A few days later, the nutrients in the water were exhausted, and the size of the Supreme bone in Huang Hao's body remained the same, as before, and the sound of chanting scriptures kept echoing in his ears.

He sat silently on the stone plate, frowning tightly, wanting to push the power of Supreme's bones to show its profound meaning.

But what followed was a burst of severe pain, which made him feel chest tightness, and the unbearable breath was overwhelming, as if a force was about to burst out at any time.

His aura became more and more stable, the true energy in his body was circulating, and waves of air rolled continuously, like waves, slapping on the boulder, making the stone creak, as if it was about to be unbearable up.

No, I have to find a place to try it. What the hell is going on?

Huang Hao's eyes flickered for a moment, and he looked at a huge protruding boulder not far away. The boulder was ten feet high and about five meters high. It was covered with gravel, which looked very Dilapidated, I don't know why it exists here.

This power still needs a lot of time to get used to, and it is not difficult to master. Huang Hao also realized that the Supreme Valley is just a trip and it is not complete. If you want to fully show it, there are too many things that don’t fit. Never get around problems.

A smile appeared on the corner of Huang Hao's mouth, then he closed his eyes, and began to push Supreme's bone strength to practice again.

Everything is back to normal.

Not long after, the rune on Huang Hao's forehead disappeared, and his eyes slowly opened. He felt that his current power seemed to have reached a critical point, and he might break through at any time.

A faint golden glow appeared on his body again. This golden glow was released from the bones, exuding a metallic texture, but it didn't have the slightest sharpness, but a soft feeling.

0......seeking flowers......

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huang Hao let out a few long breaths, his face was slightly pale, sweat dripped from his forehead, and his body was drenched layer by layer.

Of course, this kind of skill, Huang Hao is only the superficial research, after all, his Realm has just reached the extreme state.

I don't know how long it took, Huang Hao slowly felt that the feeling of his soul returning to his body, and everything he experienced just now was too dangerous, although he couldn't fully understand it, but now he has transcended everything. .


The piercing pain kept rising and falling in his chest, as if trying to split his soul, making his spiritual power sluggish.

He slowly exhaled a mouthful of turbid air, and his face returned to normal, but he looked a little weak.

Before urging the power of Supreme's bones, Own's body was almost split apart. If he pushed it forcibly, it would be another adventure.

At this time, the size of the Supreme bone changed again, gradually shrinking from the size of a fist, and finally turned into the size of a palm.

That's weird, why do you feel this way?

However, Huang Hao's soul is persevering and fearless, and he has been constantly trying to change the current situation through other methods from beginning to end.

A series of runes appeared behind his back, and then turned into a series of golden lines, sinking into his mind.

At this time, Huang Hao opened his eyes again, and an invisible force condensed around him, forming a golden shield, covering him inside.

He felt that the power in his body had not only increased, but also had an inexplicable aura, as if he could communicate with this continent, as if he was the master of this sky, every move, every word, had a great meaning majesty and arrogance.

Terrifying power continued to emanate from his body, like an invisible giant hammer hitting the floor, shaking non-stop, the whole boulder trembled, and the dust on it was flying


He stood up, moved his muscles and bones, his whole body was full of vitality, and his body also underwent tremendous changes.

This is a mysterious method of Supreme Bone Power, a defensive technique developed by Huang Hao based on the practice of Supreme Bone. Only when there is a shield around the body, can the protection of his own safety be stronger. In order to be able to achieve the greatest degree of protection, will not be injured.

He jumped up and landed on the boulder, Huang Hao sat in the Lotus Position and closed his eyes.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huang Hao took a few deep breaths, sensed the turbulent Qi and blood in his body, and felt the incomparably abundant power. He felt that his own strength was stronger than before.

Sweat beads also appeared on Huang Hao's forehead, the beads of sweat flowed down his cheeks to his chin, and finally dripped to the ground, making a pattering sound, which sounded especially strange in this silent night.

Then it was blown into the air again.

A dazzling golden light bloomed from Huang Hao's body, making him look like a golden man.

Originally, his skin was dark and hot like magma, but now it exudes a faint luster, as white and crystal clear as jade, and there is a trace of tiny pores on his body

Although these pores are small, they emit a wonderful ripple on the surface of his body, making his skin more radiant.

Is it finally about to break through?


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