Chapter 302

The crystal clear spatial spar is no more than a palm, holding it in your hand, you can clearly feel the flow of a strong spatial atmosphere.

Looking at the space spar, Feng Chen showed a smile on his face.

“It’s worthy of being a spatial spar condensed from several epochs.”


When the spatial spar was taken away, an extremely rich breath gushed out from below.

The colorful Heavenly and Mortal Treasures are constantly pouring from below.

An Immortal grass scented the nose, and a fiery red long sword was suspended in the air, exuding an incredibly sharp breath…

Piece by piece, Heavenly and Mortal Treasures made everyone around them look down on their faces.

However, since Feng Chen was in the middle of the thousands of treasures at the moment, they did not dare to snatch it.

After all, the impact that Feng Chen’s battle just brought to them was too strong, and not only him, but also the Chaos Sword Sovereign standing on the side.

Although they really want these treasures, life is more important than treasures.

Under their vertical gaze, Feng Chen waved his hand and took away some of the better Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

“Let’s go.”

When the two words sounded, Feng Chen, Qin Rumeng, and Chaos Jianzun turned into an afterimage and disappeared between heaven and earth.

As soon as the three of them left, the cultivators who had been jealous all around robbed them of Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

There was no shortage of ear-splitting roars during this period.

Against these Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, a battle has already started.


The breath is rippling, and clouds and mist are lingering in an extremely huge palace, and the enveloping light is constantly blooming.

In this cloud and mist, there is a beautiful figure slowly stepping out of the cloud and mist.

She wore a long purple dress to show her perfect figure, but at this moment, the beautiful face of this beautiful figure was slightly frowned, and it seemed that there was something on her mind.

Qianying stepped forward, walked through the clouds and mist, and came to a palace in the blink of an eye.

At this time, there were a dozen people standing in the hall, most of them were King Immortal, the cultivation base of Emperor Immortal.

Unlike other temples, there is a strong man sitting on the throne, but there is no one sitting on the throne of this palace, and there are layers of dust on it, it seems that there has been no one sitting on it for a long time.

As Qianying stepped into the hall, the strong people watched and left.

One of the emperors, who was also the strongest among the strong, came to Qian Ying.

“Goddess, is it really decided?”

The person called the goddess nodded slightly: “Unblock it.”

When the words fell, the Immortal emperors all around became serious.

“Goddess, we have been sealed too long in the vagina domain for too long, are we really going to decide to unblock it today?”

“You know, there are a lot of people from the outside world who are eyeing us too vaginally.”

“Yes, especially the Sun Dao Domain, they have been waiting for us to unblock it.”

“In case that the Lord of the Sun is not dead, what shall we do in the land of the overcast.”

There was a noisy voice for a while.

The goddess took a deep breath, a touch of helplessness in her eyes.

“In the chaos battlefield battle in the ancient times, we lost too many powerful people in the vagina area, and we finally had to choose to seal ourselves.”

“Although self-seal can protect the too vaginal domain, after so long, the number of strong people in our too vaginal domain has not increased at all. In the final analysis, it is because of the self-seal.”

“Too vaginal domain is sealed, which leads to the inability to penetrate the aura of the outside world and the aura in the Dao domain, causing the powerhouses in the Dao domain to absorb the light aura all day long and cannot improve.”

The goddess fell down, sighed and said again: “In this case, instead of absorbing the light spiritual energy like this, it is better to lift the seal.”

“In this way, it can also increase the cultivation speed of the powerhouses in the realm to the greatest extent.”

“As for the Sun Dao domain, they also lost a lot of powerhouses in the Chaos Battlefield. I think their strength should be about the same as ours.”

“And the Lord of the Sun, after such a long time, he almost fell, and he should be dead now.”

“It’s time to unlock the seal.”

As soon as the words came out, everyone was silent one after another.

The strong man at the level of the emperor said in a deep voice, “I agree with what the goddess said.”

“Rather than staying in the Dao realm like this all day long, it’s better to unlock the seal as soon as possible. This way, the perception of the Dao and the absorption of spiritual energy will be a huge improvement.”

“Otherwise, keeping self-sealing like this will only greatly reduce the strength of the strong in the realm.”

“Furthermore, the Dao Realm has a large array of protection, and the general strong can’t break it at all. We only need to make the aura in the Dao Realm not so weak.”

“Even if it is opened for a while, we can seal it again.”

“I agree to release the seal.”

“I agree!”


After the emperor said this, and the explanation from the goddess above, the voice of consent continued to sound.

Seeing this, the goddess immediately said: “If this is the case, let’s start.”

When the words fell, several figures burst into the air continuously.

As the figures flickered, these people kept changing their hands, using the secret method of unlocking the seal.


For a moment, a huge voice sounded, and then the runes turned, and the entire vagina area seemed to be broken open, and the bright light continued to shine in from the outside world.

At the same time, there are strands of unusually strong spiritual energy that spread from the universe to the Taivagina region.

At this moment, the vagina area, which was originally extremely thin, became energetic in an instant.

With the instillation of aura, cheers continued to sound in the entire Taivagina domain, and they began to absorb the rich aura between heaven and earth.

There was also a smile on the delicate face of the goddess.


The bright light blooms, here the light is shining, and the sun above the sky is so dazzling.

Under the dazzling sun, there is a huge palace.

At this moment in the palace, an old man who was drinking tea seemed to sense something, and a sharp light suddenly shot from his eyes, locking into the distance.

There was a smile on his face, a very strong smile.

“After being sealed for so long, I am finally willing to unblock it.”

“Long years, but let the old man wait.”


Yan Luo Daoyu.

In the Yan Luo Temple, Feng Chen, who has returned from the Star River Domain, has gained a lot.

Not only did he kill Shenkong Daozi, he also gained a certain understanding of Tianzhou’s strength, and he also obtained a spatial spar.

When he thinks of Shenkong Daozi, Feng Chen thinks of the rewarded five million luck value.

In order to get a source realm, that is, the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign, he had spent a lot of luck.

Now it’s finally made up.

Looking at the value of his luck, Feng Chen had the idea of ​​drawing a lottery again. If he draws someone from the Origin Realm again, he can walk sideways in the heavens.

The idea just came out to draw a lottery.


Just as it was about to draw a lottery, the voice of Tyrant Sword came.

“My dear, there is news from Dongfang Mingyue.”

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