"This?" Huang Hao was a little excited. It seemed a little too easy for a scripture to be clearly displayed in front of him.

Everything that happened was unusual, as if everything was preordained somewhere, and they just had to travel together.

As for the difficulties and dangers that Huang Hao and Xiao Hong fantasized in their minds, they can only gain something after going through ninety-nine or eighty-one difficulties. Ancient scriptures.

The big red clock is still roaring, and the twinkling runes are brighter than the starlight, covering the Realm, which is quite mysterious.

And this kind of feeling made Cao Ye, who is outstanding in Cultivation Base, feel a little uneasy and too chaotic.

The crimson rune on the high platform was instantly disillusioned, and after a while, the scriptures on it flowed in front of the eyes with different spectrum symbols, and the aura of the Dao permeated it.

As soon as Huang Hao stepped forward, he was locked by a huge force, and was pushed back abruptly.

"I have heard that this scripture is very special, and it needs to be opened by a selected person. It cannot be opened by force. Sit cross-legged under the high platform, listen with your ears and feel with your heart. As for how much you can get, it all depends on your personal goodness. It's fortune." Huo Ling'er explained.

Hearing this, Huang Hao sighed. It is obvious that this scripture is a sacred object of the Fire Clan. Since it is a thing of the clan, I believe that he probably does not have the so-called fate and luck, or only luck but not fate.

"Then go and have a try, I will defend for you!" Cao Dian signaled.

Huo Ling'er nodded silently, and took a step forward, but the result was the same. She was also blocked by an inexplicable force, but she was not repelled. Instead, she sat down with her legs crossed, and directly merged with the harmonious sound of the scriptures. together.

"Try it like me, and there shouldn't be any problem." Huo Ling'er turned her head and signaled Huang Hao to make the same choice.

Seeing that the same is the case with the master, Huang Haoze imitated Linger's movements, sat under the high platform, closed his fluttering eyes, and felt the disturbing sound of scriptures, so he wanted to take a look. , whether you can hear the true meaning of it.

It's a pity that the deafening sound is still loud, but I can't hear the mystery contained in the chanting sound. It takes time and I can't distinguish the divine power inside. I just feel that I am trapped in the big bell, only the loud sound ringing, lingering in his mind.

I don't know how long it has passed, but his heart is still unable to be as calm as water, and there is no gain. On the other hand, Huo Ling'er has already settled down, his demeanor is like water, like a sculpture, like a solemn and inviolable goddess, holy and peaceful, and his way is hazy The light intertwined on his body surface, forming a protective force that can be seen.

On the other side, Cao Ye walked slowly, swimming slowly around the entire layout of this place, observing carefully, especially the ancient scriptures that could not be opened, he didn't think that anyone who was not a member of the Fire Clan inheritance could open it. Yes, among them, the understanding and feeling of the secret method, as long as you put your heart into it, no matter what kind of luck Good Fortune is, the pool is the embodiment of strength.

Looking at Huang Hao, Cao Ye murmured in his heart, but it's hard for own baby apprentice.

If you can share a cup of the sweetness of own in the inheritance left by Vermillion Bird, it doesn't matter. The various hardships and thorns encountered in the road ahead are actually a way to sharpen yourself and practice.

Time passed quickly. Three days later, Huo Ling'er opened her eyes, but she didn't see how much her Spirit Power was consumed. Instead, it was full like a spring, and it was about to overflow. On her body that was as white as jade, dense red symbols appeared. It seems to be a small gain.

"Sure enough, it's just like what my father said, as long as you can listen to the true meaning, you can get different opportunities and Good Fortune. It's amazing!"

Huo Ling'er's eyes were full of joy, and his whole body was in a state of excitement. He got two great opportunities one after another, which made his spirit and spirit have improved by leaps and bounds, achieved a qualitative change, and laid a solid foundation .

"`||How are you, kid? Did you eat a turtle?" Cao Ye asked with his head down.

The bitter boy shook his head and said: "Master, I can't listen to it at all, it's like playing the piano to a cow, and the disciple is that cow.

Turning his head, Huang Hao stretched out his hand, and said: "Why don't you share some of the Fire Clan's rune inheritance with me, I don't need to live with the one that is too advanced."

"Hey, you really have a thick skin!" Huo Ling'er (Wang Wangzhao) naturally knew that if he wanted to participate in the fruit here, the inheritance of the Huo Clan's profound meaning was indispensable, but no matter what he said, the kid in front of him was an outsider after all. , Even if the relationship is as good as a relative, this rule cannot be broken.

"Don't be embarrassing, you kid has this luck, but if you don't have this Good Fortune, don't force it." Cao Dian said softly.

After Huo Ling'er thought about it, she felt that this was no secret anymore. Since the outsider had already entered the Holy Land of the Fire Nation, and even brought herself a princess of the Fire Nation, she had to repay this friendship no matter what. Everything only appears in a dream.

If it is said that Huang Hao is predestined but not part, then she herself is part part but not predestined, and the combination of the two can pick the fruits together. .

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