Chapter 278


When the war was about to unfold, the periphery of the entire chaotic battlefield was surprisingly quiet.

At this moment, countless creatures around stopped talking, and each other’s attention was on each other.

After ten years of endless battles, on this day, the winners and losers are finally about to be determined.

The winner walks out of the chaotic battlefield, and the loser can only send his own origin.

The eyes of the crowd were in full view of Tyrannical Dao-slowly closing his eyes.

This is not pretending to be b, but mobilizing the power that the whole body can mobilize, converging on the big sword.


Suddenly, violent winds started to erupt in chaos.

Tyrant’s whole person was suspended in mid-air, and as he closed his eyes, the broad sword in his hand burst into light, and an endless sharp force began to rise.

All things in the common people felt a trembled in their hearts at this moment, and this breath made them very uneasy.

In the same way, the swords in the heavens and ten thousand realms kept vibrating, as if worshipping the emperor.

Between the rising waves and the endless aura spreading, Tyrant Dao seemed to have fallen into a wonderful realm.

At the same time, the sharp gun was also not idle, and the long spear in his hand flashed, and the whole person’s right hand became red.

Then there was the tip of the spear that was flushed red, flying sand and walking between the rocks, chaos arose, and a gust of wind was blowing between the heaven and the earth.

The spear turned into a blood-red color in the blink of an eye, and the monstrous blood enveloped the sky, and the whole world fell directly into the blood-red color.

“Hi! Both of them are monsters.”

“This mighty power, I am afraid that the attack displayed can directly kill a half-step Origin Realm powerhouse.”

“Perverted, too perverted.”

“Exists like a monster.”

Shocking sounds kept coming, and their figures kept retreating, for fear that the aftermath of the collision would fall on them.

At this time, the aura of the whole body of the Tyrant Blade and the Sharp Spear was ascending step by step like a step, which was their full blow to each other.



Above the sky, the sound of morning bells and drums erupted, as if the sky burst, and a supreme sword light fell from the sky.

Looking at the Tyrant Sword again, he opened his eyes at the same time and slowly raised the Tyrant Sword in his hand.

It was also the big sword he raised, which seemed to echo the sky away, causing the light of the sword to flicker.

At the same time, the sharp gun shouted.


The whole person disappeared directly in place, leaving a bloody color in the air, and a monstrous crisis shrouded in the domineering sword.

The tyrant sword that opened his eyes echoed the sword light on the sky, and he took the same step.

Click! Click!

The world changed drastically, the chaotic chaotic battlefield’s periphery once again stirred up layers of ripples, and the tyrant sword holding a large sword slew towards the blood.

this moment.

All the creatures held their breath and stared at the center that was about to collide.


The harsh clank sound exploded with the heavens and the earth, and the sound wave spread, piercing the eardrums of some Emperors of Heaven and Immortal.

But this is the case, their eyes are still staring at the place where the sparks are splashing.

They saw the intersection of blood and brilliance, the collision of the blade and the tip of the gun, and each other was in a stalemate.



The word rushed to the world, resounding nine days and ten places, and the shout of Tyrant Dao fell into the ears of sharp guns.

The blade that had been stalemate suddenly shined brightly.


The blood crumbled, and the spear in the sharpshooter’s hand shattered directly, unable to withstand the blow of the Tyrant Sword at all.


The pupils of the sharp gun opened instantly, and the whole person maintained an extremely shocked expression.

And this has become his final expression.

The blade light fell, and the blood spattered out of the sharp spear, and the figure was directly divided into two halves.

However, this time, without the previous reunion, the ghost behind the gunner continued to dissipate.

Then a source of origin floated out, and this also meant that the sharp spear had fallen.

When this scene happened, all creatures were astonished to the extreme.

“The sharp gun was actually defeated!”

“After using the secret method, the cultivation base of the magic spear is infinitely close to the origin realm, and it has been defeated.”

“And the defeat is very thorough. In the chaotic battlefield, but with the ability to be immune to the original state, there is a probability that it will not be able to regenerate in the chaotic battlefield.”

“There is no doubt that the failure of the Gunslinger this time represents his death.”

“This tyrant knife is too terrifying.”

“No loss is the person that the Lord of Reincarnation looks after. First, he is the magic sword at the same time, and now he is the sword spear. Now he can be said to be invincible under the original realm.”

“You guys, don’t forget that there is another Chaos Sword Sovereign, and both of them are from Yan Luo Temple.”

“Yam Luo Temple!”


“The Supreme…. The Supreme is defeated.”

In the area of ​​the sharp gun, when they saw the spirit card of the sharp gun shattered, everyone’s pupils instantly widened.

“How is this possible! I clearly sensed the skyrocketing of the cultivation base, why was I killed?”

“It’s definitely another half-step Origin Realm person who has joined, otherwise you will never lose.”

“What’s the point of saying this now? If you are honored to fall, the people of Yamada Temple will definitely not let us go, and quickly block the universe.”

“I agree to block the universe!”

“The strength of Tyrant Sword is too tyrannical, we can only protect ourselves by blocking the universe.”

“It’s not too late, and block it quickly.”

“I just remembered to block the universe now, is it too late.”

The aura turned around, the killing intent was awe-inspiring, and the sharp aura instantly sealed off the entire sharpshooter domain.

.. ….. …….

When sensing this breath, the complexion of the common people in the area of ​​the Gunslinger Dao instantly changed greatly, and their faces were bloodless, and they were terrified to the extreme.

They knew that this time the Sharp Gun Domain would completely cease to exist.

Above, the figure of Tyrannical Blade flickered, and his gaze focused on the people below. Without much words, the broad sword in his hand kept flickering.

Instead, a sword attack was formed in the air, and it continued to fall towards the sharp gun domain.

The rule of the Yan Luo Temple has always been to kill them all, and there is no need to keep the characters of these sharp gun domains.

In the constant roar and wailing sound, the Gunslinger realm quickly shattered.

In the end, countless creatures saw the figure of the Tyrannical Blade flying out of the Gunslinger Domain. As for the destiny of the Gunslinger Domain, they could know even if they didn’t think about it.


“The battle of Tyrant Swords is over.”

This is the domain of Yan Luo.

Feng Chen smiled slightly and looked at the battle in the air.

The ancient rhyme poem on the side also slightly nodded: “Next, I will look at the Chaos Sword Sovereign.”

“Facing the two Sword Masters in the half-step Origin Realm, the pressure should not be small for the Chaos Sword Master.”

Feng Chen did not respond, but just stared at the Chaos Sword Master in the sky.

The strength of the Chaos Sword Sovereign is undoubted. Originally, the Holy Sword Sovereign had swallowed a kendo expert, but now he and the Heavenly Sword Sovereign are teamed up.

This means that after this war, a sword master will be born.

And this sword master is definitely Chaos Sword Sovereign! NS.

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