Chapter 280

Under the sound of regret, the body of the originally split Sword Sovereign Chaos is being reshaped at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, the Chaos Sword Sovereign holding the Immortal Sword appeared again in suspension and mid-air.


“Competition with the same way, but there is a chance to kill the origin, this Chaos Sword Sovereign has actually been reshaped?”

“The strength of the Chaos Sword Sovereign is so extraordinary.”

“But the current reshaping will definitely be annihilated next time. After all, it can be seen from the battle just now that he can’t be the opponent of the two.”

“That said, if there are no strong people in the Yan Luo Temple to come to help, the battle of the Chaos Sword Sovereign will be swallowed.”

Looking at the reinvented Chaos Sword Master, the Heavenly Sword Master and the Holy Sword Master looked at each other, there was not the slightest word between each other, but the aura in the whole body was in a frantic surge.

It is true that the next two will once again prepare a killer move to slay the Chaos Sword Sovereign.


The two tacitly performed killer moves at the same time, pointing directly at the Chaos Sword Sovereign.

And then, the trio fought fiercely again.

The battle was fought in the dark, and the universe collapsed one by one, and the sky was shattered.

The creatures who fought for nine days and ten places shivered under the terrifying aura, and were terrified to the extreme.

The three went from the sky to the underground, even from the universe to the chaotic battlefield, and finally returned to the universe, chasing and killing each other.

When the two people of Tianjian Sovereign tried their best to obliterate the Chaos Sword Sovereign once again, the Chaos Sword Sovereign was reinvented again.

One year of war, the Chaos Sword Sovereign was rebuilt, and another year, the Chaos Sword Sovereign was rebuilt again,…

I don’t know how many years this battle lasted. The Holy Sword Venerable was a bit exhausted, but looking at the Chaos Sword Venerable who was reshaping again in the distance, he didn’t know what to do anymore.

Not only him, even the mighty Heavenly Sword Venerable, looking at the reshaped Chaos Sword Venerable, shock and fear appeared in his eyes.

He didn’t expect that the strength of Chaos Sword Sovereign would be such a strong one. This is a battle of swordsmanship, which is different from the battle between the overlord sword and the sharp spear.

There is no need for the battle between them to go to the chaotic battlefield, because the same-path struggle is very likely to kill each other.

However, who would have thought that the strength of the Chaos Sword Master would be reinvented again and again.

Looking at the remodeled Chaos Sword Sovereign in the distance, even the Heavenly Sword Sovereign did not know why, and there was an ominous premonition in his heart, as if this battle could not kill the Chaos Sword Sovereign.

The burst of this thought had already given him a retreat in his heart.

But then I think about it, everyone is a swordsman, and if you want to become a true sword master, you will have to fight each other sooner or later, and now is the best opportunity.

If you can’t kill the Chaos Sword Sovereign together with the Holy Sword Lord, then it is even more impossible to kill him in the future.

“This Chaos Sword Sovereign is too enchanting.”

“I don’t know how many times this has been reshaped. Could it be that he is not controlled by the rules?”

“It shouldn’t be. I have heard of some evildoers who are reshaped in battle in the same day, but I have never seen that they can be reshaped so many times.”

“It’s one thing for the Chaos Sword Sovereign to be strong, and one more thing is that the strength of the Heavenly Sword Sovereign is declining rapidly.”

“Especially the Holy Sword Venerable, who has been seriously injured long ago, and now after several years of war, he may not be able to support it a long time ago.”

“Moreover, I also sensed a sense of fear from the Venerable Heavenly Sword. Perhaps he already wants to leave.”

“Comrades will fight sooner or later, and you can’t dodge it.”

“Could it be said that in the face of the combination of the two Heavenly Swords, the Chaos Sword Sovereign can really win?”

Looking at the Chaos Sword Sovereign that was reinvented again, countless creatures talked a lot, all of them were shocked by the Chaos Sword Sovereign’s strength.


Seeing the reshaped Chaos Sword Sovereign, the Heavenly Sword Sovereign looked towards the Holy Sword Sovereign, and a sound was heard.

The Holy Sword Venerable nodded his head, why didn’t he know that if the Chaos Sword Venerable was allowed to reshape it like this, in this originally unsuspecting battle, perhaps they would really lose in the end.

With a thought in his heart, Qing Feng changed rapidly in the air, and at the same time, a phantom appeared behind Venerable Holy Sword.

The phantom flickered and turned to crazy high. This phantom was exactly the same as the Holy Sword, and like the Holy Sword, raised the cyan long sword in his hand.

The long sword is changing, and a wave of air is pulled from the nine days and ten places, and then soars under the body, and the power in the long sword also rapidly increases.

At the same time, the long sword battle of Venerable Heavenly Sword turned the stars, causing hundreds of millions of stars in the universe to shatter one after another, and a terrifying breath rose rapidly.

The radiant light bloomed from the whole body of Venerable Heaven Sword, and Xu Xu, illuminating the entire universe.

The supreme aura is even more terrifying to the extreme, running through the world, outlined by Venerable Heaven Sword with a single sword.


The universe collapsed again, and the terrifying sword intent tore the universe apart and condensed into a big sword with a handle of billions of feet.

The great sword was suspended in the sky above the Chaos Sword Master, igniting a masterpiece of vision, the wind swept through, and the power of destroying the world erupted from the great sword.

With the great sword above the head of the Suspended Chaos Sword Sovereign, plus the sword swung by the giant phantom behind the Sovereign Sword Sovereign, at this moment the entire universe resembled the apocalyptic horror, terrifying to the extreme.

And from their respective offensives, countless creatures have retreated again and again. With these two offensives, they can’t imagine what a terrifying shock wave will erupt if they really fall. They can only retreat for the first time.

But when they backed away from each other, their eyes were on the Chaos Sword Sovereign.

They wanted to see how powerful the Chaos Sword Sovereign faced the two and how they would counterattack.

With all eyes in full view, the Chaos Sword Sovereign seemed to have not seen the two attacks covering the sky and the sun on the firmament. His complexion was extremely calm and calm as water, without any waves, and it seemed that he hadn’t noticed the two attacks.


Venerable Tianjian shouted when he saw this.

Click! Click!

The two characters shook the world, and the sky shattered, the huge sword with a handle enough to cut the universe fell towards the Chaos Sword Sovereign. At the same time, the phantom behind the Holy Sword Sovereign also wielded the long sword and pointed straight down at the Chaos Sword Sovereign. .

When the two endless killer moves fell, the Chaos Sword Sovereign moved.

Everyone saw that the Chaos Sword Master was holding the Immortal Sword very casually. It was not too splendid, it looked very ordinary, and it was simply swung out.

Everything looks so ordinary, just like a sword displayed by a mortal.


This sword was rapidly magnified in the eyes of the two people of Venerable Heaven Sword, and the breath from it made them tremble, and it made each other feel the envelope of death.

A sword fell and faced two attacks.

At this moment, all the creatures held their breath and stared at the collision that was about to unfold between the world and the earth.

Boom! .

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