Among the many ethnic groups, the Dapeng family can be called the sky lords. They rarely encounter opponents in the airspace. They are invincible. The Bloodline passed down is one of the mythical beasts Bloodline. Since Thousand Years, they have been condescending. Looking down at all races.

The ancestors of the Dapeng clan were all-powerful in the ancient times, possessing the Supernatural Power of swallowing up the sun and the moon. During this period, they were also Conferred Gods. There were two Dapeng birds in the clan who became gods, which shows the depth of their heritage.

If you go further back, you can trace it back. The leader of ancient ferocious beasts, Kunpeng.

"You are the boy from heaven that they are talking about, right? I have admired your name for a long time!" The Dapeng boy cupped his hands.

Huang Hao nodded, naturally he wouldn't say much.

After all, his current strength is comparable to that of the king. Although he is not as young as him, his strength is already considered as the elder of the generation. "Naturally, he will not meddle in other people's affairs. Zhu Zhishi will not disturb the city.

It's just that the other party is very uncomfortable, and his eyes are flashing with surprise. After all, he is also a great genius in the ethnic group. Even if he is an elder in the ethnic group, he will praise him when he sees it. He never thought that Huang Hao in front of him just pretended not to see it and nodded symbolically, which made his proud heart Very uncomfortable.

"Brother, since you took someone else's things, just give them back to her, why bother bothering her."

Huang Hao frowned and said, "Just open your mouth and come. Do you know what happened in the middle? Do you know what I took? It's really boring and messy."

It can be seen that the Dapeng boy is very proud. Tsundere's eyes are pretending to be polite, but in fact he is extremely dissatisfied. Why?

"Although I don't know what you took from Yunxi, you took it after all. It's not wrong to give it back to her." The Dapeng boy said arrogantly, with a righteous look that said it was natural.

Facing Huang Hao's courage, he was not afraid at all. In such an environment, he was considered a talent.

This was a clear provocation. Although the young man was born into the Dapeng clan, he was just an ant in Huanghao's eyes, and it made others feel nervous.

But the Dapeng boy kept his distance and deliberately raised his voice to attract momentum.

"You're really interesting. According to your theory, I once left a Vermillion Bird fairy grass at your house. Can you please return it to me? Come here right after you leave, who wouldn't do it!" Big Red Bird opened his mouth wide. He came forward with his mouth and never gave in. Besides, what he said was quite reasonable.

In an instant, a tit-for-tat situation took shape, and everyone stared intently, as if they had a premonition that something big was going to happen.

"You are being unreasonable when you say that." The Dapeng boy glanced at the big red bird, then turned his attention to Huang Hao, and continued: "With your current status, you won't be lying, I just see injustice on the road. , I’m not asking you for anything intentionally, just take other people’s things and return them to them.

His words were permeating little by little, surprising everyone. People who understood knew that he was deliberately forcing himself on others, and even more so, he was deliberately trying to hit the muzzle of the gun.

After everyone came back to their senses, they figured it out after thinking about it.

What Huang Hao possesses is the Kunpeng treasure, a complete ancient inheritance. The boy was born in the Dapeng clan, and his pursuit of this number is as fateful. This is deliberately pointing the finger directly, not to mention that the girl Yun Xi is a real beauty, both The combination of reasons led to this happening.

0...Please give me flowers...

It took the Dapeng clan almost a Thousand Year to acquire half of the Golden-winged Great Peng technique. It can be said that this clan has spent more than a dozen generations pursuing the perfect Kunpeng technique.

And this Bloodline clan is already rare, but the clansmen who can stand in this era are all extraordinary and frightening in strength. Compared with the White Tiger nine-headed golden lion, the Dapeng clan is better, the oldest Bloodline inheritance. one of those.

"In any case, this is a matter between Yun Xi and I, and it is not for you as an outsider to interfere. I will remind you one last time, there is no need for you to say anything, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences."


Huang Hao glanced at him coldly, with a contemptuous attitude.

Although he didn't say it clearly, this kind of contempt had been slapped on the Dapeng boy's forehead. He was already dissatisfied and had other motives. The anger in his heart naturally arose.

Then Huang Hao turned his head and said to Yun Xi: "That day in the battle in the imperial city, it was the elder of your clan who took action against me first. His life was not spared at that time, and it would have been the end of his kindness."

"Of course, you can think carefully about whether to kill the old guy or take back the Magical Item."

It was already a few years ago, and it was already clear at that time that this woman was so shameless today, which annoyed Huang Hao so much.

But Yun Xi held on to him and refused to let go, even if he pulled and pulled him in front of everyone, it was still not peaceful.

In fact, Huang Hao has long known that Cao Ye once told him that the Magical Item has a special symbol engraved on it, but it is only half of it. If the other half is known and combined into one, it is like a key to unlocking the seal. Very important loss. .

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