Golden Roc Divine Light Technique.

With an angry roar, a ray of divine light spurted out from his body, condensing into the shape of a Golden-winged Great Peng bird, and rushed towards Huang Yi with its teeth and claws bared.

This is a Golden-winged Great Peng, inherited from Kunpeng's magic. The powerful aura and the sense of oppression are gone at the same time.

Two peerless Supernatural Powers burst out at this moment.

His body is like a 5.2-inch red jade gem, bursting with blazing light. This fierce energy, the power of thunder, and the intertwining of thunder and fire are extremely terrifying.

The Jinpeng Divine Light Technique collided with Huang Yi's sword light and shadow, and a burst of earth-shattering explosions broke out. Endless ripples rippled in the void, like mirrors, and traces spread out one after another, making people feel heart-stopping.

The Golden-winged Great Peng bird roared, and its golden feathers fell down like raindrops, falling to the ground one after another, making a roaring sound, like meteorites falling, setting off flames one after another, burning the void.

He waved his arm, and a terrifying energy exploded in the void, turning into endless sword lights and shadows, and struck at Huang Hao's Golden-winged Great Peng bird.

At the same time, a Vermillion Bird shot out of the sky, but the red flame of the melody impacted between the sky and the earth, breaking through the clouds and wind, and was indestructible, and its momentum was even more unstoppable.


A ball of golden flames soared into the sky from the dark abyss, like a blazing sun, shining into the sky, causing the void to twist and deform, spreading in all directions like a spider web, making people shudder.

Huang Hao's expression changed. Although he knew about Qilin Supernatural Power, he had never seen it. He only knew a little bit about it. He only knew its name and didn't know much about its power.

What they never expected was that the Kunpeng magic Qilin's method had already brought their mood to a climax, and now the Vermillion Bird magic appeared. This is not a Supernatural Power that humans can control.

As soon as the mountain of swords came out, it immediately turned into a golden light and slashed down. The sword cut the void in half, like a huge millstone, crushing down hard.

Many people screamed and screamed [so shocked that their jaws dropped to the ground.

In contrast, Huang Hao, who had been underestimated by these people, undoubtedly had another trump card to turn the situation around.

I saw that his whole body was red at this time, and he burst out with terrifying hot arrogance.

A golden sword light, carrying endless killing intent, slashed towards Huang Yi, bringing up a gust of wind, as if countless sharp blades were tearing the void apart, and the terrifying killing intent filled the air. , as if it had turned into a mountain of knives, overwhelmingly shrouding Huang Yi.

Huang Yi snorted coldly, and two rays of golden light burst out from his eyes, which were as dazzling as two golden suns, making it difficult for people to open their eyes. At the same time, his body also swelled up, like an Ancient God cow, with extremely strong energy and blood. Like an ancient beast, it exudes a powerful aura.

Seeing Huang Yi's offensive, Huang Hao's expression changed. He didn't expect that the opponent would also know the Supernatural Power inherited by Jin Peng.


"Is this the legendary Vermillion Bird magic! Oh my god!"

A golden meteor streaked across the sky, landed on the ground, and exploded with a bang, shattering the hard rock, revealing the bottomless black abyss inside.

He stood up, rolled up his sleeves, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. At this moment, his face was full of surprise. After a while, he returned to his indifferent state, raised his fist, and continued to kill Huang Hao. .

He has determined that Huang Yi's inheritance is not as good as that of Huang Hao. He also has a pair of eyes that can see through the void and even reveal the source of power. The power of the eyes cannot be underestimated, and it is also one of Huang Yi's trump cards.

In this round, Huang Yi was beaten and flew away, his body was broken by the flame wings, and Qilin's agile steps seemed to have been cut off from the kite string, and he almost fell out of the battlefield in the sky.


Golden Roc Divine Light Technique!

"Four-three-zero" is the body of a man, but also a savage beast. His strength and speed have climbed to a new Realm in an instant.

Between the lightning and flint, fire danced on Nine Heavens, shattering the sky.

The light of the sword, the shadow of the sword, Peng Fei Qilin... countless collisions, both sides were bleeding with their mouths bleeding.


"This should be just a incomplete technique of Qilin's method, not perfect." Cao Ye muttered in his heart, always paying attention to the changes in the battlefield, and never missed a minute.

Jinpeng Supernatural Power really lives up to its reputation.

The flashes of swords and shadows were densely packed, dozens of feet long, and each one was extremely sharp, like a sharp blade, tearing open the sky.



The crimson's sacred bird instantly disrupted Huang Yi's rising pace of power, enough to burn all flames, making the opponent's Qilin technique slightly stiff and unable to exert its full power.

Huang Hao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, still standing in the middle of the strong wind and lightning. He did not move backwards, but looked up to the sky and roared, a burst of crimson light burst out from his mouth, and in an instant, the red light turned into a divine bird , replacing the previous Golden-winged Great Peng and crashing into it....

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