Chapter 283

“Lord of Samsara!”

Even though the powerful Lord of Reincarnation, when he felt this breath, the power emanating from his body was instantly crushed, and the whole person exclaimed.

The two are both strong in the original source realm, but they are not comparable to the Lord of Samsara at all.

They are God’s top powerhouse and the oldest group of powerhouses. No one knows how powerful the Lord of Reincarnation is, but whoever sees the Lord of Reincarnation is not respectful.

The Lord of Samsara appeared through the piercing plane, his deep eyes locked on the Ice Lord, and the terrifying chill emanated endlessly, even more terrifying than the chill released by the Ice Lord himself.

The eyes of countless creatures looking at the Lord of Reincarnation are also full of respect. For this top-level powerhouse, no one disrespects.

The Lord of Reincarnation has a strong aura and looks at the Ice Lord.

“Ice Master, do you want to intervene in the fight for kendo?”

“Don’t dare.” The Ice Master said quickly, he didn’t dare to say anything except these two words.

The Lord of Samsara nodded slightly: “In that case, take your-people and leave.”

Even though the Bing Master was unwilling, but at this moment, the Lord of Samsara had stepped down a step, and he naturally had to be acquainted.

When everyone’s attention was focused on the two Origin Realm powerhouses, they didn’t know that there were slight ripples in the void below.

“The war is over.”

The ancient rhyme poem smiled lightly.

Feng Chen on the side nodded with furrowed brows.

“What’s the matter, husband?”

Looking at Feng Chen frowning, Gu Yunshi asked.


Before Feng Chen could speak, suddenly the world changed drastically, the universe was in chaos, and the terrifying murderous intent spread wildly.

A dark light touched the entire universe, turned into a majestic murderous opportunity, and then a dark figure appeared in the sky, just above Feng Chen.

“not good!”

Sword Sovereign Chaos and Tyrant Dao felt the envelope of the crisis at this moment, shouted loudly, and desperately shot towards Feng Chen below.

“The powerhouse of Void Avenue!”

Countless creatures also felt this breath, and their expressions changed drastically.

A half-step Essence Realm powerhouse on the Void Avenue, who appeared so suddenly and exuded such a terrifying murderous intent, wanted to assassinate a person even more.

The incident had happened suddenly, coupled with the opponent’s tyrannical strength, in the face of such a sudden attack, Feng Chen in their eyes was already a corpse.


At the same time, when the powerhouse of the Void Avenue appeared, the Lord of Samsara frowned slightly.

next moment.

Click! Click!

The universe collapsed, nine heavens and ten earths shattered, the world shook, and billions of stars were madly shattered. From the Lord of Samsara burst out a power of destroying the heavens and the earth, causing countless universes to tremble crazily.

The Lord of Reincarnation, at this moment, is like a god, sticking out his palm.

The palms that were originally a bit dry, at this time, there are strands of runes lingering on it.

The majesty of the sky is spreading endlessly. At this moment, the Lord of Samsara is the ruler, the god of the common people.

The palm of the hand was rapidly enlarged in the void, all-encompassing, strong and terrifying aura, sensational in the universe.

The goal of the Lord of Reincarnation is exactly the half-step Origin Realm powerhouse below who wants to attack Feng Chen’s Void Avenue.

At this moment, the half-step Essence Realm’s Void Dao powerhouse was filled with murderous intent on his dark palms. Seeing that his palms were about to fall on Feng Chen, he was about to succeed.

But the sudden action of the Lord of Samsara made his actions extremely slow.

“Damn it!”

The expert on Void Avenue sighed secretly. He didn’t expect that the Lord of Samsara would actually intervene in a trivial Emperor Immortal.

There is no other choice, there is only one thought in his mind at this time, and that is to retreat.

Facing the attack of the Lord of Samsara, he was absolutely impossible to resist.


Just as he was about to retreat, he suddenly felt a terrible murderous intent covering him.

The murderous intent spread, and the soul deep in his heart trembled crazily. This was a threat of death.

The strong at origin!

The person on the Void Avenue was shocked in his heart, but more fearful. He didn’t feel the murderous intention from the blow of the Lord of Reincarnation, but he was locked in by a ray of murderous intent just now.

It was this ray of killing intent that made his whole body tremble constantly, and fear to the extreme when he wanted to retreat.

“God! How powerful is the Lord of Samsara?”

“Just sticking out a palm, has already caused a half-step Origin Realm void to reach a strong person’s whole body trembling.”

“It deserves to be God’s top powerhouse.”

“Such strength, well-deserved top-notch! The existence of Transcendent!”

The surrounding creatures looked at the big hand that covered the sky and the sun was shocked to the extreme.

As for the killing machine, they didn’t sense it at all, or they couldn’t sense it even with their cultivation base.

· ···Find flowers···········


Under the eyes of everyone, the palm of the Lord of Reincarnation fell on the powerhouse of Void Avenue.

The half-step origin realm of the superior that was originally counted by God, under the power of the palm of the Lord of Samsara, it appears so fragile and should be directly shattered by the fall of the palm.

In the blink of an eye, only one source was left in the air.



At this moment, the eyes of all the creatures were on the Lord of Reincarnation. In addition to respect, the eyes were more shocked and shocked.

That’s the powerhouse of Half-Step Origin Realm!

It was wiped out by the palm of the hand.


The original Ice Master saw this scene with horror on his face, how dare he still have the slightest hesitation, and fled away desperately, as for the fire Dao powerhouse, he didn’t have time to bother.

.. …… 0

The Lord of Reincarnation is too terrifying!

“Is there a breath of extreme killing just now?”

“It flashed past, it is impossible to confirm whether the other party is the original state.”

“Such a terrible murderous intent, the other party should be in Origin Realm.”

“It’s too horrible, the killing machine just bloomed, and even my whole body was erected.”

“Who is the other party?”

“Moreover, he appeared beside that person. He is the god son of Yama Temple, is he the King of Yama?”

The old monsters in the universe constantly collide with their divine minds, and these people who emit divine minds are all top-notch masters in the original realm.

Compared with the collision of many creatures with the origin realm’s divine consciousness, the Lord of Samsara at this moment has a solemn expression.

Others couldn’t sense the strange Demon murderous intention that had just appeared, but he clearly sensed it.

That terrible killing aura was far more tyrannical than the murderous aura that the fallen Void Avenue showed when he wanted to kill Feng Chen.

It’s like a comparison between adults and children.

He had no plans to kill the people of the Void Avenue, but the opponent was directly smashed. It was obviously the hand of the person who showed the aura of killing. It can be seen that the opponent’s strength is horrible, especially the extremely horrible killing. breath.

Under this flash of murderous intent, even the mighty one felt a sense of danger.

That is a danger from the depths of the soul.

It was a cruel person who made him feel the danger of death, and made the Lord of Samsara himself feel the crisis of fall! NS.

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