"My entourage was actually killed!" The vague guy frowned and walked out of the fireworks.

It can be seen that this guy's strength is also amazing. The small team that fought against Huang Hao for hundreds of rounds turned out to be just his followers.

The mountain is high and there are few trees. Although there are towering trees, the most eye-catching thing on the top of the mountain is the huge rock.

On the boulder, the divine fire was beating, and his figure sitting cross-legged was blurry. Only the terrifying breath flowed in the deep mountains. In the area of ​​a hundred miles around, not even animals or birds appeared, and they had already retreated hundreds of miles away. .

The extremely strange aura and the radiance flashing all over the body are intimidating, as if a demon god is practicing here.

Not long after, a sharp figure appeared, they were coming from the other side of the mountain range.

Everyone has a monstrous Blood Qi, and the wild blood boils in their bodies like Wang Yang. If you take out any one, you can be called a generation of genius, and they are all the inheritors of the strongest Bloodline and Talent.

After arriving at the top of the mountain, they showed great caution and were in awe of the shadow on the boulder.

"How?" asked the man sitting cross-legged in the flames.

"The traces of Fairy Yuechan have been found. In the Fire Kingdom, we are looking for the remains left behind by the ancient bamboo bird Nirvana." One of them returned.

"Fetching water from a bamboo basket was in vain. Could it be that Fairy Yuechan didn't know that someone got there first?" the figure on the boulder said calmly.

"The situation has been clearly seen, but with that old slave by the fairy's side, we can't take action. The Realm must at least be in Venerable." They didn't succeed, they just gave him some true facts.

"He's just an old servant, nothing to be afraid of."

There was no ripple in his plain aura, but mysterious power was contained in it, revealing incomparable confidence.

"But if you do this, you will definitely create a big feud with Butian Sect, and you will be in endless trouble!" One person said boldly, trying to persuade him.

The other few people changed their minds because of this, fearing that the wrath of thunder would fall from above their heads. The will and determination of the superiors were never doubted and could be reversed by one person.

The voice on the boulder was not angry, but still said calmly: "It's just a spirit body, you don't have to worry, just destroy the real spirit inside after catching it.

It was said in a relaxed manner, but the others were frightened when they heard it.

And their plan is also very simple, which is to disintegrate the core discipline of the hostile sect and reduce its strength bit by bit, so that it cannot keep up with other geniuses, naturally.

Of course, this is also the best way not to provoke a big dispute.

"By the way, have you met them? Judging from the time, they should be back." At this moment, another young man changed the topic.

In order to succeed in their plan, they divided their forces into multiple directions.

One side is looking for the whereabouts of the fairy, and then using a trap in secret, the other side is looking for the location of the Supreme God.

"Alas, they are already dead." The man on the big rock said indifferently, he had already sensed it.

"How is this possible? Could it be that I encountered Thousand Year? It's impossible." Several people were quite surprised.

From their understanding of each other, the other pair not only had a large number of people, but they were all good players, but they lacked strength, and they were fighting as a team. If they had not encountered some old monsters, they would never have died quietly.

Even if you meet them, you still have the ability to protect yourself, which is absolutely impossible.

"The surprise is yet to come. Not only did he die, he was also beheaded. He must have met a stronger opponent." The man continued.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's hearts were no longer calm. What kind of strong man could easily cut off his head? Could it be someone more powerful than Thousand Year old monster?

But there are only a handful of such people in the entire wilderness, and their identity can be inferred from the traces and the shape of their hands.

"The children in the domain, those natives who have been promoted!"

After getting this news, these people changed their minds. The fact that such a person existed here not only shocked them, but also gave them the courage to take revenge.

"Maybe he was too careless and too full of arrogance. In the end, he was beheaded. It's really sad."

"But it doesn't matter, you guys bring him back. If this person is in the domain as our chess piece, he will be of great use in the future." The man continued.

"Don't worry, sir, even if you don't tell me, we will capture him!" One person's voice was thunderous, and he was very angry.

"Be careful in everything, don't look at their ways, and don't forget that this is their place after all." The man reminded him and continued to practice.

Several weird teenagers left one after another, shaped like thunder, shattering vegetation wherever they passed, and the aura of death exuding from their bodies was definitely not ordinary.

Not long after, the shadow on the boulder stood up again, and the aura it exuded was like a wave that could swallow mountains and rivers.

On the other side, thousands of miles away, Huang Hao not only captured those few people alive, but also disintegrated their psychological defenses bit by bit in front of them.

A large number of treasures were all harvested, and this battle was very fruitful. .

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