Chapter 208

With their respective introductions, although the two sides are still unfamiliar, they are generally known to each other.

Moreover, Yuanyi’s temperament was somewhat different from the others, and he soon became acquainted with the others.

“You guys chat!”

Seeing that a few people seem to get along well, they didn’t lightly smile.


Let a few people talk.

Feng Chen returned to the palace.


The ancient bronze door emerged, immortal, the ancient breath spread, the bright brilliance flowed, and the terrifying breath spread out-.

“Not a colorful light!”

Seeing that the light that permeated the ancient gate was not a colorful color, Feng Chen roughly knew that the creatures that came out this time would probably be under the Immortal Emperor, even the true king-isn’t it?

“Ding, congratulations to the host for calling the true Immortal cultivator.”

System reminder sounds

Feng Chen had been mentally prepared for a long time, so he was very calm inside.


The ancient door circulates slowly.

It’s like a loop.

There was no colorful light for ten consecutive times.

The creatures that are summoned have various races, but their strength is basically under the Immortal King. Sometimes there may be a real Immortal, sometimes just a real Immortal, and there are even a lot of them under the supreme.

Ten times again.

Feng Chen was completely confused.

“Am I so dark today?”

He was a little skeptical of his life, twenty times the next time, there was a special colorful light once, which is not realistic.

If it is placed in the past.

Twenty times, even in the dark, once in the colorful light, right?

He was completely dumbfounded.

How is this going.

“My day is coming, this luck value is poisonous, there is only so little.”

Feng Chen whispered in his heart.

But also helpless.



This has been the case for eight consecutive times.

Just the ninth time.

The ancient door slowly opened, and a colorful light flashed out. The brilliant light made Feng Chen almost cry.

“What’s the matter, it’s finally here, nearly thirty times.”

“Hey, is the luck value of this Immortal domain poisonous?”

Feng Chen cursed in his heart.

How many times has this happened before the colorful light appeared once?


Yuanyi was considered once before.

Almost forty times, only twice?

This probability.

Feng Chen was extremely speechless, as if back to the time when Earth Star was playing mobile games, the probability of drawing cards made you want to smash your phone.


The vastness of the breath spread out, and the time was vast, and an upright figure slowly walked out.

This makes Feng Chen’s eyes flicker, this time seems to be different from the past?

“Is it Emperor Immortal?”

Feng Chen was a little excited, a powerhouse of the Immortal Emperor level, he still wanted it.

after all.

These powerful people are extremely powerful even if they are placed in the heavens. Although they are not detached yet, they are already at the top of the Immortal Dao realm.

Like the supreme at the pinnacle of humanity, the strength is powerful and unfathomable, and it can affect eternity.


This figure slowly walked out, and a sword sound that resonated nine days and ten places echoed, and the sharp sword aura made Feng Chen feel hairy.

as if.

This sword aura can wipe out nine heavens and ten places, can wipe out the past, the present, and the future, even if it is a long time, it seems that he can cut it off.

An extremely terrifying swordsman.


It seems that he has stepped out of the end of the kendo. The extreme powerhouse at the end of the kendo seems to be in control of the entire kendo?

“What level of existence is this?”

Feng Chen muttered to himself, looking at the figure gradually coming out of the gate, his eyes became brighter and full of endless surprises.

It didn’t take long.

A young man wearing a cyan robe and holding an ancient sword appeared in front of Feng Chen.

He wore a very ordinary face and his face was ordinary, just like a swordsman in the world, and he looked ordinary and unsurprising.

But his eyes are extremely dazzling, like the light in the darkness that is unforgettable, and there is a touch of perseverance in his eyes.

That is the desire for kendo, the pursuit of kendo.

“Back to Basics?”

Feng Chen muttered to himself that the man in front of him seemed very ordinary, but if he looked closely, his face was extremely extraordinary, but he was unable to remember if he unlocked this ability.

· ···Find flowers···········

He is like a sharp sword, like Immortal, the supreme sword in the myth.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for calling the Chaos Sword Sovereign.”

“Ding, the creature has been summoned successfully, did the host summon him into the world?”

With the system’s prompt sound.

A complicated memory poured into Feng Chen’s mind.

This is all the news that belongs to the Chaos Sword Sovereign.

“Sure enough, it is the Immortal Emperor level existence.”

“And it’s not the ordinary Immortal emperor level.”

Feng Chen sighed in his heart.

The Chaos Sword Master is extremely powerful. In the world he is in, no one can match the kendo domain, and he has reached the end of kendo.

… …

It’s just that the world he’s in is not complete, slightly incomplete, and can’t reach a higher level.

But even so, Chaos Sword Sovereign is extremely terrifying.

It’s at the end in the field of kendo, and it only takes one step to make the leap to a higher level.

According to the comparison of Emperor Immortal’s level, the Chaos Sword Sovereign is the peak of Emperor Immortal, and he can enter the so-called Origin Realm with only one step.

The origin realm is the existence that controls a origin, the strength is so powerful that it is unimaginable.

“Half-step Origin Realm?”

Feng Chen murmured in his heart. According to the information, the Chaos Sword Sovereign was unable to leap over the dragon gate and enter a higher level only because of the limitations of the world.

If he can enter the perfect world, it is not impossible for him to enter the original state, and it is possible even at a higher level.

No one can match the kendo talent of Chaos Sword Sovereign.

“With this kind of existence, it’s enough to deal with anything.”

Feng Chen whispered in his heart, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.


The voice fell off.

Pause time.


A vast aura spread out, sweeping across the entire world, whether it’s the Immortal domain or a higher level of God.

At this moment, I immediately felt a touch of sword energy rising across the air and the sound of the sword whistling back, which was amazing.

Countless strong men raised their heads one after another, looking towards the sky, their faces changed.

There was shock and joy.

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