Cao Ye was sure that since it was the God's Box that stored the world's treasures, and it resisted the devouring force when it was just thrown out, he could try to use this object to lift the bones back.

Even if the result is destroyed, the fragments can still be put together, at least there will be no hope.

At the same time, Huang Hao stretched out his hand slightly, using his connection with the bronze fragment to pour his divine power into it. Suddenly, the brilliant light caused dozens or hundreds of rune symbols to rise in the formation.

When everyone saw this, their eyes were burning. This was the hope that aroused them when they were puzzled.

"What is that? This light is so far away." Everyone who saw it exclaimed.

Immediately afterwards, the thrown bronze fragments slowly floated up, and the half of the white bones on the other end seemed to have some kind of power connection with them. They stood out from the dust of the white bones, and only hundreds of them were seen. , the vivid symbols suddenly appeared, as if they were summoned by some kind of power, and they sensed each other.

"It's just as you and I expected. This is a backhand left by 623 when the son of the God of Medicine broke into the formation alone. No wonder he wanted to split the key into two, haha." Cao Ye Laughing, although I don’t know what happens next.

At the sudden change, the people on the other side held their breath, stood on tiptoes and raised their heads, and looked over together.

"Emerging from the ruins..."

"It's really amazing. What kind of Magic Treasures are these?"

As everyone's eyes showed, a surprising scene was slowly moving in the field of vision, which indicated that the previous death mountain had received some rewards. At least the blood and sweat poured in before were not in vain, and the long wait was not in vain.


Just as everyone was writing, a bolt of lightning as thick as a tree trunk suddenly fell from the center of the formation. It hit the copper piece with precision and precision. Everyone's heart skipped a beat. If it were an ordinary Magical Item, it would definitely be smashed into powder.


At this moment, Huang Hao's divine power was still connected to the bronze piece. Seeing that something was not good, Cao Ye subconsciously instilled his own divine power into his Immortal Cave. The endless backing force became Huang Hao's biggest support behind him. .

Huang Hao outside the formation just shook his body, and his two arms seemed to have been broken by a giant hammer. He almost lost his control, but he still survived.

Suddenly, the scene became interesting, as if there were two forces, one left and one right pulling each other, both calling forcefully, like a tug-of-war.

"Master, this power is too weird. I'm afraid I can't get rid of it even if I want to." Huang Hao was very surprised. For the first time, he felt that he was clearly controllable, but he was involuntarily restrained by the opponent's power.

"My good disciple, you are fighting against the gods from a distance. It's already good that I didn't destroy you directly." Seeing this scene, Cao Ye was also very surprised.

Although he was thousands of miles away, the pull of that force seemed to be able to swing his soul from side to side, shocking and shocking.

The people standing on the side of the formation wanted to help, but they had no enthusiasm and no way to make a move.

"I'll count to three, the last one!"

Cao Ye started counting down and said: "(aech) three two one!"

At the same time, Huang Hao exerted all his strength and roared, "Come out!"

If you continue to be involved, you will definitely lose your strength.

He couldn't miss it. He only saw the explosive power transmitted from a pair of thick arms to the palms, and saw a circular halo appearing between the arms, as if the young Supreme was dragging a small round of Like the sun, after getting married, the bronze and iron pieces together with the white bones were caged under Emperor Xuan.

The entire formation has been illuminated by this white light, which is extremely dazzling.

At the same moment, the power of thunder in the formation was like a broken kite string. All the power was pushed towards Huanghao's side, like a stormy wave overwhelming the sea. Everyone worked together to block the stormy wave. Next, they took the fragments and bone fragments, They fell together.


In an instant, it seemed as if the world was turned upside down, as if the god was angry and the void was distorted, making those who originally rushed forward keep retreating due to the desire for life.

Various backlights, colors filled the formation, violent winds were raging, and they were about to tear the bronze fragment into pieces, but Vajra could not break the fragment and tightly wrapped the other bone fragment.


Just hearing the last buzzing sound, the white bone fragments instantly turned into powder, and what was exposed from the inside was a piece of bronze inlaid with incisions.

The two bronze pieces fit together tightly, as if flesh and blood were connected, so perfect.

After the gorgeous light fell, everything returned to normal.

"Master, do you think this is a box?" Huang Hao was puzzled. It looked like an ordinary piece of metal.

It's just that now it has become square and square, so you can't see it.

What's even more strange is that the son of the God of Medicine actually set up a blind trick and implanted the inch-long bronze piece into his own body. It was really cruel.

"It seems ordinary, but a wonderful Minor World can be constructed inside." Cao Dian explained. .

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