Chapter 210

At that time, when there was a long river of time, Feng Chen felt that the cycle of reincarnation was extraordinary, and it was able to overwhelm the long river of time.

From this, it can mean that that person should be at least the Immortal Emperor level.

Even at a higher level.

Now it seems that it is true.

Samsara should be a strong person in the original state, just don’t know which way is in charge?

“Is it reincarnation?”

“But according to Chaos Sword Sovereign’s statement, the Great Dao is immortal, and it is immortal. As long as the heavens and the earth persist, and the Dao persists, it will not be destroyed.”

“But why was the original time obliterated? Is there any way in this world that can do it, ignore the great avenue and obliterate the original realm directly?”

“Or is it that the me who has walked out over a long period of time has transcended the original state and entered a higher level?”

Feng Chen whispered in his heart.

He still remembers what happened in Hanoi for a long time, mainly what happened at that time, which is too outrageous.

Time, reincarnation.


These two were both powerful men he couldn’t understand, they seemed to be Emperor Immortal, or even above them.


The appearance of him in the future will directly frighten reincarnation, and even obliterate the original master of time from him.

It can be seen from this point.

The future strength of myself seems to reach an unimaginable level.


Still above the source?

Feng Chen doesn’t know much, but from the perspective of being able to obliterate the immortal in the great road, he can also obliterate the Lord of Origin.

The future self is bound to be extremely powerful.

“I didn’t expect that there are such powerful people in this world. I used to think that Emperor Immortal was the end, but now it seems that I am thinking too much.”

“But it’s normal, how could Emperor Immortal be the end.”

Yuan Yi sighed for a while.


He asked: “Sword Master Chaos, are there any restrictions on the Origin Realm?”

“The Origin Realm is also called Dao Master, and only one can appear in each Dao.”

“In other words, three thousand Taoists can appear on Three Thousand Avenue?”

“It’s almost what I mean, but it’s extremely difficult to become a Taoist master. In addition to the natural aptitude, many conditions are needed.”

‘I don’t know roughly what it is, maybe I can know the world above. ’

Sword Sovereign Chaos looked at the direction of Jiehai.

over there

He could feel a world that was countless times larger than the Immortal domain, and the chaos was shining like stars.


It seems to be the end of everything and the end of thousands of worlds.

“it will be pass away.”

Feng Chen knows what Chaos Sword Sovereign’s words mean, nothing more than God.

The end of the convergence of many worlds.

Sword Sovereign Chaos nodded.


“Dao Yi, what’s the situation on the other side?” Feng Chen asked.

Hear the words.

Daoyi replied: “Your Majesty, nothing happened on the foreign land for the time being. The quasi Immortal emperor in the foreign land has also been staying in the foreign land. However, during the period of the retreat, the Jiehai has fluctuated. Cross over to the sea’

“Come from God?”

Feng Chen’s eyes flickered. He knew that sooner or later God would come, but he didn’t expect it would be so early.

But it doesn’t matter.

Come here if you come.

“You and Kong Xuan went to a foreign land to complete the mission issued by the ancients.”

Feng Chen said lightly.

A hundred years have passed.

It’s almost there.


Hear the words.

Kong Xuanhedao nodded a little, and his back figure dissipated, as if blending into the entire space.



In a deep space, mountains gather.

Under a big tree, at a pavilion.

Three figures with aura like a deep sea sitting side by side.

The breath of these three figures, none of them are extremely powerful, shaking the whole world, as if they are in charge of everything.

Three quasi Immortal emperors.

All are Quasi Immortal Emperor.

“Brother, you are finally back. I have been waiting for you for a long time. Countless years have passed. I thought you would not come back.”

The young man in the black robe said helplessly.

And this one is the former Immortal Emperor of Foreign Land.

It’s called Black Demon.

And the other two Quasi Immortal emperors were Quasi Immortal emperors who crossed over from the sea not long ago, coming from the lower realm of God.

One of the two is called True Demon, and the other is called Tian Demon.

They are all the top powerhouses in the foreign land, from the same force, even the same race.

However, they were all of the same sect at the time, so they were regarded as brothers!

“Junior Brother, it’s no wonder that the situation of God is more complicated, and we don’t feel good on it. We fight every year and don’t have time to get down.”

“On the contrary, we envy Junior Brother to live here for a long time, which is quiet and able to practice.” It was the real Demon who spoke, with a majestic figure and horns on his head, like the evil Demon in some myths!

“Junior brother, don’t be envious. After the battle for the heart of the era is over, I will take you to God, and you will know what has happened over the years.”

“It’s not that we won’t come down and take you there, but the situation in God is extremely tense now, especially in our area, where there is endless war. I have no time to rest, let alone time to come down.”

“If the heart of this era is about to be born, I won’t wait for the master to let us down.”

“And you will understand what a wonderful thing it is to stay here when you go up to God.”

Heaven Demon is a feminine man, his face is handsome, but between his eyebrows there is a fierce, vertical pupil, cold, like snake eyes, which makes people shudder.

Heard these words.

Hei Demon was stunned and said, ‘After so many years, the war of the past is not over yet? ’

“Of course it’s not over. The battle has been going on. I don’t know when and when it will be the head.” Real Demon said helplessly.

“Brother, this time the battle for the heart of the era is extraordinary, there should be strong people coming down from the Immortal domain, right?”

“Of course there is. When I came over, I saw the three old guys crossing the sea. It is estimated that they should have been handed over to the Immortal Emperor who stayed here in the Immortal domain.”

Speaking of which.

Tian Demon whispered: ‘This time the heart of the era is not the same, not only we are fighting, the other forces will also be in the lower realm, and even the strong with the Immortal emperor level will appear. ’

Hearing these words, Tian Demon was shocked.


Haven’t waited for him to speak.

Pause time.


A roar resounded, shaking the whole small world

“Who?” Hei Demon’s face changed slightly, and he drank to the outside.

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