At this moment, an old man drove a carriage roaring over. The person who got off the carriage was none other than the Supreme Elder. His mouth was bloody and he looked very embarrassed. He panted as soon as he got off the carriage.

"Senior, you said before that as long as I am good at magical medicine, I can lend you this dry well and we can do something for us. But now I have encountered a difficult matter. Someone is bullying one of my disciples. He injured me, and I hope you, senior, can take action and teach him a lesson for me."

The Supreme Elder didn't even return to the rotten sect. He found this place immediately, with a respectful look, and almost knelt down in front of this woman. He was bound to take revenge for everything he suffered today.

The girl on the ancient well was still standing quietly aside, enjoying the peaceful stillness.

Ever since she arrived here, this woman has almost never left her side. She even rarely breathes or blinks. She is like a crystal sculpture standing in front of this ancient well.

"Bring him here." The woman's voice was like the sound of nature, and she was extremely indifferent to this.

"Senior, you can tell by looking at my embarrassed appearance that I am no match for him. If I go forward rashly, I'm afraid my life will be at risk." The Supreme Elder asked for help.

"Come here." Three faint words came out of the woman's mouth.

The Supreme Elder did not dare to disobey and immediately came closer, for fear of being neglected. After all, this woman's Cultivation Base was terrifying and bottomless.

And this ancient well is located in the middle of the mountain. This small hill is the foothold of Sect. Under this ancient well are countless formations, all of which were ordered by the Ancient God. People on the side are afraid of getting close. The mouth of the well will be torn apart by that strange force, and this woman can not only move up and down freely, but also drop a big cauldron here.

Then the woman waved her hand and wrote a big character in the air. The golden light shone, and as the beam of light gradually sank into the chest of the Supreme Elder, there were golden talismans "Condensing Tian Shen."

The Supreme Elder was moved. He didn't know what was happening. He just felt a strange power flowing in the Bloodline, as if there was inexhaustible energy, so he could flex his muscles.

On the other side, the middle-aged man squatting in the yard was no longer tough. He still had the fierce look on his face that looked just like anxiety. He was looking up and down at the young man in front of him.

What kind of person could make the Supreme Elder so good-looking that he could abandon his followers and flee in a hurry with only a few disciples?

Huang Hao was in good condition and just sighed. Since his Cultivation Base has been abolished, he will not make things difficult. After all, there will be more suffering in the future.

There were still some remaining medicinal dregs in the ancient cauldron. It seemed that there was no need to continue boiling the medicine, so I decided to ignore it.

"Hey, hey, hey, you spent a lot of hard work on this, and it's just lost. Don't you feel bad?" Cao Ye said through the voice message.

"Master, eight out of ten of the medicinal properties and smell of Gold Core have been absorbed. I believe that these medicinal residues are of little use to me. Keeping them will be a disaster, so it is better to destroy them as soon as possible." Huang Hao said lightly.

As for the seven or eight small Gold Cores, he picked a few of good quality and gave them to Huo Ling'er, Big Red Bird and others. As for the bad ones, they were used in exchange for things and were still valuable.

"Look at how proud you are now. Cao Dian sighed and said: "I have a hunch that you shouldn't let that old guy go, you have to get rid of the roots. Recently, my left eyelid has been twitching wildly, and I always feel like something is going to happen, so I need to be more careful. "

Huang Hao knew what his master was referring to. Recently, apart from training in the cauldron, things always made him uneasy at other times. He didn't know what was disturbing his mind.

"Do you think those Thousand Year spirits are related to this chaos?" Huang Hao asked.

"Sometimes legends are just exaggerated, not false. Judging from Master's experience, there should be more than one pair of eyes staring at us in the sky."

"You and I are just grains of sand in the sandbox, not even as good as chess pieces on the chessboard. I really don't know what the big guys behind the scenes are doing. I'm so disgusted.

Cao Ye sighed again.

There is always a strange force somewhere that pushes you forward at the right time. Otherwise, how could Huang Hao have such a coincidence to catch up with the birth of a miracle medicine that is rare in Hundred Years?

"It's true. My disciple is in the same mood as you, master. I always feel that I think too much and it's meaningless. But weird things like that always happen one after another. I can't do anything if I don't take the initiative."

Huang Hao thought about what happened in the past few days and seemed to have found some connections.

If the Fire Emperor hadn't mentioned the ancient prescription, the master wouldn't have put a lot of effort into testing the prescription. In this way, there would be no future generations. There is another way to upgrade oneself to a stronger Realm.

After all, there is no single path to spiritual practice. Thousand Year tree vines can use the method of symbiosis to achieve enlightenment and soar.

The Vulcan Tree in the Kingdom of Fire also chose another way to sleep, sleeping in Xiu forever. .

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