Chapter 323

The Chaos Clock was suspended in mid-air, with strands of eternal breath of immortality constantly turning, seeming to be able to suppress the horror of the heavens.

Looking at Chaos Clock, Feng Chen’s face showed satisfaction.

This is a chaotic clock that took millions of gas luck.

And it’s the treasure of Innate on the Avenue of Time and Space, and it’s certainly not a loss.

“Could it be that I started Europe?”

Looking at the ancient bronze door, Feng Chen glanced at the luck value of only 900,000, and immediately whispered.

“System, continue to draw.”

Five million has been spent, which is not too bad. After this draw, the next draw is uncertain, and the next draw will definitely be after the golden luck is killed.

So, don’t worry, just draw it~.

Familiar inside the ancient bronze door can no longer be-familiar pictures appear.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for calling the Supreme.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for calling the Supreme.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for calling King Immortal.”


Looking at the lottery interface without colorful light and the system sound in his ears, Feng Chen was a little speechless.

I thought that the appearance of the Chaos Clock would make me luck better, but it was beyond my expectation. There was only King Immortal.

However, with the “numbness” of hundreds of previous lotteries, Feng Chen has also let go this time. There is nothing to worry about. Anyway, there is not much luck left.

“Continue to smoke.”

And then, Feng Chen once again fell into a kind of repetition.

The lottery interface is also constantly changing, and the prompts in the ear are surprisingly consistent, either Immortal King or Supreme, let alone the Origin Realm, even the Emperor of Heaven can’t see it.

“Come again!”


“Come again!”

Feng Chen started a crazy lottery once again.

I saw that the value of Qi Luck continued to decrease, 700,000, 650,000, 600,000…

In the blink of an eye, the value of luck was only 50,000.

This time, Feng Chen didn’t smoke any more, but took a look at the remaining Qi value and took a deep breath.


The light inside the ancient bronze door is gleaming, blue, blue, gold…

This time there is still no flash of colorful light.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for calling King Immortal.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for calling King Immortal.”


As for the next system sound, Feng Chen didn’t want to listen, nor was he in the mood to listen. The whole person’s attention was focused on the last 50,000 Qi luck value.

Regarding this only remaining value of luck, I don’t even think about it, it must be pumped.

But before the draw, Feng Chen stared at the ancient bronze door.

I don’t believe that with more than one hundred draws and six million luck values, only one Innate treasure can be obtained.

In any case, this is my last draw this time.

If there is nothing at the end of the lottery, I don’t know what to say.

However, correspondingly, for this last draw, I was both looking forward to it and somewhat indifferent.

After all, after more than a hundred draws, can we still pin the draw for the last time?


“Raffle! Draw!”

Tensions, tensions that have never been felt before, it’s utterly tense.

As for the familiar lottery interface, I didn’t dare to look at it, so I could only close my eyes.

Perhaps it was the luck accumulated over the hundreds of draws, or it was the last draw that was left, even the system couldn’t stand it, or it might be Feng Chen’s luck.

Under Feng Chen’s closed eyes, the raffle sounded.

When the sound of the system came, Feng Chen was already a little bit cold. In this last draw, the ghost knew what it was, and it was even possible that his six million luck value had only one Innate Chaos Clock.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for calling King Immortal.”

“Ding, the company host summons the supreme.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for summoning the Primordial Realm of Chaos Avenue, the God of Chaos Demon!”

Hearing the last sound of the system, Feng Chen, who was already heartbroken, shook his whole body violently, staring at the colorful light.

It’s finally here. In this last lottery, more than a hundred draws have finally gotten the original state.

And it was not the ordinary origin realm, but the origin realm of the Great Chaos Avenue. The top existence in the Great Avenue, the Chaos Great Avenue with a sealed existence, was even more tyrannical than Slaughter Avenue in a sense.

Feng Chen learned from the introduction of the system that the Demon God of Chaos can suppress the sealing technique and even seal the existence of the Origin Realm.

That is to say, when facing the strong of the Origin Realm, you can’t be really stupid without fierce battle, this is directly over the road, this is an extremely terrifying ability.

· ···Find flowers···········

It is almost equivalent to abolishing the ability of the Origin Realm that can be reshaped. Although it is not as capable of destroying the opponent’s origin like the Slaughter Heavenly Lord, it can be tyrannically suppressed.

This ability is enough to make the original state frightened.

“Summon, continue to converge your breath.”

What I am waiting for is such an existence, how can I give up.

Like the Chaos Clock, if the original realm of these Chaos Avenues does not converge, the whole God, the weird race of the Chaos Battlefield, will know, and they will definitely send people to investigate.

As for the aura of convergence, plus the Innate Arcana Chaos Clock obtained before, the two are completely their own cards.

.. …….. 0

The Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign is now in the bright place, so the Chaos Demon God is in the dark, and he will be able to surprise even a top-level Origin Realm powerhouse at that time.

Although this horrible aura was hidden, when the Chaos Demon God appeared, the entire heaven was also madly shocked.


The Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign arrived at the Yan Luo Temple in the first time, and the breath of the horrible Slaughter Avenue surged wildly, and he was ready to take action.

At the same time, Sword Sovereign Chaos and the Overlord also felt this terrifying pressure, desperately shooting towards the hall.

In the hall, the void rippled, and a gray figure slowly appeared.

The face was indifferent, as if there was no emotion, his eyes blinked deep into the abyss, an infinite oppressive force originated from the instinctive diffusion, which had already condensed killing moves in the hands of Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign.

And even Slaughter Tianzun himself felt a sense of danger.

However, when the Slaughter Tianzun was about to take action, the God of Chaos Demon came to Feng Chen with respect.

“God Chaos Demon has seen the Lord.”

Seeing this scene where the condensed killer moves in the hands of Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign dissipated, the Chaos Sword Sovereign and Tyrant Sword also let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it is not an enemy, otherwise Yan Luodian will definitely start a battle between Slaughter Tianzun and him.

However, their gazes were all set on the Chaos Demon God, and their eyes were full of jealousy.

They know that this is a top powerhouse.

They are naturally happy too.

Because this represents the strength of Yan Luodian has increased! NS.

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