Chapter 227


On Lingzun Mountain, several powerful men got up, turned into rays of light, disappeared at the edge of the universe, and headed for the direction of the sea.

However, it was a little different from Emperor Immortal Lingqing. This time, they did not cause a lot of fluctuations, but went to the ancestral land quietly, just to investigate what happened, and not to startle the snake.

after all.

Being able to kill the existence of Emperor Lingqing Immortal’s level, the opposite may be the same as Lingzun, standing at the top of Emperor Immortal.

As for the original realm, they didn’t think much about it.

after all.

This is too unrealistic.


at this time.

In the vast universe, above the starry sky, a huge black palace stands in front of it. This palace is extremely large, surrounded by black light, like a black dragon entrenched in the sky.

Cang Demon Palace.

at this time.

In a magnificent hall.

A man wearing a black robe with a feminine expression sat there, looking around at several figures around him, and said in a cold voice: “Shinichi has fallen to the ancestral land, and the person who shot him will erase all traces of him from the long river of time.”

“Stopped Shinichi’s hope of resurrection.”

This young man in a black robe is the master of Cang Demon Palace.

Cang Demon

As for the rest of the figures, they were all the top combat power of the Cang Demon Palace, the top high-levels, none of them were of the Immortal emperor level.

“Shen Yi died, who can do it?”

“Are they from Lingzun Mountain?”

A figure whispered.

This one is the great elder of Cang Demon Palace, with an extraordinary cultivation base, second only to Cang Demon in Cang Demon Palace.

“Jiehai isolates me from the contact with the clan, even if it is I can’t explore these news through the long river of time.”

“However, most of the people who can kill Shinichi should be people on Lingzun Mountain. Only Lingzun Mountain has this ability.”

“However, the heart of the ancestral land has recovered in the recent era. It may not be without the other forces. The third elder, the fourth elder, you should go back to the ancestral land to find out what happened and make Shinichi fall in the ancestral land.”

Cang Demon ordered.

Two quasi Immortal emperors have fallen before, and this time another Immortal emperor has fallen, which makes Cang Demon feel very strange.

Could it be someone from Lingzun Mountain?

after all.

The greatest possibility that can kill these people is those of Lingzun Mountain, because they are from the same place, and the bloody enmity between the two sides is almost impossible to disintegrate.


The ancestral land has recently been born with the heart of the era, which will cause the rest of the forces to go, so Cang Demon is not easy to determine whether it is the work of the people of Lingzun Mountain, so let the two elders go, with the strength of the two, as long as they don’t stun the snake.

Enough to know what happened in the ancestral land.

“Your honor, rest assured, I will definitely find out what happened.” The third elder of Cang Demon Palace said in a deep voice.

Perhaps because of Shinichi’s fall, they were not so confident, and they planned to quietly return to the clan land to see what happened.

“Go.” Cang Demon said.


Everyone left.

Cang Demon’s eyes flickered, as if he had traveled through the void and came to the ancestral land

“Are they from Lingzun Mountain, or is it?”

Cang Demon might think that Emperor Immortal is unlikely to appear in the clan, he would only think that the other forces would take action, or the people of Lingzun Mountain would take action.

People who have never felt that the shot comes from the Immortal domain.

As for the so-called Yan Luo Temple, he didn’t take it seriously either.


at this time.

Feng family land.

Feng Chen came to the yard with ancient rhyme poems. He pointed to a stone bench and said, ‘Sit down! ’

The ancient rhyme poem was a little restrained. He sat down directly on the stone bench and looked at Feng Chen a little nervously.

Although she was born from an extraordinary background, the previous scenes really scared her, and the previous sense of Feng Chen made her very nervous.

“Ms. Gu, can you tell, why do you want to recognize me as your Taoist companion?” Feng Chen poured a cup of tea to Gu Yunshi, with a smile on his face, said.

He is guessing that the ancient rhyme may be a rebirth, but he is not sure about this, because some existence, practicing the law of fate, or time, may see some fragments in the future, or other reasons, causing the ancient rhyme to feel Feng Chen is a Taoist couple.

“I am a born again!”

Gu Yunshi took a deep breath and looked at Feng Chen with an extremely serious expression, even a little cherished: “Maybe you may not believe that I am a rebirth, coming from hundreds of thousands of years in the future, and I don’t know it myself. What happened, I only knew that you were fighting a great enemy, that person used some kind of magical powers, and then I was reborn.”

“Back to this time period!”

“After knowing that I was reborn, I hurried to this universe in order to get to know you earlier and become your Taoist companion earlier.”

“You don’t have to suspect that I have a plot against you, I will only fall in love with you in this life.”

“If you think I am conspiring, I can swear to Chaos.”

Speaking of this, the ancient rhyme poem is extremely serious, and even his eyes are deeply gazing at Feng Chen, with infinite love.

For ancient rhyme poems, Feng Chen already has all of himself.

For Feng Chen, she can give up everything.

So let Feng Chen be clear and understand that she is willing to do everything, as is the Chaos Oath.

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