swallow the world.

However, he did not rush to make a move, but his hands were constantly changing, and wisps of dark light rose up.

These dark rays of light continued to shroud toward the gods, and in the blink of an eye, tearing through the space, they were sent into the void under the shroud of strands of black light.

Obviously, the old man also knew that there would be a big battle next, but he was not afraid of the Chaos Demon God.

However, Feng Chen is bound to take action against the gods, and he can only protect the gods first.

After doing all this, the old man looked at the seal offensive.

Immediately urged the Devouring Avenue, igniting the vision of heaven and earth, and in an uproar, it blasted towards the sealing force.

At this moment, the terrifying sonic boom continued to sound over the entire chaotic battlefield, and the successive collisions on the two battlefields caused catastrophes to spread toward the surroundings.

In the roar, the chaotic battlefield was plunged into a boundless catastrophe.

At the same time, with everyone’s eyes on these two battlefields, Feng Chen’s eyes flickered, looking at the void in the distance.

Although God Meng was protected by the withering, but still able to see the God Meng in the void.

Because of the golden pupil of air luck, although the golden pupil of air luck can only look at the child of air luck, it is still very easy to see through the void with the most basic things.

Finding the location of Shenmeng, Feng Chen held the Gunslinger, flashed out, and went directly to the Shenmeng to kill. .

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