Chapter 351

Everything recovers, withered trees in spring, the chaos battlefield is about to appear because of the precious reincarnation beads, so that the entire chaos battlefield is directly turned into an oasis.

At the same time, for the reincarnation beads, the strange clan sent a large number of strong men.

The same is true for Feng Chen. In order to help the Lord of Samsara to snatch the Reincarnation Orb, the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign aroused the breath, and the Lord of Samsara brought all the top powerhouses in the Reincarnation Realm.

Seeing that this world-class competition is about to unfold, the space is rippling with ripples, and the power of a tyrannical space avenue is pouring out, and the Lord of Space is already standing not far from the Lord of Reincarnation.

“Space, what do you mean?”

When the Lord of Space heard this, his face was indifferent: “It’s very simple, I won’t let you get this Lord of Reincarnation.”

“Are you planning to declare war with my reincarnation realm?”

The Lord of Space did not answer, but his expression was enough to prove everything.

Because the Lord of Space clearly knows that if the Lord of Samsara gets the Reincarnation Orb, the opponent’s strength will surpass him, and it will overwhelm him.

By then, with the protection of the Lord of Reincarnation who is more terrifying than his strength, the Yan Luo Temple will be even more impossible to destroy.

Right now is his only chance, the only chance to stop the Lord of Samsara in this battle.

He also saw the weird clan’s ambition for the reincarnation beads, and Feng Chen is the one who will kill the weird clan. This time the weird clan has dispatched so many powerful people, Feng Chen must fall here.

After all, the Slaughter Tianzun behind Feng Chen will be entangled by the weird powerhouses, and then no one can protect Feng Chen.

Looking at the expression of the Lord of Space, the Lord of Samsara’s complexion changed, and the power of the whole body surged and turned.


The Lord of Samsara tears through the space and shoots directly towards the Lord of Space.

The Lord of Space also did not step back, urging the power of the Dao to kill the Lord of Samsara.

At this point, the two top-level powerhouses in God have completely launched a battle.

With the unfolding of the two-person battle, it also kicked off the grand battle caused by the reincarnation beads.

First, the god of chaos Demon.

Chaos Demon’s gaze blinked, tearing the space apart, blinking, and directly locked on the strong master of the Eighth Stage origin realm of the weird race.

Turning his hands to change, strands of immortal runes flickered from his body, the next moment.

Chaos Demon’s body disappeared in place, pointing directly at the strong man in the origin realm of Eighth Stage.

The strong man in the Origin Realm of Eighth Stage felt the power of sealing the avenue roaring, and without care, the power of urging the avenue rushed towards the chaos Demon god.

Then came Slaughter Tianzun.

At this time, the Slaughter Tianzun was shrouded in a thick blood, and the breath of slaughter emanating from his whole body made the people in the world feel heart palpitations.

The Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign directly locked the two powerhouses of the Seventh Stage Origin Realm, and full of the aura of Slaughter Avenue, outlined a blood sword that reached the sky in the air.

The blood sword dispersed, suppressing one party, tearing the sky and blasting at the two.

“Huh, one enemy two, you are too arrogant.””

“I really thought you could beat the two of me?”

After being beaten twice by the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign, the people of these two Seventh Stage Origin Realm snorted, and their whole bodies rose up ominously, facing the sky-reaching blood swords that fell in the air, they attacked each other.


The offensives collided with each other, and a roar erupted in mid-air.

Under this collision, the two powerhouses rushed directly towards the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign.

Slaughter Tianzun also urged the killing intent to kill the two.

Then came the Chaos Sword Sovereign. Although the current cultivation base of the Chaos Sword Sovereign only had the Fourth Stage origin realm, but holding the Immortal Sword in his hand, he had an aura of dominance radiating, as if he was about to shatter the entire world.

The Chaos Sword Sovereign stared directly at the powerhouse of the Seventh Stage Origin Realm, and the Immortal sword in his hand flickered, condensing into a huge sword shadow in the air.

The shadow of the sword is vertical and horizontal, and Shattering Void is drawn, carrying a boundless and majestic breath of sharpness, and it falls down fiercely.

“Huh, it’s just the origin of Fourth Stage.”

The strong man who was stared at by the Chaos Sword Sovereign snorted coldly, waving his big hand at will, the bright light burst out, and a huge palm condensed in mid-air.

This huge palm was horizontally in front of him, as if the opponent wanted to grasp the attack of Chaos Sword Master with his palm.


The sword shadow fell and violently collided with the palm of his hand.

In the next instant, the complexion of this powerful person in the Seventh Stage Origin Realm suddenly changed.

“how is this possible!”

An exclamation sounded. At the moment of the collision, his original confident blow was directly shattered by the sword of the Chaos Sword Sovereign, and even the powerful counter-shock force shook him back several steps.

When he exclaimed, the Sword Master Chaos had already shot away with the Immortal sword in his hand.

Then there is the tyrant knife.

Although the Tyrannical Sword has not yet reached the Origin Realm, he has always been arrogant, and he directly focused on a Third Stage Origin Realm of the weird clan. The big sword in his hand burst out with a wave of air that ruined the world and the earth. Tyrant yelled loudly.


Even though he was facing the Origin Realm, the Tyrannical Sword was so confident, and he directly slew the opponent with the long sword in his hand.

The long knife pierced the sky and shook the sky.

His opponent, watching a half-step Origin Realm person slay towards him, instantly furious.

This is being looked down upon, this is an insult.

At any rate, he is also an origin realm. When will a half-step origin realm be qualified to challenge a strong origin realm?

Looking at the Tyrant Sword that was full of killing intent, this person snorted coldly, his whole body aura rose high, and he directly killed the Tyrant Sword.

The collision between the two is also unfolding.

At the same time, the origin realm in the reincarnation realm and the half-step origin realm are also fighting with the strangers of the strange family.

This grand battle has completely kicked off.

The entire chaotic battlefield constantly reverberates with the roar of collisions, and every collision resembles the horror of the end of the world, shaking the chaotic battlefield and roaring across the world.

Countless people around me saw this scene, and each other was shocked and speechless.

They were equally passionate about this kind of battle, but they also knew it well.

After all, this level of battle is not something they can participate in.

“.々This is about to evolve into a decisive battle between God and the strange race.”

“No one thought that it was originally only the god of Yan Luo Temple, and Feng Chen’s great battle turned into this battle.”

“These are all powerhouses at the pricing level, it’s too scary.”

“By the way, how about Feng Chen? Why don’t you see the other person?”

“Could it be that he knew he was not strong enough and didn’t choose to join the battlefield slave?”

“Look! It’s Feng Chen!”

Exclamation sounded, the sentient beings saw the chaotic battlefield below, Feng Chen rushed out long ago, the Avenue of Time urged, the target is directed at the severely injured Tianzhou who fled to the distance.

Obviously, before the start of this war, Feng Chen will destroy the universe first.

However, they also noticed that there is a weird powerhouse who only watches Feng Chen’s every move.

“not good!”.

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