Chapter 320


The gears rotate one by one, here is the domain of time.

Above that hall, the senior brother of Tian Zhou looked solemn, and standing around him were Emperor Immortal in the realm of time, and some powerful men of Emperor Tian.

With the end of the war, all the forces of God, large and small, united their forces in order to prevent the domain of Yama.


A sound of breaking through the air rang, and in turn diffused the breath of the ultimate killing avenue, which made the creatures in the time domain feel the horrible breath of killing avenue, their hearts trembled.

Under their horrified eyes, a bloody color pierced the sky, and the whole body exuded a surging killing intent. It was the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign.

Slaughter Tianzun’s scarlet eyes locked on everyone, without much words, one hand stuck out.


A huge roar instantly resounded across the world, and under the roar, a monstrous palm condensed in mid-air.

The blood-colored palm exudes a power that destroys the world and the terrifying aura of killing.

The Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign arrived and suddenly launched an attack, causing the complexions of everyone in the time domain to change drastically.

They dare not hesitate in the face of the palm that covered the 13 days, and they urged their entire body to resist.

All of a sudden, the entire sky above the realm of magical powers continuously played out, and the entire sky blinking became colorful.

Every magical power contains extremely terrifying power fluctuations, especially the senior brother of Tianzhou, which is driven by magical powers and magical tools.


All of this is in vain in the face of absolute strength.

The bloody palm that covered the sky fell from the sky, and accompanied by a huge roar, shattered the space along the way, and violently suppressed everyone below.


The ultimate move displayed by the people in the time domain did not play any role under the palm of Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign. A morning bell erupted and the huge hall was directly turned into ruins.

As for the powerhouses in the time domain, naturally they also fell directly and turned into smashing.

Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign, but one enemy three in the Primordial Realm powerhouse in the Chaos Battlefield, how can they resist it.

One palm wiped out everyone, and Slaughter Tianzun revealed a divine mind, seeming to be searching for something.

But in the end he found nothing, turned and left.


“Then Yan Luodian really wants to rush into our extreme ice domain?”

“Probably not, after all, the lord is dead, and there is no need for them to rush to exterminate them.”

“It’s hard to say. I just got the news that the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign descended on the Time Dao domain and directly destroyed the Time Dao domain.”

“Sigh! The Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign is all out?”

“If Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign came to our Extreme Ice Domain, how could we resist it.”

“With the end of the war, the Yan Luo Temple has recently regained its many forces. If the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign is really killed, we can only choose to surrender.”

“This is the only way at the moment, the power of Yan Luo Temple is not something we can resist at all.”

In the Extreme Ice Dao domain where the Ice Lord is located, some Heavenly Emperors, Immortal Emperors, and the previous Fire Dao Half-Step Origin Realm powerhouse who fought in the sky above the Yan Luo Temple looked very dignified.

They were very worried, worried that Yamal Temple would suddenly be killed.

Especially the powerhouse of the half-step Origin Realm of the Fire Path. At the beginning, he was an enemy of the Yan Luo Temple, and he also made a move.

When he thought of this, this half-step Origin Realm powerhouse’s complexion changed drastically. He knew well that if the people of the Yan Luo Temple were really killed, he would not have a way to survive.

As soon as the thought came out, without the slightest hesitation, he shot directly towards the chaotic battlefield.

“Did you leave!”

Just when he wanted to leave God and head to the battlefield of chaos, a cold voice rang from heaven and earth.

When this voice sounded, everyone clearly felt an extreme kendo breath coming.

This terrifying breath of kendo instantly made them feel the danger enveloped.

“Chaos Sword Sovereign!”

An exclamation sounded.


The kendo screamed, and all the people in the extreme ice road saw a ray of light blooming on the sky.

It was a dazzling sword shadow, and the horrible sword intent in the sword light rose wildly, and the moment the sword shadow under that light condensed, it shot directly towards the strong man in the origin realm of the fire road half-step.

“Do not!”

Fire Road half-step Origin Realm’s mouth let out a desperate sound.

Although he madly urged the attack to resist this blow, he was unable to resist the attack of the Chaos Sword Master by virtue of his strength.


With all eyes in full view, a sword pierced the chest of the Fire Path Half-Step Origin Realm, and the blood splashed down. The time behind this half-step Origin Realm powerhouse shattered and his body began to explode.

A source is quietly suspended in the air.

When seeing this scene, when the sword sovereign of Chaos Sword wiped out the powerhouse of the origin realm of Fire Dao, all the creatures swallowed their saliva, and their eyes were full of shock.

Under their shock, the figure of Sword Master Chaos slowly fell from the sky.

The whole body was shrouded in bright light, like a master, overlooking the common people.

“Surrender, or fall.”

An indifferent voice sounded over the extreme ice domain, causing a shock in the hearts of the creatures.

At this moment, they did not have the slightest hesitation or hesitation, and their gazes towards the Sword Master Chaos were filled with respect.

“We are willing to surrender.”


The battle of the Chaos Battlefield ended, and the biggest beneficiary was naturally the Yama Temple of the Yama Dao domain. The Yama Temple has now expanded to the most central part of God.

Many forces in the heavens have already joined the Yan Luo Temple.

After all, the battle on the battlefield of Chaos was too sensational. Who didn’t know the power of Yan Luodian and actively chose to join, but it was far better than being forced to surrender.

At this time, within the main hall of Yan Luo Temple, a killing aura flashed past.

“Your Excellency, I didn’t find the universe.”

Listening to the words of Slaughter Tianzun, Feng Chen showed a smile on his face: “It runs very fast.”

“It seems that there is a sense of danger.”

After a laugh, he didn’t take Tian Zhou to heart.

The current universe is not a big threat to him, and it will be resolved sooner or later.

And I also want Tianzhou to continue to grow. After all, Tianzhou will step into the half-step original state someday, and then he must also step into the half-step original state, so that he can kill the sky and absorb the origin.

In general, there are a lot of things that do not kill the universe.

After all, it is not easy to enter the original state on the Avenue of Time.

When Feng Chen was thinking, the figure of Ba Dao appeared in the hall.

“My lord, the Lord of Reincarnation is here.”

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