Chapter 256

Marlboro domain.


This is an extremely magnificent city, located in the center of the universe, like a vast galaxy, the huge city wall blooms with brilliance, with amazing circulation.

at this time.

Numerous rays of light flickered, shot out from the void, and headed towards Wanbao City.

These are all forces going to Marble City.

Almost most of the forces came.

All parties gathered and it was very lively.

In the city.

All kinds of creatures gather and spread all over the place.

The body shapes are even more different. There are huge giants in the starry sky, as well as the burly ancient gods, each with countless true dragons and divine phoenixes soaring.

“Marble City is really lively!”

Feng Chen and a group of people are walking high in the sky, looking at the countless creatures around them with a sigh.

An extremely rare pure-blooded dragon in the Immortal domain.

It can be seen everywhere here.

There are so many.

There are even starry sky giants. This unique race is born in the Immortal realm, and when it grows up, it is at the Immortal emperor level, extremely powerful.

“Husband, this is nothing!”

“These are just appetizers. When the Wanbao Pavilion starts, you will know the glory of the Wanbao Conference.”

“At that time, all the major forces will gather, and even the Origin Realm where the dragon sees its head but not the end may appear.”

Gu Yunshi laughed softly.

“I know this, but these are not important. I hope the flower of Long River really exists.”

Feng Chen laughed softly.

He had seen the memory of ancient rhyme poems before, and he naturally knew the glory of Wanbao Pavilion and the day when Wanbao Pavilion opened.

It will be extremely lively, and their respective powerhouses will appear one after another.

Even the original state may appear.

At this time.

A loud noise rang out, as if some big man appeared.

Their respective voices sounded

“It seems that Shenkong Daozi is also here.”?”

“Really, Daozi Shenkong, the closed disciple of the Lord of Space?”

“Well, it seems to be here too, just ahead.”

“It’s a pity, Shenkong Daozi is talented and enchanting, if it weren’t for the limits of the avenue, Shenkong Daozi might not have been able to become the original realm.”

“What’s the use of talent, the road is cut off, Shenkong Daozi can only step into the heavenly emperor level at best.”

“It’s a pity, it’s a pity.”

As the voice sounded.

in front.

A figure of the stars Gongyue slowly walked out. He has long silver hair, transparent pupils, and divine light flowing. The whole body seems to be ethereal, like a phantom, which can only be seen but cannot be touched.

Shenkong Daozi, the descendant of the Lord of Space.

It is also the descendant of the master of Space Avenue.

His talents are extremely powerful, and he is known as the arrogant who is not weaker than the Lord of Space, but his talents are strong.

In front of the Lord who has space, he is destined to be unable to enter the original realm.

This is a pity.

“Shen Kong!”

Feng Chen looked at Shenkong Daozi in the distance, his eyes flickering.

He felt an extremely dazzling golden light from Shenkong Daozi.

That is a symbol of the Son of Destiny.

This means that this God Kong Daozi is a child of destiny.

“God’s destiny son, I don’t know how much luck it can have.”

Feng Chen whispered in his heart.

At least a few million is not too much?

Even tens of millions.

Feng Chen didn’t think it was too much.

After all, this is God, where countless universes converge.

As the Son of God’s Destiny, it’s not too much to have a tens of thousands of fortunes.


This is Feng Chen’s guess, as to how much.

Feng Chen didn’t know either.

“Husband, this one will also be your enemy in the future. He has a very good relationship with Tianzhou.”

Gu Yunshi clutched Feng Chen’s arm nervously.

In the timeline without rebirth, Shenkong and Tianzhou are very friendly friends, and because of Feng Chen, Shenkong has shot Feng Chen.


After being counter-killed by Feng Chen, and having swallowed the origin of Shenkong, Feng Chen entered the half-step origin realm of the Space Avenue, and finally knew the general idea of ​​the Lord of the Long River.

simply put.

Shenkong is the one who let Feng Chen understand how to control the long river of time.

“.々I know this.”

“The Lord of Space is still alive, let him live temporarily!”

Feng Chen’s face was ordinary, and he said faintly.

Shenkong, he must be killed.

Whether it is a major enemy or not, as Shenkong, the son of destiny, Feng Chen and him are destined to be major enemies.

He wanted to shoot directly.

It’s just that the Lord of Space is still alive, so he can’t do anything about it for the time being.

after all.

The master of the space is the origin realm, and it has been a long time since it has entered this level, unless the Chaos Sword Master becomes the master of the sword.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to resist.

As if feeling Feng Chen’s gaze, Shen Kong looked up and scanned the many figures below.

“Who is it?”

‘How do I feel that my enemy is nearby. ’

“And my destiny talisman is also flashing, which means (has it alright) my own enemy is nearby!”

Shenkong frowned and thought to himself.

Dao Fu of Destiny.

This is a treasure condensing the avenue of destiny, and you can feel your own destiny.

For example, the destined enemy, even if he doesn’t know him, he can know in advance.


The destiny talisman flickered, making his heart startled.

It’s just that there are too many creatures below, so he can’t tell who it is.

Just when Shenkong was about to look for it.

Dao Talisman of Destiny stagnated and flickered.

It can’t be sensed directly.

This caused Shenkong to stop immediately, and whispered in his heart: “As long as I’m still in Wanbao City, I will have the opportunity to get him out. I’m not in a hurry for now.”


Shenkong slowly moved forward! .

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