Chapter 306

“So confident?”

Tianzhou, who is also the Avenue of Time, also noticed this battle.

Especially when he saw Feng Chen dare to directly face the strong man who robbed half of the original realm, his face was very surprised.

“Is it the future body?”

Tian Zhou, also a practitioner of Time Avenue, murmured, and suddenly thought of the future body.

This is the exclusive magical power of Time Daojing, possessing supernatural power.

They also have this kind of magical powers, and they are generally used to confront the enemy.

It’s just that the strong one who shines in the future depends on himself.

If the future is not strong, or if you die, the future body is nothing.

Even if it is him, using the future body, the improvement is not huge, at most it is only the level of the emperor.

Feng Chen is just an ordinary Immortal emperor. No matter how much he improves, he is at best the Immortal emperor giant, or the emperor of heaven. How could it be possible to contend with the powerhouse of the half-step Origin Realm so confidently?

At this moment, when Feng Chen faced the strong man who was half-stepping the origin of the gun, countless creatures in the universe came to pay attention.

After all, the battle for space spar in the galaxy realm before, this god son of the Yan Luo Temple, has made the limelight.

Under the attention of all parties, in the vagina area, the strong gunman stared at Feng Chen with anger.

Although he knew Feng Chen’s strength was tyrannical, but in the final analysis, it was just an Immortal Emperor, and he couldn’t bridge the gap between Immortal Emperor and Origin Realm.



At this moment.

The mutation suddenly broke out.

Bright rays of light bloomed from Feng Chen, and the stars flashed rapidly in the universe, turning into a galaxy.

An infinite and powerful breath ran through the sky, rushing across the sky, shaking the nine heavens and ten earth.

During the tyrannical power and influence, Feng Chen seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

A dazzling river of time descended directly, hovering in his hands, as if it were his appendages.

At this moment, Feng Chen seems to be in charge, controlling the heavens and the earth, and the universe, with terrifying air waves and endless waves of time.

The breath that surpassed all things in the common people spread to the outside world, and the breath of the half-step Origin Realm began to rise.

The mutation broke out, causing this unexploded battle to once again cause endless shock.

Between heaven and earth, in the universe, whether it is the countless creatures watching this battle, or the old monsters, the master of space, the master of reincarnation, and the universe, many powerful people in the origin realm are feeling Feng Chen’s At the time of the changes, they all showed shock.

Don’t say it’s God, even in the chaotic battlefield of chaos at this moment.

Countless black figures, that is, the powerhouses of the weird clan, felt this terrifying breath of time.

“Half-step origin of Time Avenue.”!”

“When did God appear such a powerful time master?”

Exclamation came from the mouth of every weird clan, proving the shock that this breath of time had brought to them.

Under the shock of many directions, Feng Chen blinked in the vagina area, and the river in his hands was surging rapidly for a long time. A butterfly-shaped marking in his eyes began to bloom, and he looked directly at the strong gunner.

In an instant, the big hand waved at will.

Click! Click!

The sky shattered, the space collapsed, and the universe shook. At this moment, the whole world seemed to be plunged into an apocalypse.

A divine rainbow pierced through the sky, tearing through the space, and falling overwhelmingly toward the strong gunner.


“How can this be!”

Seeing Feng Chen’s soaring strength and feeling the rainbow that can penetrate the sky and the earth with his own eyes, the strong gunman exclaimed.

However, in the exclaim, his reaction was not slow as well.

In an instant, wisps of spear light bloomed, blasting towards the rainbow.


The offensive collided, and the sound of morning bells and drums broke out.

As for the attacks performed by the strong guns, the moment the sound wave rang, it was directly shattered, and there was no resistance at all.

At the same time, the Shenhong castration did not slow down and fell quickly.

The face of the gun road expert changed drastically, only to sense the strength of Feng Chen and the blow, but after the first collision, he fully realized what is strong!

Facing the ever-increasing divine rainbow, the gun masters continued to display their supernatural powers.

After repeated collisions sounded, Feng Chen’s attacks were worthy of being resisted by him.

Not waiting for him to shock the horror of Feng Chen’s strength.

Feng Chen waved his hands again.


The long river of time vibrated, and a little bit of starburst emerged from it, as if it echoed the stars in the universe.

In a flash.


The universe was torn apart, and huge stars that obscured the sky and sun fell from the universe.

The huge meteorite descended from the sky, exuding an incomparably terrifying power.

Don’t say it is the gunshot powerhouse below, as the meteorites fell, the countless Immortal emperors below, the heavenly emperor’s complexion changed drastically, and they retreated quickly, not daring to stay in the center of the battlefield.

The focus once again came to the gun master.

Looking at the falling meteorites in the distance, the face of the strong gunner is unusually solemn.

The next moment.

The spear in his hand swiftly waved, launching a series of offensives.

At the same time, when his magical powers were being used, the breath of his whole body skyrocketed. At this moment, facing the overwhelming meteorites, he used all the breath that could be used in his body.

In an instant, an offensive appeared in the midair of the entire firmament.

It is colorful, and there is an extremely terrifying force in every offensive.

Faced with Feng Chen’s seemingly random blow, the gunman can be said to have used his best.

All eyes are in full view.


Loud sounds rang out in midair, and the magical powers kept colliding with the meteorite.

The terrifying sharp breath constantly blasted the meteorite to pieces.

However, there are so many meteorites, plus the huge number (Zhao’s), even if they are constantly shattered, there are still huge stones scattered.

With the violent wind rising, the world was in chaos, and in the blink of an eye, those meteorites continued to turn into stones under the full attack of the gunman.

But even this way, the overwhelming stones, the strong guns did not have time to resist.


The rubble fell from the sky and directly fell on the strong gunner, accompanied by a huge sound, and fell fiercely on the ground below, stirring up dust and rolling.

Two attacks, just two attacks, they hit the gun lane powerhouses who are also half-step Origin Realm without the power to fight back. This scene fell into the eyes of countless creatures, and their shocked expressions could not dissipate for a long time on their faces. .

When Feng Chen used the future body, they had already sensed the power of Feng Chen, but they did not expect to be able to crush the powerhouse in the original realm of the gun road half a step.

“. 々 So strong!” Li.

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