Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Chapter Five Hundred And Fortieth Death Is Strong

Although this method cannot be compared with the Kunpeng treasure technique, it is also a Supernatural Power technique after all. The efficiency of cultivation is naturally higher than the Kunpeng treasure technique, and the understanding of Supernatural Power is even deeper than the Kunpeng treasure technique.

One day, two days, half a month...

In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed, and Huang Hao's Cultivation Base has been completely consolidated.

When the master and apprentice opened their eyes again, a miraculous scene happened again.

The flow of time has slowed down, and it is the same as when I was in the Divine Palace before. It is obvious that more than half a year has passed, but in fact it is only a day or two in the past. In contrast, the space-time structure in Realm is still Much better than the Divine Palace.

It's too late to be surprised, it's just a comment just now.

Under the guidance of the master, I walked slowly to the second giant pillar in two years, raised my head and looked at Insight for a long time, and the sound of chanting sutras filled my ears from time to time.

This feeling made him a little surprised. He looked up at the starry sky, but he couldn't see the color of starlight, but a faint golden luster, shining above Own's head.

However, Huang Hao relaxed wholeheartedly. He no longer has any worries about the future battle. With the blessing of the Vermillion Bird treasure, he believes that he will not leave any regrets in that peak duel.

Soon Huang Hao was ups and downs, always in a state of ecstasy that made him unable to extricate himself, but in Cao Ye's view, this was entering a state of bitter enlightenment, a brand new cultivation situation.

Sometimes he remained still for several days and nights without moving, and sometimes he jumped up into the sky suddenly, like a bird in the sky, wishing to show a domineering arrogance in the sky, as if he could break through the sky in the clear river. The top of the sky, the momentum of obtaining the Fa and proving the Tao.

It’s just the Vermillion Bird’s four-strike combo, not all of them. It contains a lot of secrets. The secrets contain endless Vermillion Bird runes, and the power evolution of the fire attribute. Only when the Ancient God was enlightened can such a legacy be left. Even if someone obtains this method, it is estimated that it will be difficult to fully understand it.

However, Huang Hao is not among ordinary people. The more difficult and dangerous, the more exciting he is, and his energetic state has surpassed my previous performance.

It seems that this road of practice with taboos is tailor-made for Huang Hao. When he is strong, he is strong; when he is weak, he is weak. Everything he has experienced in front of him can only be supported by a strong physical body. Huang Hao never worried about the problem.

In order to speed up the efficiency, Cao Ye took out a few Magical Items, and a beautiful melody came out from inside, resounding through the entire void, Huang Hao soared into the air, spreading his limbs, as if he was a Vermillion Bird flying with wings, his movement was even stronger It is agile, and has reached the ability to shoot down Nine Heavens Star.


After a loud noise, the overbearing arrogance spread in all directions.

The scorching waves, like one after another red mad dragon, surrounded Huang Hao's whole body, and the flames shone brightly on his body.

He just (ajec) passed across the sky, and the several Magic Treasures standing in front of and behind him were instantly shattered, and the air was reduced to nothing, and the falling ashes could not even be seen

It's just a preliminary test, the power is so amazing.

Cao Ye couldn't help but marvel at Huang Hao's progress.

Moreover, he still has many things that he has yet to try, such as fire-type spells, wood-type cultivation techniques, earth-type cultivation techniques, wind-type cultivation techniques, the power of thunder, and water-type cultivation techniques. Even the power of thunder and lightning and the power of ice cold have not yet been displayed.

In this way, how far will Huang Hao's strength reach?

Presumably, it shouldn't be worse than yourself, right?

Cao Ye is not sure, because Huang Hao's Talent is too monstrous, and in his own memory, there is no genius who can compare with him.

Moreover, Cao Ye also found that after returning this time, the speed of own cultivation seems to have slowed down. Although it has not stagnated, it is no longer as fast as before.

He didn't know why, but he kept guessing in his heart whether it was Huang Hao's reason. After all, Huang Hao's strength was there, even in the outside world, he was the top existence.

But he didn't have time to think about it, because he still had more things to do.

First of all, to find other Supernatural Power or treasures left by Vermillion Bird, and second, to find some precious materials to make a top-quality spiritual weapon, so that Huang Hao can also have a companion weapon that belongs to his own.

Afterwards, it is to continue to practice, break through the extreme realm with the fastest speed, and perfectly comprehend two different peerless Supernatural Powers in my heart.

Once he has completed the Cultivation Technique, he will have a real killing skill, and he will be able to fight any enemy he encounters, "Even if he faces those high rank masters, he is also qualified to fight every day.

Subtly, Cao Ye, who was standing by the side, was not only a spectator, but also entered a rather strange state under the influence of Huang Hao. Feeling, with a new understanding. .

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