In the deepest part of the arena, a pair of terrifying eyes revealed a crazy killing aura, coming like a tide.

"Ancient purebloods, be careful." Cao Ye warned.

Obviously, it was just a warm-up, and the final showdown has just begun.

Huang Hao also sounded the alarm in his heart, and now he is not only ready, but also in a state like a wild beast. If he hadn't come from the human race, he would really not be able to tell the state of a person at this moment.

In fact, he has killed the jackals and the phantom spirits of the beasts now, but at the last moment, he must not be careless, otherwise everything will be in vain.

Not long after, a large, barefooted man with white hair appeared, extremely brave and tens of feet tall, like a moving mountain peak. He took over the entire arena as soon as he appeared.

Heavy footsteps came step by step, and the arena was trembling with each step. A majestic killing momentum swept across the entire arena.

Zhuyan Ape!

The inheritor of the ancient Bloodline, with bursts of roars, a white figure came with an atmospheric impact, raising his huge fists like a heavy hammer with a violent aura, and the steel-like power rune swept through the world, Leave those who are recruited with nowhere to escape.

Such a violent aura is simply unstoppable!

A ferocious beast with a terrifying physique, even in the ancient times, it was the overlord of one party, so how could others dare to provoke it.

Huang Hao was breathing heavily, the blood in his veins was boiling. He advanced instead of retreating, and also raised his fists to strike.

Such fierceness made Cao Ye break into a cold sweat outside the arena.


I saw a huge white shadow and a weak human figure colliding in the air. The fierce collision reverberated.

Huang Hao's fist burst out with thunderous power, and its speed was even faster, like ten thousand golden snakes swimming back and forth, looking for the vitals of the big vicious beast.

The big ferocious beast covered its points with its face and bombarded them wildly.

On the surface, Huang Hao seems to have used his own tactics to entangle his opponent and seems to have the upper hand. However, the big beast has the advantage of Innate, and its physical strength is not comparable to the growth of the human race.

You must know that Zhuyan Ape is a powerful and ferocious beast, and the one in front of you is not a phantom, but a pure-blooded creature from the ancient times.

In addition, the big guy has seventy-two changes. He is not just a brainless beast. This is also the reason why he was able to dominate one side during that chaotic period.

Cao Ye paid attention to all this, but his apprentice knew best that Huang Hao, with his passion and tenacity, was already as powerful as this big guy.

If you can win, I believe a great opportunity will come. Of course, the prerequisite is to win.

Soon enough, a pair of giant white fists struck down, like two pillars of heaven, hitting Huang Hao's Heavenly Spirit.

For a moment, golden light suddenly appeared, and the arrogance of being unique in the world was overwhelming.

Huang Hao's fists also shone with dazzling thunder and lightning. At that moment, he seemed to have turned into a thunder god. The thunder lights intertwined together, causing the space to distort, which was terrifying and inexplicable. It was as if those giant thunder god fists came from the distant unknown. The times are coming, deterring the world!

Bang bang bang...

The two big hands collided, the space continued to collapse, and the sound of explosions resounded in the ears.

0…Please give me flowers 00

Huang Hao and the big guy were in a stalemate for a long time, but they couldn't do anything to him.

The more he fought, the more frightened he became, and the more he fought, the more difficult he became.

This is the first time he has encountered such a powerful opponent. Although he does not want to admit it, the opponent is indeed the strongest Zhu Qing he has ever encountered.


With a roar, the big man's body suddenly became huge, like a giant beast. The terrifying power squeezed the surrounding space and deformed it, as if The next moment would break.


Huang Hao's body flew up and fell hard outside the ring. There were wounds on his body, some places were torn out, and his body was stained red with blood.

Huang Hao wiped the blood from his mouth, and his eyes became more determined. There was a blazing fire in the depths of his eyes, and his face was so red that it seemed like blood could drip out.

This is an extreme challenge, this challenge is his peak battle.


A low roar rippled through the space, as if at this moment, the power of heaven and earth gathered around the body of this big ferocious beast, and a black mist filled the air and enveloped it.

At this moment, Huang Hao saw this scene clearly, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he could feel the strong and unparalleled meaning of death covering his whole body.

That black mist seemed to contain the profound meaning of Death and the meaning of destruction, which was terrifying!

Huang Hao knew that the power of this thing must not be underestimated. Otherwise, once it falls into it, I am afraid that it will stay in it forever and never come out. Even the reincarnation of Samsara will not be zero. .

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