Chapter 354

Click! Click!

The world quaked, with one enemy and two, the Tyrant Sword took the lead in attacking, and two billion-meter-sized sword shadows blasted toward the sword and the weird powerhouse.

The powerhouse of the weird clan condenses a dark rainbow, whistling away through the void.

Dao Yang is also changing the big knife in his hand, urging the power of the great road all over his body, and with a big shout, it turns into a sea of ​​knives in the sky.

The sea of ​​swords roared, and a strong breath wave radiated from it, pointing directly at the huge sword shadow.

next moment.



The harsh clank and the crashing sound sounded at the same time, and in the center of the collision, a scene like a catastrophe appeared.

The billions of sword shadows displayed by the tyrants, with an unstoppable force, directly shattered the rainbow at the moment of collision with the dark rainbow.

Turning to the sky full of swords, it also failed to withstand the terrifying knife shadow offensive. With the sound of the clank, the sky full of swords was shattered tyrannically.

Then two huge sword shadows blasted towards the strong man of the weird clan and the sword Yang.

The strong of the weird clan, with a big wave of his hand, a magical power was punched out to dissolve the shadow of the knife.

After all, this blow was a one-to-two blow from the Domineering Sword, and the previous collision canceled out a lot of power, so it was so easy to resolve.

He is so relaxed, but Dao Yang is not.

He is not a strong person in Origin Realm.

Facing the huge shadow of the sword, the long sword in his hand was constantly swinging, and after a violent collision, it barely resisted the attack of the Tyrant Sword.

After a collision, the aura of Tyrannical Sword swelled all over his body, locked the two of them, holding the big sword directly towards them.

At the same time, the powerhouse of the weird clan and Dao Yang looked at each other, and also slammed towards Tyrannical Dao.

At this point, a great battle has completely unfolded.

At the same time, the battle in the entire chaos battlefield is also continuing.

This epic-level battle constantly erupted with ear-splitting roars in the chaotic battlefield.

In this battle, the sky was dim, everything fell, visions were born, and the entire chaotic battlefield was about to turn into a catastrophe.

And in this battle, because there were so many strong men, they couldn’t kill each other, and they were all in a frantic war with each other.

One year, two years, ten years, and decades in the blink of an eye, the entire world has long been turned into a ruin, and this chaotic war has not stopped in the slightest.

However, decades of wars have left some half-step Origin Realm powerhouses overwhelmed, and they have already gone back to adjust their interest rate.

This war, which has been going on for decades, still shows no signs of ending, but intensified.

The people onlookers around have been staring at the battle in front of them for decades.

As for the battle caused by the reincarnation beads, the reincarnation beads had already been born at this time, but no one cared about the reincarnation beads, because the battle was too fierce, and they could not even be distracted.

Under this devastating battle, the battlefield between the Demon God of Chaos and the weird Eighth Stage origin realm powerhouse is at this time.


When the two of them collided with supernatural powers, they were directly retreated by each other.

Looking at each other, the face of the Chaos Demon God is actually indifferent at this time, while the strong person in the Origin Stage of Eighth Stage is already colored.

It is true that after decades of war, he fell into a disadvantage.

Taking advantage of the brief collision, God Chaos Demon’s eyes flickered, and he glanced at the battle between heaven and earth, and there was no sign that the curtain was about to end.

Immediately, his hands began to change.


While his hands were changing, the surrounding space of the God of Chaos Demon kept rippling ripples, and in an instant, there was a powerful seal of breath flowing from the rippling void.

Ripples rippling, condensed into strands of immortal runes in mid-air.

At the moment of seeing these strands of immortal runes, the eyes of the strong man of the weird Eighth Stage original state suddenly condensed.

He thought of the previous time when the Demon God of Chaos used this blow, but it sealed the road of the strong of his clan, and the range was very wide.

At this moment, he did not hesitate at all, and directly Yang Tian shouted.


The two words rang, shook the sky, and fell into everyone’s ears, making these people who were in the war watchful.

When they saw that the ripples wrapped in immortal runes began to spread around, their complexions changed greatly.

Similarly, the strong men of God also saw this scene, and they naturally knew what would happen next.

At this moment, in the face of the strong men of the weird race who are rapidly retreating, the strong men of God are directly using the ultimate move, how can they let the other party flee…

Even though the weird powerhouse of the Eighth Stage Origin Realm reminded them quickly, how could they pass the Seal Avenue as quickly as possible.


I saw the rippling immortal runes spread out in the mid-air of the Chaos Battlefield, directly falling on those weird powerhouses who wanted to retreat.

In an instant, the battlefield that had been roaring ceaselessly fell silent for a short time at this moment, as if the battle had ended.

Looking at the strange powers in the sky, the Eighth Stage origin realm powerhouse in front of the Chaos Demon god shook his body.

The same is true of the two Seventh Stage Origin Realm powerhouses who fought against the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign.

There are also Chaos Sword Sovereign’s opponents, the powerhouse of the Seventh Stage Origin Realm, and the Lord of Space.

In the blink of an eye, the power of the avenue couldn’t be moved, and they were directly sealed.

Although for them, the seal can only last for a short time, but the contest between the strong is enough for a short time.

They are powerful and can only seal the moment, but the Dao Yang who is fighting with the Tyrant Sword and the strong man in the Third Stage Origin Realm are all pale and suspended in the air at this time, staring at the Tyrant Sword and their eyes are full of fear. .

Naturally, Feng Chen is on the battlefield.

With the spread of the sealing power, it fell on the Fourth Stage’s origin realm, causing the opponent to be sealed in the avenue, blocking the power of the whole body.

At this moment, the entire heaven and earth belonged to God’s enemies, those origin realms, half-step origin realms, all were sealed in mid-air.

Moreover, it was the sealing power of the Chaos Demon God of the Seventh Stage Origin Realm. For their half-step Origin Realm and the lower cultivation base, it completely fixed them in mid-air.

These people directly become the fish on the sticky board.

After a brief period of silence between heaven and earth, no one missed this opportunity and used their ultimate moves one after another.


The sonic boom continued to sound, and there was a great roar above the sky, rolling anomalies swept across the world, and an incomparably terrifying offensive quickly condensed in the hands of the strong men in the heavens, and then blasted towards the opponent.

Next, in the entire chaotic battlefield, the only things that can be heard are the constant roaring and collisions, and the blood sprayed figures of those strange people. .

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