Chapter 346

Originally Feng Chen was going to kill Ye Cheng, but Tian Zhou suddenly broke through and interrupted Feng Chen’s ultimate move.

At this point, Tian Zhou and Ye Cheng joined forces to deal with Feng Chen.

With all eyes in sight, Tian Zhou and Feng Chen were killing each other at the same time, but Tian Zhou’s speed was significantly slower and seemed to be waiting for something.

Feng Chen didn’t think much about it, and tried his best to kill the opponent.



When Feng Chen stepped into a space, the void suddenly rippled, and an endless violent breath instantly rushed to the sky, shaking above the hearts of everyone.

It feels like the horror of a catastrophe coming to the common people like the end of the world.

The world shook, and the chaotic battlefield was instantly flooded with violent power.

“what is that!”

An exclamation came, and everyone looked at it. At this time, the space where Feng Chen was located was filled with ripples, and these ripples slowly condensed into a large array.

With Feng Chen’s stepping in, the big array directly operated, the light flickered, and the black and red blended together, directly trapping Feng Chen in it.

When this great formation appeared, the amount of frenzied violence scattered between the sky and the earth skyrocketed, and it seemed to destroy the sky and the earth.

The large array in motion constantly exudes awe-inspiring killing intent.

“God Killing Great Array!”

“Oh my God! It turned out to be the God Killing Array.”

“Didn’t the God Killing Array say that it had been lost in ancient times? How can anyone still show it?”

“The God Killing Array, in the ancient times, it was the existence that scared countless Origin Realms. I remember that in the ancient times, there used to be a strange family of strong men who laid down the God Killing Array, directly destroying a strong God in the Origin Stage of the Eighth Stage. killed.”

“This is the horror of the God-killing Array. It possesses the power of God-killing, and can even obliterate the Origin Realm. The only requirement is that the people who lay the Array must be at least four people or more, otherwise it will not be able to show at all. Out of the power of the God Killing Array.”

“Unexpectedly, several epochs have passed, and the God Killing Array will appear again, and it is still dealing with a half-step Origin Realm.””

“It seems that Tianzhou and the others have joined forces with strangers.”

“This also proves that, the god of Yan Luodian, Feng Chen poses too much threat to him, and he has to cooperate with the weird people.”

“The power of this God Killing Array at the moment is extremely terrifying, and the people who set up the array are at least four Fifth Stage Origin Realms.”

“Hey, such a terrifying God Killing Array, not to mention a half-step in the Origin Realm, even if the strong in the Origin Realm fall into it, it can’t be contended.”

“Moreover, there is another terrible thing about the Lost Array, that is, if you want to crack, it is difficult for the outside world to crack, and can only be cracked from the inside. This also means that the Chaos Sword Sovereign of Yan Luodian cannot help Feng Chen.”

“It’s over, this time Feng Chen is really going to encounter a crisis.”

“The rest is up to him.”


The common people talked a lot, and their eyes were full of worries when they looked at the god-killing formation.

The same is true for the Lord of Samsara, looking at the God Killing Array with frowning brows. As the Lord of Samsara, his understanding of the God Killing Array is naturally far beyond ordinary people. He is too aware of the power of the God Killing Array.

“Everyone, I’m afraid I will ask you to make a shot together later.”

The Lord of Reincarnation said.

Chaos Sword Sovereign and several people locked their eyes on the God Killing Array, but did not respond to each other.

Naturally, there is no need for the Lord of Reincarnation to say that if they find that Feng Chen is in danger, they will definitely take the first shot.

Under everyone’s worried gaze, there was one person whose face was full of joy.

This person is naturally the master of space.

The gaze of the space lord stared at Feng Chen in the God Killing Array, and his eyes were full of cruel expressions.

“This time, you are finally dying.”

At the same time, on the other side, Tian Zhou personally watched Feng Chen enter the large formation. The speed that was originally slowed down, the whole person was directly suspended in the air, staring at Feng Chen.

“You can’t blame me for this. If you want to blame it, you can blame yourself for being too careless!”


With everyone’s eyes in full view, a loud noise suddenly came, causing the whole world to suddenly shake.

In that huge God Killing Array, there was a roar, and under the loud noise, a series of giants were condensed in the large array.

The next moment.


An ear-splitting dragon roar followed. In the great formation, the dragons dazzled the immortal runes, exuding ominous aura and strong killing intent.

In an instant, the dragons burst towards Feng Chen.

The dragon roared, Feng Chen looked calm, without any panic. Looking at the roaring dragon, waving his hands, a divine rainbow condensed in his hands.

In the blink of an eye, Shenhong exploded with power, shaking the entire large array suddenly, and turning Shenhong towards the dragon.


There was a loud noise, and the ear-splitting collision sound in the God Killing Array broke out, and billowing smoke rose. Under Feng Chen’s blow, the dragons were directly shattered.

These giant dragons came quickly, and they died quickly. One encounter was shattered by Zhao Yun’s offensive, and the entire formation fell directly into calm.

However, before Feng Chen could breathe, there was a loud noise in the big formation again, and the calm big formation was running again.


Long Yin sounded, and a series of dragons more terrifying than ever before condensed and rushed towards Feng Chen.

Looking at the dragon, Feng Chen attacked again.


There was another loud noise, and the dragon was once again shattered by Feng Chen’s offensive.

In an instant, the same scene was staged again, the dragon yin sounded, the world shook, and the more violent dragon condensed and rushed towards Feng Chen.


Looking at the giant dragon whose vigor had soared again, Feng Chen frowned slightly, a little puzzled.

“This is the horror of the God Killing Array. The God Killing Array not only possesses the mighty power, but also the scene that appears. As long as you are deep in the big array, no matter how powerful an attack you use, When the dragon is smashed, the dragon will condense again, and will absorb the power of the attacker to strengthen itself.”

The Lord of Reincarnation furrowed his brows and said: “And because of this, the God Killing Array has been continuously attacking, even after ten years, a hundred years, or even a thousand years, it can continue to run, if it is true. After a thousand years of operation, the power contained in the God Killing Array can even wipe out the powerhouses of the Ninth Stage Origin Realm, because at that time even the Ninth Stage Origin Realm would be exhausted physically and mentally in the face of constant attacks over the millennia.”

Listening to the explanation of the Lord of Reincarnation, the common people also realized.

“If this is the case, wouldn’t the final result of Feng Chen be… the people”

“It must be cracked as soon as possible.”

“Otherwise, let the big array grow like this, how can it be resisted.”

After hearing the explanation of the Lord of Reincarnation, the worry on the faces of the common people became more and more intense. After all, the God Killing Array can absorb the power of the attacker for its own use.

Similarly, the three people of Chaos Sword Sovereign had their eyes on Feng Chen, who was in the killing of the gods. The auras of each other slowly rose, and they were ready to take action. .

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