In the following days, Cao Ye led the way, adults, girls and a few young talents continued to explore the way for Huang Hao.

Look for huge magma lakes and rivers, look for powerful alien beasts in the area, and take divine substances or essences and spirits as supplies for cultivation to reach a new stage of breakthrough.

For a few days, Cao Ye worked as a master and as a nanny, but most of the time he played the role of a hunter, catching almost a thousand big fish, the golden juice was like the brilliant divine liquid, when all the essences were After being tempered.

All the results were swallowed by Huang Hao in one gulp, and the powerful power was refined extremely deeply, and after being integrated and flowing through the seven meridians and eight meridians, "Six Seven Three" continued to attack the higher Realm with this strange feeling.

This peaceful state made Huang Hao forget about the big battle a month later, he had no worries, no worries, no disturbances, no need to think about those useless things, and concentrated on improving his own strength.

The common and simple method may seem clumsy, but it can be done step by step, step by step to improve the practice and strength.

"The battle between the two sides has surpassed the ability of ordinary inscription Realm experts to deal with it. After the sky battlefield, it may be even more difficult to control." Huo Ling'er reminded, unable to bear the worry.

"I am no longer a stranger to him, and I am sure to win the next fight, so don't worry about me." Huang Hao replied.

In just a few days, Cao Ye has built an inexhaustible water reservoir for him. Huang Hao lived up to expectations and improved rapidly, but it was still difficult to break through the inscription Realm and surpass the next level in a short period of time. peak.

And Huang Hao's understanding of the inscription Realm has become more and more profound, enough to be integrated, and he is starting to make different new attempts.

Not long after, Huang Hao closed his eyes, his demeanor and his legs changed at this moment, it was different from before, and became serious.

His body shape began to change. With the flow of the divine light in his body, the control tended to be different. For a while, he transformed into a divine sword for cutting mountains and demons, for a while as steady as Mount Tai, he transformed into a golden tripod, and even transformed himself into a a furnace

Different postures have different effects. When transformed into an invincible sword, the aura of the whole person is as sharp as a sharp sword.

In the end, all the divine light was collected, and his mentality became closer and deeper, gradually concentrating, and began to build different spirits.

Not long after, a shining rune appeared between his brows, the scorching light was like that of a golden wheel, and finally a cyan light beam appeared, slowly becoming famous in the light group, followed by an Azure Dragon shape.

Although this image of the Azure Dragon is only a phantom, it is lifelike, as if it is real, giving people an indescribable sense of shock, as if it really came alive at that moment, exuding an earth-shattering coercion at this moment, cold The air is twisted by it.


As if something exploded, a strong ripple spread out from the rune and spread to the surroundings. Everything it passed was destroyed, including the Ten Thousand Year old tree, which was also directly crushed and turned into pieces. for dust.

But Huang Hao's expression was completely quiet, he didn't respond at all, he seemed not very satisfied with this rune.

Rune slowly hid on his body surface, and finally disappeared completely, and a smile appeared on his face, this time it succeeded!

Rune has become his natal rune, which means that he has completed half of his transformation, his natal rune has reached the extreme, it can be called the original rune, and at this moment

His physical strength strengthened again, and when he punched out, he was so powerful that even rocks thousands of miles thick would be crushed, let alone a mere space.

But now he didn't continue to try. After all, the Immortal Cave has not been opened here, so there is no need to make the Immortal Cave too far away. In this way, you don't have to worry about being disturbed when you are practicing.

Huang Hao walked to the stone table, put a stone into his mouth and chewed it, then swallowed it into his stomach, and suddenly a surging energy surged out from his Dantian.

This power is very huge, much stronger than the previous divine power. This energy bursts out from Dantian. It does not need to absorb the elements of heaven and earth to supplement it, nor does it need to consume divine power. Instead, it fills Dantian at this moment. It is full, and it is constantly increasing its strength.

If it continues to grow like this, I'm afraid it won't be long before the inscription Realm can be broken through, right? Huang Hao thought to himself.

That way, I can start breaking through the Glyph Realm.

With a thought in Huang Hao's mind, a trace of divine power 5.6 emerged from his body, and then merged into that crystal clear jade bead.

This is an extremely wonderful feeling, as if thousands of small fish have entered his body, and each small fish will swim quickly after entering his body, wherever it goes, where A series of small red dots are left behind, and the small red dots will expand rapidly, forming a combined pattern of small red dots. Some of these patterns are blurred, some are clear, and some are in his skin. Some are in his mind, some are in his bloodline, some are in his bones...

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