Chapter 230

After a long time.

Feng Chen has thoroughly read the memories of ancient rhyme poems, and through these memories Feng Chen has learned a lot.

Although the timeline has changed, there are many things that are useful.

For example, the divine weapon of Tianzhou, although I don’t know where I got it for the time being, I know what it looks like.


For example, Feng Chen also knows the way to become the original state.

It’s strange to say, it’s different from other realms.

To become the master of the origin of a avenue, you need to kill three half-step origins of the same avenue, and then absorb their origins to produce a transformation, and you can control the origin of the avenue.

For example, for the Sword Sovereign Chaos, if he wants to become the Sword Origin Realm, he needs to kill three half-step origins and absorb their Sword Origin Realm before he can become the Sword Origin Realm.


There is another condition, that is, this avenue has no origin realm. Once the origin realm appears, it means that this avenue has become a dead end and cannot be leaped into it.

In the memory of the ancient rhyme poems, there are many 13 arrogances and extremely enchanting talents, but because the great path of cultivation already has its original state, it can only be stuck at the level of the Immortal emperor.

“Swordsmanship has been left empty for many years, but there is still a chance for Chaos Sword Sovereign, and there are also several Swordsmanship in the half-step Origin Realm. Maybe this is an opportunity!”

“But this is an opportunity and a crisis. In order to become the origin realm, those swordsman half-step origin realms will also treat the Chaos Sword Sovereign as their prey.”

“In this way, a few enemies will be added in vain.”

Feng Chen said with a sigh.

This world is like this.

Even if they have nothing to do with each other and don’t know each other, they will become enemies because of some things.

For example, this is the case for the struggle for origin.

The weak eat the strong, only the strong can stand at the end.

Even if you don’t intend to fight, as long as you get involved, even if you don’t want to, you have to fight in it, or you will die.

Feng Chen touched the ancient rhyme’s hair and said with a smile: “I have come here in such a hurry.”

Ancient rhyme poem First Stage born, did nothing else, determined that he was reborn, and rushed over directly.

Although part of it is because of the Oriental Moon, most of it is because of fear of Feng Chen being targeted by the universe.

after all.

This rebirth was caused by the universe, so ancient rhyme poems can’t guarantee whether this universe will be reborn!

If it is reborn, it will be troublesome.

Hear the words.

After hearing these words, Gu Yunshi already understood that Feng Chen knew everything. She smiled, smiling like a flower, and said with a smile: “No hard work, as long as the husband is fine, all this is worth it!”

“It’s not too late, let’s rest.” Feng Chen said gently, holding the ancient rhyme poem.

“Well,” Gu Yunshi blushed, her voice smiling, almost invisible.

No words for a night!

(I won’t write these, I understand everything I understand!)


At the edge of the sea.

Cang Demon Palace and Lingzun Mountain’s powerhouses seemed to have a sharp heart, and they came to Jiehai at almost the same moment.

“Lingzun Mountain!”

Cang The three elders of Demon’s palace suddenly turned dark, and their killing intent was boiling, wishing to destroy the other party.

The same is true for several powerful people in Lingzun Mountain, their faces are not pretty.

after all.

Both sides felt that those who went to the ancestral land were killed by the other side.

“From Lingzun Mountain, Shinichi Immortal from the Demon Palace was killed by you,” the third elder said coldly.

Heard this.

An Immortal emperor on Lingzun Mountain laughed furiously. Good fellow, we didn’t ask you how Emperor Lingqing died, but did he push Shinichi’s death to us?

“We also want to ask you how Emperor Lingqing Immortal died in the ancestral land, and whether your Cang Demon Palace people did it.”

Emperor Immortal of Lingzun Mountain said coldly.

Hear the words.

The three elders of Cang Demon Palace frowned and said: ‘The death of Emperor Lingqing Immortal has nothing to do with us. If I wait for Emperor Lingqing Immortal to be killed, you won’t know? ’

“Also, when was the person who killed you in Demon Palace hidden?”

“It’s really not your hands?”


Heard these words.

Lingshan Emperor Immortal’s face changed slightly, and his eyes flickered: “Since it’s not you, it’s possible that the other forces did it. It is very likely that both Immortal Emperors will die in the hands of this force.”

“But who did it? I have never heard of a top powerhouse passing through the sea to the ancestral land.”

“In the past, the ancestral land was naturally known.” Cang Demon Palace Third Elder said coldly.


The two sides entered the boundary sea with great tacit understanding. Since it was not the other party’s hand, it was the rest of the forces, but for the time being they don’t know which force it is, so they need to investigate some.

This time a few people entered the Boundary Sea, and it did not cause much fluctuation, and everything was silent.

Even Uncle Long who was suppressing on the edge of the sea didn’t notice it.

“This is an Immortal emperor from Godsun Mountain. Could it be that the hands of Godsun Mountain’s people?” The third elder of Cang Demon Palace had a gloomy face and whispered in his heart.

Immediately, he felt a little unlikely.

Although Shenzun Mountain is stronger than them, it is not much stronger, and it is impossible to offend the two forces for this.

Because it’s no good to offend them.

Just now.

A ray of sword light swept across from the horizon, vast and mighty, like a bright sun, coming towards the sea of ​​bounds.


Facing the supreme sword energy in front of them, everyone’s expressions changed slightly.

Uncle Long was a little confused. This was the hand of Yan Luodian, but why did he do this?

Is it because of him?

Or another reason.

Haven’t waited for Uncle Long to think about it.

The void shattered, and several figures were forced out.

“Four Immortal emperors!” Uncle Long was completely dumbfounded. .

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