Chapter 339


Between the heaven and the earth, the violent wind fights, and a wave of terrifying aura and coercion scattered throughout the heaven and earth, turning into infinite visions, flooding the heavens and myriad realms.

Here is the chaotic battlefield, the chaotic battlefield after several earth-shaking battles.

At this moment, the chaotic battlefield is in a mess, and a breath of destruction can’t dissipate in the air for a long time.

However, at this time, everyone’s attention was not in this chaotic world, but a strange group of Eighth Stage origin realm powerhouses suspended in mid-air far away.

At this moment, not only the world was watching him, but also the Chaos Demon God, the Chaos Sword Sovereign who had just become the Sword Master, the Wind Lord, the Earth Lord, and the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign.

Under the gaze of everyone, the face of this powerful person in the Origin Realm of Eighth Stage looked very ugly.

He clearly saw the horror of the Chaos Demon God. Although he is the cultivation base of the Eighth Stage Origin Realm, not to mention the Chaos Demon God in the distance, and the other three Origin Realms, only the Killing Heaven in front of him. He is no small threat.

With one against five, he is not so confident.

With this thought, the whole person turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place.

Looking at the Eighth Stage origin realm powerhouse who left the battlefield, they did not chase after Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign. After all, they were in the Eighth Stage origin realm. If they wanted to run, they would still be unable to catch up.

However, the common people in the world are not calm at this time.

Their eyes were all on the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign, Chaos Demon God and Sword Master.

“Three Sovereigns of Origin Realm!”

“Hey! And one is more terrifying than the other. There is no power in the entire heaven that can rival the Yama Temple.”

“Not only are the three origin realms, there is also one who is about to become the origin realm.”

“Yes, this also means that the future Yan Luo Temple will have four origin realms, and they will all be top-level origin realms.”

“It’s terrifying! The Yan Luo Temple is definitely the No. 1 power in the entire God.”

“Why are you still hesitating? Go back and clean up, and go to the Yan Luo Temple.”

“That’s right! If you take the initiative to surrender now, maybe the salary will be good, if you let someone take the initiative to regain it, the meaning will be different.”


The common people talked a lot, and the eyes of the people looking at the Yan Luo Temple were full of shock.

At the same time, the Lord of Reincarnation also looked at the Chaos Demon God trio. With these trio, he has absolute confidence in the long river battle.

At the same time, I was fortunate that I had a good relationship with Yan Luodian before, and did not choose to have a bad relationship.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but look at the Lord of Space beside him.

At this time, the Lord of Space looked so gloomy that it was almost dripping with water.

Originally, the Lord of Space planned to destroy the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign for the weird race, but who would have thought that instead of extinguishing the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign, the Yama Temple has a Chaos Demon God and the Fourth Stage Primal Realm Chaos Sword, who has just become the Sword Master. Respect.

Now he has no idea about the Yan Luo Temple. Even though he is very angry, he also knows clearly that the Yan Luo Temple with the four original realms is no longer something he can provoke.

Taking a deep look at Feng Chen’s location, the Lord of Space didn’t hesitate at all, and turned around and shot towards the realm of the space.

He knew that the next heaven was going to change!

At the same time, under countless horrified gazes, Jianzun Chaos and others flickered towards Feng Chen, and burst towards Yan Luo Temple in a flash.

This shocking battle once again started the name of Yan Luo Temple, and even made many forces of God begin to surrender.


With countless people leaving the Chaos Battlefield, in the huge palace of the Chaos Battlefield at this time.

The face of every weird powerhouse is full of solemnity.

Originally, this plan was meticulously planned by them, and they had made enough preparations to kill the Chaos Sword Sovereign and Tyrant Sword, but the final result not only did not kill them, but caused heavy losses to the strange family.


When they were dignified, the Eighth Stage, who was still on the battlefield, returned from its original state, with the same dignified face.

“The Temple of Yama is no longer what it used to be. If you want to completely destroy them, it won’t be so easy.”

“And even though the cultivation base is higher than that of Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign, but facing it, he still felt some threats.”

When the words fell, someone spoke.

“It seems that we must revive the Lord Ancestor as soon as possible. Otherwise, if Naha Sword becomes the master of the sword again, Yamada Temple has four original realms, plus the Yama, who has never been seen, will threaten our weird clan by then. Too big…”

“Speaking of this Hades, I am a little curious. The other party has never appeared before, no matter what degree of war, he is not in God, but has been detached?”

“Impossible! If you are detached, you would have come to destroy our clan long ago.”

“Perhaps this is the experience of the king of Yama for the god son of the Temple of Yama? In order to make him stronger when he goes to where in the future?”

When this sentence sounded, everyone was silent.

If the king of the Yan Luo Temple really had this idea, in order to let the god son of the Yan Luo Temple experience in the lower realm, they would not dare to imagine that a power with three original origins, then how strong would the true master be?

Under everyone’s doubts, suddenly a voice came.

“If it’s really an experience, then we can completely target this son of God.”

“I remember that the universe of Time Space Avenue seems to be in the battlefield of chaos. The god son of Yan Luo Temple holds both time and space avenues. He must also have a killer heart for this god son, and we can use it.”

“I think it can!”

“This time, the plan must be foolproof and kill the gods of the Yan Luo Temple in a flash, without giving them the chance to make a shot at the Chaos Demon God.”

“If this is the case, then I will contact Tianzhou.”

“I’ll invite Master Fu.”

The strong people settled their attention.

Obviously, with the growth of the Yan Luo Temple, it has become a force that the weird clan always pays attention to, and it has even ignored the other gods in the Chaos Battlefield.

No way, the threat of Yan Luodian is too great.


Just as they were discussing, the surrounding space was violently distorted, and an extremely terrifying power of the Great Dao crazily crushed, and the entire hall was instantly plunged into endless darkness.

The endless darkness was rolling in, and it looked so strange in this palace where the fingers could not be seen.

“Top powerhouse!”

“Who! Dare to break into the camp of my weird clan.”

Although shocked by this terrifying power of the Great Dao, the powerhouses of these weird races are not ordinary people. After a brief shock, they have urged their own power of the Great Dao.

“Why? I’m here to talk to you about cooperation.”.

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