Chapter 252

Dark road domain.

Cang Demon universe, in a huge palace.

Surrounded by black light, Demon’s breath rose.

In one hall, many high-levels of Cang Demon Palace gather.

The surrounding atmosphere was extremely dull, suppressing everyone’s breath.


Cang Demon’s face was heavy, and he whispered: “According to the latest news, Lingzun Mountain has been destroyed, and no one in the entire Lingzun Mountain is spared. Apart from that, the Tianhuo Dao domain has changed hands. Yan Luo Daoyu!”

Speaking of which.

Cang Demon sighed and said: ‘I didn’t expect me to fight with my father for so many years, fighting here from the Immortal domain. After countless epochs, we can’t help anyone! ’

“Unexpectedly, it is now annihilated by a rising power in the Immortal domain!”

The words came out.

Everyone changed their colors.

The destruction of Lingzun Mountain and the change of ownership of the Tianhuo Dao realm were all they did not expect.

after all.

To achieve this, it is only the strength of the Heavenly Emperor level, which is completely insufficient. At least several Heavenly Emperor level existences are required, and even a half-step from the Origin Realm is required.

Especially when they heard that these seemed to be caused by a force in the Immortal domain.

Pause time.

Everyone had a name pouring into their hearts.

Temple of Yama

“Your honor, is it really what Yan Luodian did?”

An Immortal emperor of Cang Demon Palace asked incredulously.

They know that the Yan Luo Temple is powerful, and there are two powerful heavenly emperors.

There was even a heavenly emperor in the Yan Luo Temple, and even a heavenly emperor was killed.

But even so.

Exterminate Lingzun Mountain and destroy the Heavenly Fire Dao domain.

With the strength of Yan Luodian, it seems that it is not enough, right?

“It’s what Yan Luodian did. We all underestimate the people of Yan Luodian. The mysterious sword repairer is not the emperor, but a sword repairer in the half-step Origin Realm.”

“Lingzun and Tianhuo were in front of him, they were beheaded instantly, and they couldn’t compete.”

Cang Demon said.

Hear this.

Cang Demon Palace was moved by many high-level leaders, and his heart trembled. One of the Immortal emperor-level existences whispered: “My lord, if this is the case, would the people of Yan Luodian do something to us?”

“At first, the people from Lingzun Mountain did it, but our people did it too, and sent many powerful people over.”

They are all a little worried.

The people who worked on the Temple of Yama at the beginning were not only the people of Lingzun Mountain, but also them.

Lingzun Mountain is now destroyed.

Are they far away?

“We are in the dark realm, not in the sky fire realm, presumably they don’t dare to move easily.”

An Immortal emperor’s level said in a deep voice.

“Difficult! The Dark Dao Region is different from the rest of the Dao Region. Even if we are destroyed, the master of the Black and Dark Dao Region will not say anything.”

“If it’s really the people from the Yan Luo Temple, it won’t necessarily alarm those in the Dark Dao realm.”

The other elder sighed helplessly.

What’s the situation in the dark realm?

They know better than anyone else that this place is different from the Heavenly Fire Dao domain.

If something goes wrong in the Skyfire Dao realm, Skyfire may still support it.

But in the dark realm, don’t think about it.

Heard this.

The hearts of everyone sank.

Without the help of the strong, if the half-step Origin Realm of Yan Luodian made a move, how would they contend?

Moreover, the half-step Origin Realm of Yan Luodian was still a sword repairer.

Attack Wushuang.

Far more powerful than the normal half-step Origin Realm.

“My dear, what shall we do now!” An elder of Cang Demon Palace asked in a deep voice.

Hear the words.

Cang Demon’s expression changed, and then he sighed: ‘I have passed the news of Yan Luodian and others to the Holy Sword Venerable. ’

“He is also a kendo half-step origin realm, if he knows that a new half-step origin realm cultivator appears in the heavens, he will definitely not let it go.”

“Maybe it won’t take long before this Sacred Sword Venerable will start to go to Yama Daoyu to punish the people in Yama Temple.”

Pause time.

Everyone’s eyes lit up, this is a good way.

The Half-Step Origin Realm of the Great Dao of Equal Dao has always been a natural enemy and a mortal enemy. Once one party knows it, the other party will definitely not let it go.

Now that the news of the Yan Luo Temple is spread, once the Holy Sword Venerable gets the news, he will definitely do it.

At that time, Yan Luodian had no time to take care of them.

“The choice is good, but when will the holy sword come?”

“Furthermore, when the people of Yan Luodian will take action, whether we can hold on to that moment, this is the most important thing.”

“If the Holy Sword Venerable hasn’t received any news, the people of Yan Luodian will take action, and we will not escape death.”

An elder of Cang Demon Palace said bitterly.

Cang Demon’s attention is good.

Just what if the Holy Sword Lord doesn’t know?

Or is it that the people of the Yan Luo Temple did not come over before the Holy Sword Venerable?

These are all difficult problems.

If you can’t hold on, Cang Demon Palace will undoubtedly die.


There is no doubt that it is a problem before them.

Only after stepping into this level, time is the least important thing for them.

And now.

It is extremely important.

“Sir, can there be a reply from the holy sword?”

Facing everyone’s hope, Cang Demon said helplessly: “I haven’t replied yet, but I believe that as long as he knows the news, he will definitely come over as soon as possible.”

The hearts of everyone sank.

no reply.

It means that the people of Yama Temple will be killed at any time.

Just now.


A vast and boundless coercion swept over, like a tide, slowly rolling, covering the entire universe.

at that moment.

Everyone changed color for it, even Cang Demon.

From this coercion, they felt a supreme breath, as if the supreme ruler was overlooking them.

at the same time.

There is a sharp edge in these breaths that kills everything.

This is the breath of Jian Xiu.

“The one from Yan Luodian?” An elder of Yan Luodian shivered and said with a trembling voice.

“Maybe!” Another elder said bitterly.

Cang Demon’s face is not very good, his face is gloomy, and he whispers, ‘Go out and have a look. ’


Many strong people left.

After a while.

They came to the depths of the stars.

at this time.

A figure carrying a divine sword stepped across countless star fields and came to the crowd with a calm face. He raised his head and looked at Cang Demon and others, and said faintly: “Cang Demon Palace, you and others have sent strong people to punish him. Kill me the people of Yama Temple. ”

“Today, I will send you off for a while!”.

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