Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Chapter 554: The More You Fight, The Braver You Become

Under Cao Ye's careful observation, there were actually some hidden details that he had never noticed.

After careful sensing, there seemed to be crystal light hidden behind one stone door after another, faintly shining, and what was carved on it turned out to be a humanoid pattern, although it was very blurry and not complete.

The smaller half of her body looks very beautiful, without any flaws. She looks like a beauty walking out of the painting, with ice-white hands, as if she is really appearing in front of her eyes.

Cao Ye has also guessed that the things sensed from the stone door, no matter whether they are monsters or monsters, are basically powerful creatures hidden behind the door, and the souls of strong men with hands at the bottom of the pass.

"It's better to go in and have a look, or we'll end up fighting again." Huang Hao has already thought about it. After seeing the humanoid spirit body clearly, he wants to continue to fight out of curiosity and the unfinished fighting spirit. .

"Then you have to think clearly. If something goes wrong, the master will not take care of you. Even if you die in battle, I will not help.

Huang Hao was confident. He nodded and pushed open the stone door.

The ancient and vicissitudes of life rushed to my face. The environment inside was still very quiet, but it was a bit too quiet.

As expected, there was also a gladiatorial arena inside, with dried blood like layers of black paint. However, there were no traces of the beasts walking around, and it was extremely quiet.

"There seems to be something, you have to be careful."

Cao Ye was sweating in the bottom of his heart. In fact, he was often afraid of the unknown. He might not know what would come out in a while. Of course, he would be shocked when he appeared.

Huang Hao was also shocked and leaned back.

Soon, he saw a familiar large object that he had seen at the bottom of the sea in The Three Realms.

At this moment, a wisp of breeze passed by, and a small boat slowly appeared from the edge of the field of vision. It was completely dark, like a folded black boat.

The legendary ghost ship actually appeared here!

When they met again, Huang Hao was immediately nervous. He returned to his old place, but he was no longer the same person as before. Although he was shocked and overwhelmed, he had a strong desire for knowledge and challenge, and he also wanted to know the origin of this small boat.

Before I had time to think about it, the black paper boat the size of my palm suddenly shone brightly, as if there were stars from the Milky Way hanging down from it.

Seeing this, Huang Hao frowned, his hair stood on end, and he became alert. It seemed that a powerful force was approaching him step by step, and a heart-wrenching risk shrouded the entire arena.

The light of the Milky Way, as well as the hot rune, fell in sheets like goose feathers and heavy snow. In the blink of an eye, the arena had turned into another world, with endless roars of gods and demons, horrible sounds, and black Shadow, normally you are in that starlight, and you seem to be trying to kill him again.

I don't know how many treasures are contained in that little paper boat, and the power of the impact is simply endless.

I saw that little black paper boat wandering in the void, teetering on the edge, and scattering fragments of light all over the sky. Even the fragments contained extremely powerful power [terrifying to the extreme.

At this moment, Huang Hao was in a situation that was too weird and too understandable. He was caught in a bloody fight and had no choice but to take action with all his strength. The vast and endless power was coming from all directions, as if he was fighting against thousands of powerful people. They fight together to the death.

Not long after, the rune turned into an endless Galaxy Cluster. The black boat rode the wind and waves, constantly throwing fragments of power downwards, leaving Huang Hao below unable to parry for a while, and fell into a bitter battle as soon as he appeared.

But in the end, the starlight suddenly disappeared, and the black paper boat floated away slowly, as if disappearing into the void.

Huang Hao breathed heavily, recalling what had just happened, and looking at the current scene again, it seemed different from before, and it made him puzzled.

I had no choice but to walk to the deepest part of the arena with many questions. I saw the stone wall with pictures and text similar to those of the stone gate, but there was something more in the picture and text. A pair of white palms, which looked like women. There is a small paper boat folded in the palm of the hand, which falls on the Galaxy Cluster. There are two big words written on it, hope.

The meaning contained in it made him puzzled, and he thought about it for a long time.

At the same time, as soon as the glow flashed across, the picture in front of me suddenly became blurry, and there was actually a road behind the wall.

I don’t know where the path leads, but the picture in front of Huanghao’s eyes (hao Zhao’s) changed from blurry to clear, as if I had fallen into the long river of time, walked through a period of history and experience that did not belong to my own, and landed in my mind at the end Two more words appeared in it, backtracking.

I can't understand or understand, I feel a little helpless.

*`~Maybe it’s some of the feelings expressed by senior over the long years. Don’t think too much. At least senior has given you hope. With this belief in your heart, you can be invincible when facing the battle in the sky. "

In fact, Cao Ye didn't understand the deep meaning and just explained it simply.

But both the master and the disciple knew clearly that the person who left these four words was the master who built all of this. .

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