Huang Hao's aura became stronger and stronger, from an ordinary body cultivator to an innate body, his skin began to become transparent, his figure became more slender and straight, full of a kind of masculine domineering.

And the center of his brows also began to change slightly. There was a small imprint between the brows originally, but now the imprint has become larger, and it has become like a ball of flames.

call ~

Huo Ling'er took a deep breath, and felt that her own soul had been sublimated at the deepest level. Every inch of skin and every inch of bone on her body was full of vitality, as if she was a living person.

She raised her hand to touch Own's forehead, and found that there was a small flame on his forehead.

She suddenly widened her eyes and was extremely surprised. This was the first time such a strange scene had happened.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but she seems to have felt some subtle changes, as if a little bit of power has entered Own's mind. Although these powers are not real energy, they make her feel very warm and very comfortable .

Huang Hao opened his eyes, his pupils turned pure gold, as bright as a golden star, he looked at Huo Ling'er, his eyes sparkled with excitement.

My strength has increased a lot, what's going on? Huo Ling'er asked suspiciously.

Huang Hao smiled and said: Have you forgotten your own physique? It is not just a sacrifice, not just a baptism, it is a gift from heaven and earth, we just need to absorb them.

A gift from heaven and earth?

Huo Ling'er murmured, her eyes filled with joy.

This feeling is really great, as if I have obtained some kind of Talent, this is an indescribable feeling, as if everything is in order, without any hindrance.

It seems that something strange has entered into own mind, and my mind seems to have been sublimated.

I seem to... I seem to have realized something, what kind of realization is this?

Huo Ling'er fell into deep thought.

Her mind has surpassed the age of a hundred years old, but she is still not a child. She always has an expectation for the unknown, looking forward to finding a solution by herself.

Don't think about it, this kind of opportunity is not available to everyone, only you and I can have this opportunity, this is a godsend opportunity, you should cherish it.

Seeing that Huo Ling'er was lost in thought, Huang Hao said hastily.


Huo Ling'er nodded lightly, the color in her eyes flashed away.

Don't you have something to tell me? Huang Hao asked

"Today's matter, you are not allowed to mention it to others."!"

Hearing this, Huang Hao was speechless for a moment.

But at the next moment, something happened again, his chest suddenly glowed, and the astonishing power moved the heavens and the earth. Cao Ye, who was protecting him, couldn't help him for a while. Yes, it all depends on his own Good Fortune.

Not long after, the red light beams began to shatter like rubble, and slowly merged into his chest, endlessly.

At the same time, the golden Lotus flower in the pool began to wither rapidly, and the golden juice poured into his chest like a river, and the power of divine light merged into it.

Such majestic power seemed to be swallowed by one bite, and such a thrilling scene happened right in front of my eyes.

The red liquid in the pool boiled rapidly, rushing in like a mad dragon, and soon a round of today's light appeared on his chest.

At this moment, Huang Hao's heart was surging, the feeling of power and the desire for power made him both excited and almost lost his composure, he raised his head to the sky and roared like a wild beast.

The Supreme bone that was taken away, originally belonging to own flesh and blood, will finally be reshaped one day, whether it is lost or taken away, it will be revived at this moment.

In the next instant, Huang Hao felt that Own's chest became extremely itchy, as if something was about to come out of the teacher's body.

Fate is ill-fated, the journey is extremely short and full of thorns, countless images frantically flashed in his mind, and the thick sparks ignited again.

Witnessed by Cao Ye, Huang Hao's body is crystal clear, especially in the chest area, as if a hot fire has been planted like the sun, the menstrual blood in the body is also spinning rapidly, the power is gathering and reshaping together The bones of the body gradually took shape.

It is no longer like before, just constructing the outline of the bone (de Zhao's) head, and in the end it is just a virtual body, this time it is completely different.

The process of Nirvana is rebirth, but this is only left over from the rebirth of Vermillion Bird Nirvana, it is not complete, but it is sufficient, and its most essential part has been perfectly absorbed by Huangji.

To this day, Huang Hao's Cultivation Base strength and physique perfectly fit the scene at this moment. He is still crazily devouring and absorbing crazily, spinning quickly and sinking into the golden vortex in front of his chest.

Accompanied by a burst of great pain, the pain made his heart and lungs tear apart, and in the pain penetrated the bone, Huang Hao's body shook continuously, and there was the sound of bones cracking inside his body, but the divine light all over his body became more intense splendid. .

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