Chapter 212


Daoyi’s eyes burst with amazing divine light, and the breath of his body burst out, the powerful pressure made the entire foreign land sway, and even the aura that came out of Daoyi penetrated through the foreign land and moved towards the chaos.

At that moment.

Thousands of avenues roared, and Daoyi was surrounded by the Qi of Chaos, as if he was the Lord of Chaos, the powerful aura made people feel shocked.


Daoyi made a one-handed seal, and instead of Black Demon’s offensive, he left.


When the two collided, a powerful might burst out, and a terrifying force burst out. Hei Demon’s face changed slightly. He only felt an astonishing power coming from Daoyi’s side, and then he couldn’t contend with this power.


Black Demon seemed unable to resist. One hand was directly torn by Dao Sheng. The blood fell like a long river on the sky. Each drop of blood was like a world with terrifying power, causing a large area of ​​foreign land to collapse.

As a result, countless creatures fell and turned into powder, as if they were directly wiped out.

Even the King of Immortality is no exception.

At the level of Quasi Immortal Emperor, his strength has reached an extremely terrifying level, not to mention a drop of blood, even a ray of breath, it is ruining the sky and the sun, and it can cause countless worlds to collapse.

“Chaotic Dao Body!”

Hei Demon’s face changed slightly, and he looked at Daoyi solemnly.

He did not expect.

This supreme tycoon of the Yan Luo Temple turned out to be a forbidden physique chaotic Taoist body. It is a chaos and a melting pot. It is immortal!

“Emperor Immortal Fourth Stage, a trash like you, I am enough to punish me!”

this moment.

Dao Yi seems to be sublimated to the extreme, the breath of the whole body blooms, like the brightest light in the galaxy, and like the master of the heavens and the earth, the divine power is like a prison, which makes people feel scared, and their souls are destroyed.

Daoyi’s figure flickered, his hands were sealed, and the endless divine light burst out, converging into an astonishing big seal, the breath was vast, as if to suppress the entire world.

“Damn it!”

“It’s just a supreme giant, dare to be mad in front of me?”

‘What about the Chaos Dao Body, after all, it can’t make up the gap that I’m waiting for. I’m already immortal, and even time can’t wash away my traces. ’

Hei Demon was furious. From a very long time, a supreme giant dared to be arrogant in front of him, arrogant in front of him, saying that he would be killed?

The Quasi Immortal Emperor, even if it is only half a step across, has already spoken differently from the Immortal King, and the supreme giant, even if it is against the sky, is only the Quasi Immortal Emperor after all.

There is no comparison at all.

In the eyes of Hei Demon, the supreme giant, even in the evildoer, is just an ant, even with the evil physique like the Chaos Dao body.

is also like this.


The battle between the two was extremely fierce, and their actions were full of power to destroy the sky and the sun. The powerful aftermath of the battle made even the King of Immortality and even the supreme giants such as the Black King dare not be suspected.

Because the power is too terrifying, even the Black King feels heart palpitations and is in danger of falling.


Black Demon’s body burst out with black light, and one hand sticks out, as if a supreme Demon head was born, terrifying and palpitating.

In the huge palm of the hand, there are howling ghosts and wolves, and there are countless creatures wailing. These are the creatures killed by the black Demon in the past. The number is countless, and there are many strong people in it. There are no strong people at the level of the immortal king. few.

Dead Mountain and Blood Sea?

Even these words are clear on Black Demon’s body.

Black Demon’s devastated creatures are countless, starting at least one billion trillion


The two collided, directly hitting chaos from the foreign land, and the violent power caused the entire foreign land to be turbulent.


at this time.

Somewhere in the boundary sea.

The five figures stood there, all of them breathed like a deep sea, but among the five figures, one was obviously weaker.

And this one is impressively the Immortal King, the Spirit Snake. As a supreme giant, placed on the side of Immortal Domain, it is an existence that overlooks all spirits and awes countless creatures.

And here.

Spirit Snake King Immortal is obviously the lowest level.

There is no other reason.

The other four people are all quasi-immortal emperors, and the powerful ones make people frightened.

“Ancestor, isn’t that Dao Yi’s physique the Chaos Dao body?”

“But it is rumored that Dao Yi was not a chaotic body before, but a chaotic body!”

Spirit Snake King Immortal looked at Daoyi’s breath, his eyes lit up, and he said to the Immortal Emperor who was before the Immortal domain.

Needless to say, he said.

That old ancestor also knew it, and saw that his face was gloomy, and he whispered:’That thing should have been taken by the people of Yan Luodian, and then bestowed on the Dao Yi of Yan Luodian, allowing him to transform and enter the Chaos Taoist body. . ’

“Unfortunately, I have searched for so many years and have not found it, but instead made this guy a wedding dress.”

This ancestor is also a chaotic body, and has always wanted to transform into a chaotic Taoist body.


After so many years of planning, he had not found the Chaos Stone, but Daoyi found it and successfully transformed it.

“Although there is no Chaos Stone, the origin of the Chaos Dao Body can also be absorbed by Junior Brother. You may as well absorb the origin of the Chaos Dao Body directly, so that you can also transform.”

A short child stood with his hands on his hands, conceited, and his eyes were full of old manners, like an old monster.

In fact, he is an old monster, and I don’t know how many years he is, but because of his high cultivation base, he has fixed his body shape as a child.

“I really meant it!”

The ancestor nodded.


“Six Ways, notify the people below.”

“Everyone is ready to attack the foreign land today and destroy all the kings of the foreign land.”

Gengu’s eyes were indifferent, staring at the foreign land, and said coldly.

The sudden appearance of the Immortal Emperor in a foreign land was indeed beyond his expectations.


Depending on the situation, the people of Yan Luodian seemed to be able to contend.

So he is not worried anymore.

Directly notify the Six Immortal Kings and the many powerhouses in the Immortal domain to prepare for war. .

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