Huang Hao's strength is improving step by step.

At this time, a sentence suddenly appeared in his mind: One sword breaks Wanfa, one sword cuts the universe.

This sentence is exactly a formula that Cao Ye often said, and I don't know if it is a coincidence or there is some kind of connection in the dark.

An hour passed, and Huang Hao was still standing firmly on the ring, while Raptor was covered in bruises.


The bird of prey was punched by Huang Hao and fell to the ground, covered in blood.


The bird of prey roared, as if it had been greatly humiliated, stood up again, and walked towards Huang Hao step by step, the breath on its body became more violent, as if it was about to go crazy.

What's the matter with this bird of prey? Is it because my swordsmanship is too powerful?

Looking at the scene in front of him, Huang Hao was a little confused.


The raptor attacked Huang Hao again, this time even more ferociously than before, as if wanting to vent 09's inner anger.

Facing the attack of the raptor, Huang Hao did not panic at all.

He stepped forward, holding the long sword with both hands, and waved a burst of dazzling brilliance, sending the raptor flying away.



"This is the first time I have encountered such a difficult guy, and it is still illusory. If it is a real beast, it is really difficult to parry."

The quality and extent of this battle, I believe that the powerhouse who set up all these, never expected that the entire arena will be wiped out.

"I'm right, you kid has always been lucky." Cao Dian sighed.


Because of this, Huang Hao's methods have changed in different ways, but in Cao Ye's view, he has already used the strongest Secret Technique, if he still loses or can't get a bargain, he can do nothing.


Huang Hao didn't dare to be careless, he raised his sword to meet him, the long sword collided with the sharp blade, sparks burst out, and a strong wave of air spread out, Huang Hao's body trembled, and he couldn't help but retreated a few steps.


Huang Hao walked up to the first pillar, and looked at the aura of flames, with red rays of light gushing out, and at the very top there was a little Vermillion Bird looking like a small Vermillion Bird volleying in the air

The risk is over and the challenge is over.

After all, the raptor lost to Huang Hao and was sent flying, but at this time, the raptor also went completely mad, one force after another was released from its body, turning into beams of light, spreading towards the surroundings.

No matter how you say it, this is also a difficulty for the ancient creatures not to come down, and it was broken by a fledgling kitten head, and it was broken so thoroughly.


The raptor turned over and pulled out a long knife from its back. There was a chill on the blade, which made people feel afraid.

Although the attack of the raptor was powerful, but it was huge in stature and was seriously injured. For a while, it had no choice but to get Huang Hao.

Huang Hao was hit by the raptor again.

Time and time again, the birds of prey continue to attack crazily, regardless of everything else. Although Huang Wu was knocked into the air again and again, his face showed no fear, his eyes shone with determination, and he continued to attack with birds of prey.

The bird of prey seemed to be stimulated, and rushed towards Huang Hao again, spreading its wings, and bursts of hurricanes swept out, with a strong attraction "wanting to pull Shuli's body

Huang Hao wiped off his sweat, but his heart was still a little empty, it was too thrilling.

At this moment, in the wilderness here, only Huang Hao was left with his heavy panting and beating heartbeat. It took an unknown amount of time before it slowly calmed down.

Cao Ye also saw through everything. The strong who set up the checkpoint never thought of setting up an upper limit. That is to say, once 870 enters the black arena, there will not only be winners and losers, but winners and losers.

Huang Hao's body trembled, and he counteracted the attractive force, and then rushed forward again, waving the long sword in his hand, one after another brilliant light flew out of his hand, and started a fierce fight with the raptor.

The handwriting is domineering, and you can feel it through the symbols. The divine power exuded by the person who once wrote the pen, the sense of oppression is enough to suffocate.

Huang Hao was panting and sweating profusely. This battle made him extremely happy. Although a lot of energy was consumed and the battle took a long time, it was only when he met his opponent that the bitter battle became more meaningful.


Huang Hao stepped forward, and there were several huge pillars in front of him, each of which had a small chapter engraved on it.



"Hurry up and accept the award, don't be dumbfounded."

It was the first time for him to reveal all his family assets as soon as he came up, and he was almost doomed.

Huang Hao's figure left a few afterimages on the spot, knocking the raptors away one by one.


Stillness is not static and dynamic, it is very magical. .

The black arena completely disappeared, "The ten cuts also dissipated.

Although the raptor's attack was sharp, Huang Hao was able to deal with it perfectly. With a single swing of the sword, the raptor vomited blood and fell back.

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